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Monday May 4th

Good morning P6!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy the sunshine yesterday!

Here are some tasks for today:

Maths- Some revision on fractions, decimals and percentages that we worked on last term

Literacy- your writing pieces that have been emailed to me have been incredible! Keep those imaginations working with another image today

Who is this man?

What is he working on?

Is it for good or evil?

What will happen once his creation is complete?

Music- Today is Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you) and I found this task all about the Star Wars theme that was set by another teacher and thought you guys would love it! Don’t worry if Star Wars isn’t your thing, the music is incredible and you really should listen to it.

Here’s the link to the main theme:


Tomorrow there will be a new guided reading posted so be sure to email me your answers to last week’s task set by Miss McCue.

Also, if you did complete the KWL grid for our new modern studies topic can you email me that too?

Have a magical day 🙂

Miss Webster


Friday May 1st

Good morning P6.

Happy Friday and welcome to May!

It was so lovely to see so many of you yesterday while I was out delivering your learning packs. Remember those are meant to last you a few weeks so don’t rush to complete everything all at once!

Now that you all have a device to access this blog from I want to give all of you your school email addresses. This means that you can all log in to leave comments on the blog and you can also email me work from your iPad. You will see that all of your passwords are the same at the moment but you can change it (so long as you make a note of what you change it to) the first time you try to use it. Hopefully now you guys will have way more chats in the comments with each other too!

Click on the pdf link below and find your name with your email next to it. The password is at the top of the page as it is the same for everyone.

p6 logins

Here are  the answers to yesterday’s quiz:



Here is a video of the lovely Miss Cohen showing you some cool science experiments you can try using things found around your house. Have a go, snap a photo and email me your results!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss you millions

Miss Webster 🙂

Thursday April 30th

Good morning P6!

Hope you’re all doing well.

Just a short post today as I am heading into school this morning to make up learning packs for you guys which we will arrange to get to your house at some point this afternoon.

Here’s a quiz about Glasgow, no cheating!

Email me your guesses and I’ll post the answers tomorrow

Looking forward to seeing some of you later today!

Miss Webster 🙂

Wednesday April 29th

Good morning P6.

Hope you’re all doing well and keeping busy. It’s a bit rubbish now that the sun has gone and it has been replaced but this does mean that you can do lots of fun things in the house (bet you can guess what that is for me- yup it’s cleaning!) without feeling like you’re missing out on those rays!

Here are some tasks for you to try today. Remember if you’re looking for other subjects or something different you can always go back and look at previous blog posts. I definitely do not expect you to do each task each day, so feel free to send me stuff from previous days posts.

Literacy- Guided Reading

We are going to continue our guided reading sessions once a week. Since this week is mental health focus week Miss McCue has very kindly found an amazing text that is full of helpful advice. She has also recorded herself reading the text along for you to follow along with and asking you the questions. Be sure to listen along as she offers you some good advice to answering the questions.

You should be able to zoom in to read the text without the image becoming blurry. If any of you are having trouble reading this then send me an email and I will happily send you the text separately.

Here are the questions:

Here is the link to Miss McCue’s fabulous commentary


Topic- Modern Studies.

We are going to start a new topic this term which is a Modern Studies focus. It is important to know what modern studies is as it is a class you will take regularly in high school. As with any new topic, I want to know what you already know about the subject.

We cannot get any more modern that what is going on in the world right now, so that will be our focus.

Here is Miss Cohen explaining the term Modern Studies for you:

Here is some more information for you, some questions about terms you already know relating to modern studies and a KWL for you to complete.

As always, email me anything you want me to see on

Have a lovely day

Miss Webster 🙂

Tuesday April 28th

Good morning P6!

Here are some tasks for you today:


Continuing on from our film literacy from yesterday, I want you to be an official film reviewer today. Film reviews are used for people to decide whether or not a film is worth their time watching. They are short, catchy and don’t give away any spoilers!

I want you to write a short film review of the film you are working on this week. Email me your final pieces and I will post them on tomorrow’s blog for others to read. You may inspire a classmate (or me!) to watch the film of your choice!

Things to consider:

  1. keep the plot basic. 3 sentences maximum. Remember you are not telling people the entire story, you are wanting to get the audience excited and eager to find out more by watching!
  2. Give it a rating, is it worth 5 stars?
  3. End your piece by describing the film in no more than 5 words. This will be memorable for your reader.
  4. Think about the best bits of the film, what did you love? What confused you? Did anything take you by surprise? Those are most likely going to be the parts that will most engage others.

Email me your reviews:


Here is some more revision work for you in the form of word problems. Remember to underline or highlight the key words in the problem to help you understand the type of function it issuing you to complete. For example, we all know the phrase ‘find the difference’ means that we have to subtract.

Health and Wellbeing-

We need to be looking after our mental health during this strange time. That means knowing how we are feeling and why we might be feeling that way, and what we can do to help. Everyone else in your house also has mental health that needs to be looked after and how you feel and behave can affect them, and likewise they can affect you.

I would like you to have a look at these sheets and think about how you are feeling. It is very natural to be feeling sad, angry, confused or worried at this time as this is something none of us have ever faced before and we are unsure of when this will all end! What matters is that you talk to someone about how you are feeling. That can be a family member in your house, a friend, or of course you can always email me.

You can fill these out or use them as talking points, and it is okay to feel sad or negative about this as we are discussing worries. Talking about worries will help you and the people around you to find out what can be done to help.

