

Developments with curriculum, interdisciplinary learning and national support during our recovery phase

This blog post flags up a shift in emphasis on interdisciplinary learning this session. It is an extract from a post made by Yvonne McBlain… Read more

New Developments in Interdisciplinary Planning

Interdisciplinary Learning in Falkirk Council primary schools is evolving in response to the advice received from our Chief HMIE in August 2016: Group E & Os together… Read more

Staff at Carron Primary School develop their moderation of planning

Jenny Deacon, principal teacher, and her colleagues at Carron PS are exploring the use of “floor books” to moderate and self-evaluate their planning and assessment.… Read more

Primary 3 at St Margaret’s PS meet their Giant!

Mrs Main and Miss Hunter, teachers of primary 3 at St Margaret’s PS have been using the storyline approach to help develop their pupils’ understanding of… Read more

St Mungo’s HS IDL Experience for New S4 Pupils

Senior managers at St Mungo’s RC High School challenged their 9 probationer teachers with the creation of an interdisciplinary learning opportunity for their 2016-17 S3… Read more

California PS Explore “Reflective” Floor Books

As part of their self-evaluation and school improvement, teachers at California Primary school have made various changes to their teaching practice over session 2016-17. They… Read more

Real Life IDL at Langlees Primary School

Between 1st and 29th June 2017, primary 5 pupils at Langlees Primary School worked with their teacher Ashley Turnbull & Yvonne McBlain, curriculum support teacher, Falkirk… Read more

Interdisciplinary Learning and the Cross-cutting Themes

Yvonne McBlain, curriculum support teacher, Falkirk Children’s Services, is working with colleagues from schools across our authority to build on the Interdisciplinary Learning training delivered… Read more

Grangemouth High School Develops Interdisciplinary Learning

Staff at Grangemouth High School are developing interdisciplinary learning across every faculty. Ashley Wood, depute head teacher, took part in the interdisciplinary learning training delivered… Read more

Secondary Probationer Teacher Interdisciplinary Professional Learning

On 28th February and 1st March, Yvonne McBlain supported  probationer teachers from  Falkirk secondary schools with their exploration of interdisciplinary learning. Yvonne designed the 3 hour session as a… Read more

1 + 2 Languages & the Storyline Approach

Paula O Hare and Caroline Cane teach primary 1 at Nethermains PS in Denny. They are both developing 1 + 2 languages with their pupils… Read more

The Oxgang Primary Infinitree Crop

On Friday 18th March, Bartek and Scott in primary 5 at Oxgang School, told Mrs McBlain all about the imaginary Infinitree crop which they invented. This is a… Read more

Head of Muir PS continues to develop their curriculum

 On Friday 2nd March 2016, Fiona Anderson, head teacher, shared current developments with the curriculum framework and interdisciplinary learning at Head of Muir PS. Fiona used… Read more

The Water Source Storyline Develops at Head of Muir PS

 Pupils and teachers in primary 6 & 7 at Head of Muir PS are enjoying their developing Water Source storylines. The Water Source is a… Read more

Primary 4 learn about Law & Order at Bantaskin PS

Yvonne McBlain visited Primary 4 at Bantaskin PS on 16th November, to hear about their Green Street and Friendship Street Storyline work. Mrs Russell’s class helped Yvonne… Read more

Primary 6 Learn about RMS Titanic

Kayleigh Docherty and her primary 6 pupils at Carron PS are embarking on an interdisciplinary storyline about RMS Titanic. Kayleigh is a probationer teacher with… Read more

Professional Learning Linked to the Antonine Wall

We are delighted to be able to offer practitioners in Falkirk schools and establishments some new professional learning linked to the Antonine Wall World Heritage Site. Patricia… Read more

Falkirk Probationer teachers go Interdisciplinary!

