Our Visit To Balmulloch Library.

On Wednesday we spent the afternoon visiting Balmulloch Library. We met Nicola who tested us on our library knowledge. Nicola then showed us how to use the code cracker to look for Non- Fiction books, and we got to try it out for ourselves!   ” Looking for the Non-Fiction books was quite hard!” – Morgan Finally we got to choose a book to borrow from the library and were

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Our after school Cooking Club kicked off this week and wow we have some very talented chefs in Balornock!  Our club will run for the next three weeks. Each week the boys and girls will make a starter, main and desert and on the final week, they will invite a special guest along to serve and enjoy the meal they have prepared. This week we were making our tasty starter

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Internet Safety – Play Like Share

Your child’s online safety education this term This term your child’s class will be studying a unit of work based on Play Like Share, an animated series about online safety produced by Thinkuknow. Thinkuknow is an award-winning education programme from the National Crime Agency’s child protection command, CEOP. It aims to keep children safe from abuse, both online and off. Thinkuknow education resources are age-appropriate, non-scaremongering, and give children the

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Balornock Uniform Bank- Multi Jacket Swap Shop

BALORNOCK UNIFORM BANK Multi Jacket Swap Shop Bring in a child’s jacket and swap it for another Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th September 2017 2.30-3.00pm in Balornock Primary or Wednesday 27th September 2017 1.30-4.00pm at the Community Fellowship Northgate Road   Supporting Zero Waste Scotland’s Recycle Week Helping Balornock Primary School maintain their Eco Schools Scotland Green Flag Status  

Balornock Primary Rag Bag Appeal

Balornock Primary Rag Bag Appeal The ‘Rag Bag’ recycling scheme has been developed to provide regular fundraising for schools in Scotland. The scheme increases awareness about textile recycling and by increasing recycling rates we can help the environment by ensuring less material goes to landfill. We will be collecting in school from Tuesday the 26th of September 2017. Please fill the bag provided with any wearable clothing, paired shoes, handbags

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Energy and Fossil Fuels!

Our IDL topic this term is Climate Change and Global Warming . Today we tried to think of all the different things that use energy. There was so many, we could have gone on for hours! As a class we discussed what Fossil Fuels are. Oil, coal, and gas are fossil fuels which means that  they will eventually run out, and they produce C02 which impacts on Global Warming and Climate Change.

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P7a Become Teachers!

Over the past week, P7a have been looking at the differences between nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to help with our writing. We split up into different expert groups and came up with fun and creative ways to teach the rest of the class about each word type. The adjective group came up with a catchy rap! The adverb group made great posters and a quiz to test their classmates.

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Internet Safety

At Balornock Primary we want to ensure that all of our pupils are safe. As part of our Health and Wellbeing Curriculum we explore ways in which children can keep themselves safe online. As a school community we also want to ensure our parents and carers understand more about how to keep their children safe online. Please click on the red links below to access factsheets created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP)

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