You are all doing an amazing job of staying safe and you should be very proud. I know I am.

Keep your chin up and feel free to send me any questions or discussion points you have about any of this.

Missing you loads

Miss Webster 🙂

Monday April 27th

Good morning P6.  Happy Monday. Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Today’s tasks:

maths- here are some mixed questions of the 4 operations for you to try. Remember you can lay them out in any way you choose.

literacy- This week I would like you to think about a film of your choice, something fictional that you can watch at your house. Watch it and answer the following questions. We will be focussing on film literacy all this week so be sure to choose a film you really enjoy and can write lots about!

1. who are the main characters?

2. where and when is the film set?

3. what is the basic plot of the film?

4. what are the most memorable moments of the film for you? What makes them so memorable?

you can comment your answers on the blog or email them to me.


Guess the teacher-

Here are the answers to the video I posted on Friday:

1. Miss Graham
2. Mrs Harker
3. Miss Kinloch
4. Mr Keddilty
5. Mrs Creevy
6. Mr Forshaw
7. Mrs McFadden
8. Mrs Dunnet
9. Miss Webster
10. Miss Milne
11. Mrs Crosby
12. Mrs Hunter Andreuccetti
13. Mrs Pattie
14. Mr Keddilty
15. Miss McCue
16. Mrs Higgins
17. Miss Forteith
18. Mrs Alexander
19. Mrs Rooney/ Mari!
20. Miss Bhatti
21. Mrs Henderson
22. Mrs Seery Mylet
23. Miss O’Donnell
24. Miss Brooks
25. Mr Corrigan
26. Mr B
27. Duncan
28. Miss Bull

Hope you got a laugh at the video. How many teachers did you get right?


Assembly- As with a normal Monday, here is your assembly brought to you by Mr Stewart and Mr Keddilty!

Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. If you have any questions or things you want to talk about remember I am always available over email.

Missing you lots!

Miss Webster



Friday April 24th

Happy Friday P6!

Can you believe we’ve made it to the end of the first week of term four?! You are all amazing!

It was so lovely to see so many of your gorgeous faces yesterday when I was out delivering iPads! I’m so happy to see how well you’re doing and how positive and smiley you all are!

Here’s Zara celebrating with me as she was my last delivery! (except for you Zayan, I’m coming by this afternoon!)

Hopefully now you guys will have more luck getting onto this blog to access your learning and chat to each other (and me of course!)

Here are a couple of fun tasks for you to try at home today.

P.E- The sun is glorious today so get out! Go on a family walk or play in your garden today if you can. Enjoy the rare Scottish sunshine.

If you ned more exercise, here’s a 60 second challenge for you:

Fun challenge- Here’s a video of a bunch of the St Albert’s staff as babies (I know, it’s so crazy to think we were kids too once upon a time!)

See if you can work out which baby picture is which teacher!

email me your answers- don’t put them in the comments cause your classmates may steal your answers 😛

There are 28 staff members photos to guess and I’ll post the answers on the blog on Monday

Have fun!

As always I’m reachable on my email if you have anything you want to ask about.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Webster 🙂

Thursday April 23rd

Good morning P6!

Today I will be calling home to see how you are getting on, listen out for your parents phone ringing!

Task- P.E

The St Albert’s Staff created a video to show you ways to keep fit at home. Turns out we have loads of gymnasts on staff, who knew?!

Can you recreate any of these?

I won’t be on the blog as much today as I’ll be too busy chatting away to your families, but am always available over email!

Have a lovely day!

Miss Webster 🙂

Wednesday April 22nd

Good morning P6 and happy Wednesday!

hope you’re all doing well.

here are a few more tasks for you. Remember you do not have to complete all of them, just what suits you and how you are feeling and will keep you busy. You can always go back to older blog posts and try those tasks if you like.

Maths- the start of the term means revision. Here are some addition and subtraction with carrying sheets for you to remind yourself how to complete. Remember that although these are presented like chimney sums you do not have to complete them this way. You can use your jotter or paper to complete the sum using any strategy you choose.

P.E- Mr Stewart found some awesome challenge cards to get you active. Why not try this and take a photo or video of you completing the challenge and send it to me.

Literacy- I got some incredible stories based on images I sent you before the break so I challenge you to some more!

Science- since today is Earth day NASA released a video to show how Earth day has evolved over the past 50 years. Check it out:


Finally, some hilarity from yesterday! Ahmed sent me these amazing photos of him going “back to school” 😂

I’ll be on the blog replying to comments for the rest of the morning and as always am available over email.

have a lovely day

Miss Webster 😊

Tuesday April 21st

Good morning P6.

Hope you’re all doing well.

Here are a few tasks for you today:

Maths-Remember to be using your Sumdog account as often as you can as this will really help to keep your mathematic brain going! I have seen some of your scores online and they are amazing, keep it up!

Riddles- Hubaib told me about a great Youtube channel called Brightside. It is full of brain tests, riddles and fun facts that are very interesting. Have a look at these two videos and try to solve the riddles. No cheating!

Remember if you are watching youtube videos to have your parents permission to do so.


Mrs Dunnet created an awesome word search using the names of the teachers in the school. Can you find them all? Screenshot me a picture of your completed search and email me!

I will be on the blog between now and 12.30 so if you have any questions or comments I’ll get back to you quickly!

Missing you

Miss Webster