Tag Archives: fife contemporary art & craft


18th and 28th February



Session will enable primary teachers to make the most of the education pack created to link the exhibition The Kingdom of If (currently touring in Fife’s mobile museum MAC) with cross-curricular art and environment themes. The education pack also provides a range of activities tied to Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes which will be introduced as part of the session. Artists involved in the exhibition and staff from organisers, Fife Contemporary Art & Craft will deliver the activties. There will be achance to try out simple hands-on activities in the pack and an additional activity devised by the artists which you can then use in the classroom

CPD sessions are free due to the support of Fife’s Creative Learning Network.

How to book a CPD session:

Course information is now live on the Fife CPD System and applications should be made in the normal way.

Creative Partner: FCA&C-Placement – Ceramic Connections: Wales & Scotland

Ceramic Connections: Wales & Scotland


It has been produced following Fife Contemporary Art & Craft (FCA&C)’s exhibition of the same name, which was a collaborative project between FCA&C and the Oriel Davies Gallery in Newtown, Wales.

Inspired by the artists in the Placement exhibition, the pack aims to introduce secondary school pupils to a range of contemporary ceramic work and by relating it to historical examples and events, to broaden their understanding of where it has developed from. The cross-curricular links are an opportunity to explore a diverse range of loosely linked themes.

The teaching resources give background to the exhibition and its artists, and, as well as providing ideas and information to back up the art & design projects, but can also be seen as starting points to explore points of interest further. None of the projects described require the use of a kiln.

Possible CfE Expressive Arts Links

 Art and Design

Possible CfE Curricular Links

Literacy and English LIT3-05a, LIT3-06a, LIT3-07a, LIT3-09a, LIT3-14a, LIT3-15a, LIT3-16a, LIT3-24a, LIT3-26a, LIT3-27a, LIT3-28a, LIT3-29a, ENG3-27a, LIT4-05a, LIT4-06a, LIT4-07a,LIT4-09a, LIT4-14a, LIT4-15a, LIT4-16a, LIT4-24a, LIT4-26a, LIT4-27a, LIT4-28a, LIT4-29a, ENG4-27a,
Classical Languages CLAN4-04a
Social Studies SOC3-05a. SOC4-05a, SOC4-05b, SOC4-05c, SOC4-16b, SOC4-10a, SOC4-10b, SOC4-10c, SOC4-20a, SOC4-20c
Technologies TCH3-13a, TCH3-13b, TCH3-15a, TCH3-15b, TCH4-01a, TCH4-01c, TCH4-03b, TCH4-15b
Health and Wellbeing HWB3-01a, HWB3-04a, HWB4-01a, HWB4-04a

Creative Partner:Fife Contemporary Art and Craft – Buttercups-Secondary


The 100 drawings that make up the book were made by Fife based artist Laurie Clark. The book was published by artist David Bellingham and from his own press WAX366 with help from Fife Contemporary Art & Craft (FCA&C).

The pack aims to encourage secondary school pupils to develop an appreciation of the aesthetic through observation and creative exploration, using observational drawing – the exercise Laurie undertakes so well – as a starting point. The art & design projects can be expanded to make links across the curriculum. The teaching resources give ideas and information to back up the projects, but can also be seen as starting points to explore points of interest further. 

Possible CfE Expressive Arts Links

Art and Design

Possible CfE Curricular Links

English and Literacy LIT3-05a, LIT3-14a, LIT3-15a, LIT3-24a, ENG3-17a, LIT4-05a, LIT4-07a, LIT4-08a, LIT4-14a, LIT4-14d, LIT4-15a, LIT4-24a, LIT4-25a, ENG4-12a, ENG4-17a
Social Studies SOC3-01a, SOC3-04a
Science SCN3-03a, SCN4-01a, SCN4-02a
Technologies TCH3-07a, TCH3-09a, TCH3-13a, TCH3-13b, TCH3-15b, TCH4-08a, TCH4-09b, TCH4-15b, TCH4-15c, TCH4-15d
Maths and Numeracy MNU3-09a

Creative Partner:Fife Contemporary Art and Craft – Buttercups-primary


The 100 drawings that make up the book were made by Fife based artist Laurie Clark. The book was published by artist David Bellingham and from his own press WAX366 with help from Fife Contemporary Art & Craft (FCA&C).

 The pack aims to encourage older primary school children (P5 to P7) to develop an appreciation of the aesthetic through observation and creative exploration. By using observational drawing – the exercise Laurie undertakes so well – as a starting point, the art & design projects can be expanded to make links across the curriculum. Laurie describes her drawings as ‘portraits’ of the flowers because each is unique just as we are unique. The following projects explore the concept of things which seem to be the same but on close observation are individual.

