Category Archives: Marks on a Landscape

Creative Partner:The Scottish World Project (formerly known as The Fife Earth Project)- Scottish Resources Group (SRG)

In 2003 the international artist Charles Jencks was commissioned by Scottish Resources Group to create a landform for a one-mile-square area of land that was previously a surface coalmine. The site, right beside the M9 motorway near to Junction 4 (Kelty) in mid-Fife, has the potential of becoming a major tourist attraction and improving the economy of the area. This ambitious land regeneration idea became the Fife Earth Project.


Charles Jencks based the design for the landform, called Scot Loch, on the Scottish Diaspora – the migration of Scottish people around the world – the story of immigration, emigration and influence.

srg3.pngYou can see two representations of Scotland – one is made by cutting the shape of Scotland to create a water feature and the other is a small Scotland-shaped island in the middle of water.

srg5.JPGThe Scotland shapes are surrounded by large mounds, which represent continents. Jencks has designed walkways from one continent to the next. The four main nations where Scots settled, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA, are illustrated through twin peaks with tall towers. The places where the Scots had a strong influence, Japan, India, China and Africa are also illustrated through symbols on the remaining mounds.

 coal_cleaning.jpgWork has now been completed on one of the mounds and the project is expected to be finished and open to the public in Spring of 2013 when the reclaimed land will offer opportunities for exploring the art forms and will provide a new large outdoor area for leisure pursuits.

To take a virtual tour of The Scottish World Project please click here.



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Education Scotland has developed an interdisciplinary learning resource focusing on the Fife Earth Project.

‘Marks on the Landscape’ demonstrates possibilities for creative learning and teaching across the curriculum by raising questions, encouraging  investigation and promoting  challenges that will help young people to understand their capacity for creativity in all aspects of their lives, now and in the future.

The resource is designed for primary and secondary teachers. It provides background information on the project’s key themes and ideas and suggests how they can be incorporated into curriculum planning in Art and design, Social studies, Religious and Moral Education, Technologies and Sciences.

It also promotes learning through global citizenship and outdoor learning.

Although the Fife Earth project provides the initial context for learning, there is no need to visit the site and learners from all over Scotland will be motivated by this resource. By learning about Fife Earth young people will also be able to question their relationships with their own environments.

Who is it for?

Currently learners from second to fourth levels will gain most benefit, although the content can be modified for young people from other settings. Some materials, such as the design briefs and PowerPoint shows, can be used directly with young people or they can be adapted for purpose. The website will be further developed at a later stage to support learners of all ages.

What is available?

  • Information on the Fife Earth Project
  • Information and links to a number of curriculum areas and themes
  • A series of design challenges
  • Links to other support material and potential sources of interest
  • A Glow group

 What is coming next?

  • Further information for curriculum areas e.g. social studies
  • More design challenges
  • Promotion of the resource to across Fife
  • Promotion of the resource nationally

Marks on the Landscape – last chance to enter the design challenge!

Have you entered Education Scotland’s exciting design challenge?  You still have time! The design challenge is being run through the Marks on the Landscape website within the learning context of the land regeneration project Fife Earth. The challenge is aimed at those working within second, third and fourth curriculum levels.

The competition closing date is 21 June 2012.

Resources: cultural identity and global citizenship

A key starting point for global citizenship education is a richer understanding of your own culture. Here in Scotland there are great new resources, challenges and projects which will facilitate learning about this country and what it means to be a Scot.

Studying Scotland
Marks on the Landscape
‘Great Tapestry of Scotland’ project

Click here for more info from Education Scotland

Enter the national billboard design challenge

Education Scotland has launched a national challenge for learners to design a double-sided billboard to be seen by people entering and leaving Scotland.

The design challenge is being run through the Marks on the Landscape website  , an interdisciplinary learning resource focussed on creativity skills, within the learning context of the land regeneration project Fife Earth.

The challenge is aimed at those working within second, third and fourth curriculum levels. It could be incorporated into planning for a number of curriculum areas including art and design, social studies, religious and moral education, technologies and sciences, and the themes of sustainability and global citizenship.

Wanted! Creative teachers and group workers!

Are you creative in the classroom? Do you empower creativity in your young people?
Education Scotland is looking for teachers and CLD staff who use creativity in their work to speak up and share their creative learning and teaching approaches with the rest of Scotland through a series of very short online film clips.

Creativity in its purest sense involves generating original ideas that have value and crosses ALL areas of the curriculum (not just the arts) and we are looking for examples from subjects as diverse as PE, Languages and Maths. It could be the young people learning creative skills or an approach to lesson planning that is particularly creative. What creativity might involve can be found here:

Here are the questions we would like to put to you:

• What is creativity (to you)?

• Why be creative in your teaching?

• What happens when the young learners are engaged in a creative activity?

• What did you and your young learners do that was creative?
You might explain an example of what creativity looks like in your classroom or group.
You might detail day-to-day creative approaches or else explain a specific project, topic or development.
How did this specifically benefit you and the young people?

You will be filmed by a professional film company (they really put you at your ease) who will come to you, fit around your timetable, and the whole process of setting up and filming will take less than half an hour. Ultimately we are capturing just 3 minutes of glorious quality footage from you that will be shared through the Creativity Portal. This is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity to a national audience.

The filming will be arranged to suit you some time in the next three weeks.

It takes moments to offer your experience or suggest a colleague who you think would fit the bill:
Go to:
Phone: 0141 282 5194

CPD Event: Creative Learning!

This session is aimed at primary and secondary teachers wishing to enhance their knowledge of the importance of creativity across the whole curriculum. It will introduce participants to Fife’s Creative Learning Network (CLN), a newly established group bringing together community representatives and key local and national cultural partners with education representatives.

This session will consider the importance of creativity as a higher order thinking skill and its relevance within CfE, launch Fife’s CLN glow group and introduce current creative resources from Education Scotland

4-5pm, ASDARC, Thursday 15th 2012

Book now…places going fast!

Fife’s creative resource inspiring all Scotland!

Marks on the Landscape is a resource available through Education Scotland to inspire creativity across the curriculum. It integrates creative skills with experiences and outcomes across a range of curriculum areas to support interdisciplinary learning. 

Creative Skills


The context for learning and teaching for this resource is Fife Earth, an ambitious land regeneration project. 

Fife Earth

“Fife Earth is a surface coal mine, three miles squared, being reclaimed as a huge project, but this is much more. Fife Earth is reclaiming and transforming this huge site into a celebration of art, creativity and of Scotland, its history, its achievements and its place in the world. It is art created by bulldozers. It is a vision driven by ambition, conceived by one man and being realised by many. ” 

From the essay ‘How big are your dreams?’ by David Cameron, Education Consultant 

Take a virtual tour of Fife Earth 

Visit Marks on the Landscape to find out more!