Tag Archives: context for learning

Fife’s creative resource inspiring all Scotland!

Marks on the Landscape is a resource available through Education Scotland to inspire creativity across the curriculum. It integrates creative skills with experiences and outcomes across a range of curriculum areas to support interdisciplinary learning. 

Creative Skills


The context for learning and teaching for this resource is Fife Earth, an ambitious land regeneration project. 

Fife Earth

“Fife Earth is a surface coal mine, three miles squared, being reclaimed as a huge project, but this is much more. Fife Earth is reclaiming and transforming this huge site into a celebration of art, creativity and of Scotland, its history, its achievements and its place in the world. It is art created by bulldozers. It is a vision driven by ambition, conceived by one man and being realised by many. ” 

From the essay ‘How big are your dreams?’ by David Cameron, Education Consultant 

Take a virtual tour of Fife Earth 

Visit Marks on the Landscape to find out more!