Possible CfE Expressive Arts Links

 Art and Design

Possible CfE Curricular Links

English and Literacy LIT2-04a, LIT2-07a, LIT2-16a, LIT2-20a, LIT2-24a, LIT2-26a, LIT2-31a
Social Studies SOC2-01a, SOC2-04a
Science SCN2-01a, SCN2-02b, SCN2-14a, SCN2-14b
Technologies TCH2-04a, TCH2-15a, TCH2-15b
Maths and Numeracy MNU2-09a, MNU2-09b, MNU2-09c, MNU2-11b

Creative Partner:Fife Contemporary Art and Craft

Fife Contemporary Art & Craft aims to present the highest quality of contemporary visual art and craft activities to the widest possible public across Fife, with a significance extending to the rest of Scotland, to the UK and EC.  As a new agency we are establishing opportunities for the people of Fife to experience quality exhibitions and take part in ambitious projects by local, national and international artists and makers.

FCA&C is also providing new means of supporting the development and networking of artists and makers based in Fife.


Diana Sykes, Director – diana.sykes@fcac.co.uk

Susan Davis, Programme Manager -susan.davis@fcac.co.uk

The Town Hall, Queen’s Gardens, St Andrews, KY16 9TA,

Tel: 01334 474610

Email: mail@fcac.co.uk

Click on the image to visit website

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100 Buttercups Education Packs

The 100 drawings that make up the book were made by Fife based artist Laurie Clark. The book was published by artist David Bellingham and from his own press WAX366 with help from Fife Contemporary Art & Craft (FCA&C).

click here for primary pack details 

click here for secondary pack details

Education Pack: Placement – Ceramic Connections: Wales & Scotland

This has been produced following Fife Contemporary Art & Craft (FCA&C)’s exhibition of the same name, which was a collaborative project between FCA&C and the Oriel Davies Gallery in Newtown, Wales and is aimed at secondary school level.

click here for pack details

Successful Summer School

FCA&C recently held a summer school in collaboration with the Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Charitable Trust. Aimed at 5th and 6th year pupils who were hoping to go on shortly to art school, the 2 day event was experienced by 10 pupils from all over Fife. They met 3 practising artists who described their career path to date and also gave them some practical sketching exercises. It was so successful that we hope to make this an annual event. As one pupil commented on leaving “…opened my eyes as to what art college would be like and in fact really
got me excited about going.” You can’t get better than that and we wish them all a lot of success in their future.

New Resource – Fife Contemporary Art & Craft

Secondary schools are receiving a fantastic new resource today produced by Fife Contemporary Art & Craft .

Placement – Ceramic Connections: Wales & Scotland is aimed at Third/Fourth Level within Curriculum for Excellence, and particularly Art and Design and has many cross curricular links.  

Click here for more info or alternatively download the pack :  Placement Education Pack (Secondary)

Fife Contemporary Art & Craft also produced education packs for primary and secondary schools in 2011 which relate to a project they were involved with at that time; ‘100 Buttercups‘.  click here for more info 

As the title suggests, this is an artist’s book containing 100 drawings of 100 buttercups, all done by East Neuk artist Laurie Clark. This resource should be available within all schools or you can download it here.

100 Buttercups Education Pack (Primary) May 2011 

100 Buttercups Education Pack (Secondary) Nov 2011 

For more info, contact FCA&C  on 01334 474610.

100 Buttercups education pack – Fife Contemporary Art & Craft

Fife Contemporary Art & Craft have just put the finishing touches to an education pack for secondary schools which relates to a project they’ve been involved with – ‘100 Buttercups‘. As the title suggests, this is an artist’s book containing 100 drawings of 100 buttercups, all done by East Neuk artist Laurie Clark.

The book and an education pack has already been distributed to all Fife primary schools, and the book alone to all Fife libraries. Now a specially written pack has been produced for secondary pupils – aimed at the Expressive Arts as well as cross-curricular themes – and is about to be sent out with a copy of the book to all 19 Fife secondaries. It’s hoped it will be an interesting and useful tool for teachers. For more info, contact FCA&C on 01334 474610.

Front page of 100 Buttercups education pack
Front page of 100 Buttercups education pack

Storytelling at St Andrews Museum – Fife Contemporary Art & Craft

Several weeks ago, FCA&C invited well known Scottish storyteller Judy Paterson to visit their exhibition ‘Placement’ at St Andrews Museum to tell tales inspired by the artworks on display. She quickly enthralled all ages of listeners with her stories which cleverly used the exhibits. One story, the tale of ‘Old Cruvie’ from Aberdeenshire, was filmed and you can listen to it now on FCA&C’s YouTube channel.   Judy sat beside Claire Curneen’s wonderful terracotta and gold tree sculptures as she told it and the story fitted them so perfectly, it could’ve been written for them!  Judy is pictured standing between two of Stephen Bird’s ceramic sculptures which featured in a song she sang at the end.

Watch out for Judy returning to St Andrews Museum during FCA&C’s next exhibition there early in 2012.

Judy Paterson at St Andrews Museum
Judy Paterson at St Andrews Museum