Category Archives: Creativity

The Big History Project – Superb opportunity for Secondary Schools

We have been invited as a Nation to take part in a unique global educational development project – the Big History Project. The project fits well with the experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence, but the timeline is demanding. The Big History Project is funded by Bill Gates through Bill Gates Catalyst Three. This is a superb opportunity to be part of a global project that is cutting edge, showcases project-based learning and fits very well with Curriculum for Excellence.

The closing date for applications is Monday 5 March 2012 – successful applicants will be contacted by 7 March 2012.

To find out how to apply and get more information on the project, please visit:

Queen Anne High School Mural Participants

When Visit Dunfermline and Dunfermline Athletic Football Team set the task of developing a mural to enhance the entrance to the East (Away) Stand at East End Park, four Advance Higher Art students from Queen Anne High School jumped at the chance.
As Anna Ginnerup Strachan, Rachael Robertson, Emily Stewart and Caitlin Stewart are all also studying photography they decided that would be the best medium to use to produce their mural.
The result is a vibrant collection of scenes from some of the most famous landmarks in the town. Featuring the Abbey, City Chambers, the Palace and the Glen Gates topped off with three amazing flying Dragon Gargoyles, the finished project really captures the essence of Dunfermline!


Fife Science Festival: Historic Scotland

Terrible Trebuchets

and Menacing


Discover the science, technology and historybehind medieval warfare. What technology was

used to attack St Andrews Castle and how did it

work? Tour the castle then experiment with

working models of siege engines!

Science workshops for schools as part of Fife

Science Festival. St Andrews Castle, Fife, 8 & 9

March 2012. P4-P7 pupils. £2 per pupil; adults free.

To book a session contact Historic Scotland

Learning Services;

Tel: 0131 668 8736/8793



East End Park Mural Competition

Carnegie College Design and Digital Media students visited the home of Dunfermline Athletic Football Club to see their work installed on the wall of the east stand of East End Park. As part of their course work, their lecturer Colin Maxwell, asked the students to produce a graphic that they felt displayed the spirit of Dunfermline. The students chose to depict local heroes, past and present, who they felt represented the city.

World Education Games – Online event 6 – 8 March

The World Education Games are being held over three consecutive days (6th to 8th March)
This event is open to all Fife primary and secondary schools.

The organisers anticipate over 1.5 million students around the world linking up – this time through maths, spelling and science!

This is a free on-line event.

Schools can Register and practice using the activities from the 1st February onwards.

The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s summer schools

The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s summer schools for children, young people and adults have developed a reputation for their creativity, imagination and flair and over the past three years have grown into a body of intensive dance, drama, music, production and screen training events.

The Summer Schools have thrilled families, engaged with students who were considering performing arts training or assisted learners professional or personal development.  These immersion courses are always focused on the highest quality learning and teaching, inclusion and creative engagement and are run by the most committed and dynamic tutors.

Some example Summer Schools in 2012 will be;

 Children and Young People

  • 1-2 or  3-4 year olds –  Early Years Music
  • 5-7 year olds – Professor Poggle and The Catastrophic Creature (Drama Course)
  • 15-17 year olds – The Remake (Film and Performance course)

Adults (17+)

  • Acting: Stanislavski and Realism
  • Drama Facilitators Skills Development
  • Dance Facilitators Skills Development

For more information, see below:

Summer Schools Brochure (Adults) 2012

Summer Schools Brochure (Young People) 2012

The full range of course information outlines are available at

For further information on the content or availability of these summer schools or other types of residency in the near future please contact: Kenny McGlashan , Senior Tutor / Producer for Short Courses

+44 (0)141 270 8337 (direct)

CPD Event: Creative Learning!

This session is aimed at primary and secondary teachers wishing to enhance their knowledge of the importance of creativity across the whole curriculum. It will introduce participants to Fife’s Creative Learning Network (CLN), a newly established group bringing together community representatives and key local and national cultural partners with education representatives.

This session will consider the importance of creativity as a higher order thinking skill and its relevance within CfE, launch Fife’s CLN glow group and introduce current creative resources from Education Scotland

4-5pm, ASDARC, Thursday 15th 2012

Book now…places going fast!

From sand dunes and robots to comedy and sport – Fife Science Festival

Details of next month’s Fife Science Festival have been launched. For the first time in its history, Fife Science Festival has been extended to Dunfermline, with events also heading to St Andrews, Buckhaven, Burntisland, Glenrothes, Tayport and Kirkcaldy.
Funded by the Scottish Government, the Edina Trust and Podium (the Further and Higher Education Unit for the 2012 Games), the festival will involve a diverse range of free events for schools and the general public.
A week-long science week will also held at Denbeath Primary School in Buckhaven with engineering insights at Adam Smith College in Glenrothes and wireless wonders at Museum of Communication at Burntisland. Secondary school pupils will also get the chance to make a prize-winning robot, while a lecture will explore what life would be like without evolution.


For more information, please contact Alexandra Forrest, Festivals and Events Officer, Dundee Science Centre on 01382 228800 or visit