Energy and Fossil Fuels!

Our IDL topic this term is Climate Change and Global Warming . Today we tried to think of all the different things that use energy. There was so many, we could have gone on for hours!

As a class we discussed what Fossil Fuels are. Oil, coal, and gas are fossil fuels which means that  they will eventually run out, and they produce C02 which impacts on Global Warming and Climate Change.







We  used lots of jackets to represent all the different gasses that heat up the earth’s atmosphere, making it hotter than before. We know that this causes ice caps to melt, prevents rain in hotter countries, and causes water levels to rise.

” The experiment with the jackets was so funny” – Ryan C

” I know how Greenhouse gasses get trapped in the earth’s atmosphere” – Tyler

“I was cold, then got really, really hot!” – Del


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