“In early November 2015, Yvonne McBlain, curriculum support officer with Falkirk Children’s Services enjoyed working with primary and secondary probationer teachers as part of their… Read more

World War I Project at Laurieston Primary School

Interdisciplinary information about this project in a nutshell- What happened:  In 2014, primary 6 pupils at Laurieston PS developed their research skills by discovering how previous Laurieston… Read more

Let’s Build Deep & Progressive Interdisciplinary Learning

44 practitioners from establishments all over Falkirk are developing their interdisciplinary learning during 5 twilight sessions as part of our authority development of Interdisciplinary Learning.… Read more

Interdisciplinary Learning Update

Interdisciplinary Learning in Falkirk – a Quick Update  Yvonne McBlain, is working with colleagues across our authority to review and develop our Interdisciplinary Learning. As… Read more

Interdisciplinary Learning and the Antonine Wall World Heritage Site

      Key Information at a glance: useful context for “bundling” connected learning – social studies, literacy, learning for sustainability wonderful teaching resource on… Read more

Developing Interdisciplinary Learning at Head of Muir PS

Key information about this Head of Muir PS practice at  a glance – staff building their interdisciplinary learning framework together creating related groups or “bundles” of… Read more

Denny PS makes BBC 10 Pieces into Powerful IDL

Catherine Cybulska, primary 5 teacher, and Susanne Bell, Youth Music Tutor, at Denny Primary School used the BBC 10 pieces project to truly enrich and… Read more

Integrating skills progression into learning at Hallglen PS

 Following a meeting at Hallglen PS about staff development of skills within their curriculum, Alison McCalley and Linda Hastie gave Yvonne McBlain a tour of… Read more

Moray PS do powerful IDL Storylines

Over the last few school sessions, staff at Moray PS have been developing the methodology they use to deliver interdisciplinary learning. Gillian Brodie, principal teacher,… Read more

Moray PS Celebrate their Storylines in Style.

On 29th April, Primary 5 pupils at Moray PS shared and celebrated their learning during their Scottish Wars of Independence storyline. Pupils gave parents and… Read more

Class 2 in Timezone go back in time!

 Yvonne McBlain  was delighted to return to class 2 in the Timezone at Maddiston Primary School to find out how their “Castles” storyline had gone. Heather… Read more

BBC Ten Pieces as Creative Interdisciplinary Learning

          Primary 5 pupils at Wallacestone  PS, and primary 6 pupils at St Mary’s PS have now completed their  final video responses… Read more

Impact of International Storyline Conference

On 28th & 29th March Yvonne McBlain attended the 6th International Storyline Conference in the new Technology and Innovation Centre which is part of the University… Read more

Great Arty Collaboration at Comely Park PS

On 27th March, staff and pupils at Comely Park PS proudly presented their successful collaborative work  with The Park Gallery. This project was initiated by the… Read more

S2 Design Unit Update at Braes HS

  Alison Morton and colleagues in the art department at Braes HS continue to develop and improve their S2 design unit. Since  their initial development of Curriculum for… Read more

Falkirk Storylines Shared at International Conference

Teachers and senior managers from Kinnaird and Moray Primary Schools shared their use of the storyline approach at the 6th International Storyline Conference on Saturday… Read more

Braes Anatomy going well for pupils at Braes HS

S2 pupils at Braes High School are coming close to the end of their Braes Anatomy interdisciplinary experience. This experience links science, social studies and… Read more

Falkirk Schools Do BBC 10 Pieces!

Audrey Mackay, primary music teacher at Wallacestone PS and St Mary’s RC PS, has been working with pupils on the BBC 10 Pieces initiative. Click here… Read more

Developing Skills Progression at Hallglen Primary School

The senior management team at Hallglen PS shared their development of skills progression across learning with Yvonne McBlain of Falkirk’s Service, Support and Improvement team on… Read more

Deep Understanding of Global Citizenship at Kinnaird PS

  Gemma Douglas, principal teacher, and Brenda Bennie class teacher from Kinnaird PS have been using WOSDEC global storyline Our Crop, our Land with their… Read more

Mysterious Medieval Death Investigated at Moray PS!

Primary 5S at Moray PS have been investigating the historic and mysterious death of King Alexander III of Scotland with their teacher Rebecca Spalding. They are using Falkirk’s Scottish… Read more

Bonnybridge PS Primary 3 Global Storyline Assembly

On Friday 27th February Yvonne McBlain was delighted to be invited along to see primary 3 at Bonnybridge PS celebrate their global storyline interdisciplinary learning.… Read more

Grand Space Library opening at Wallacestone PS!

Primary 5E and Primary 5D at Wallacestone PS have been working together to develop their enterprising learning. On Friday 6th February the children and their teachers… Read more

Deanburn Celebrates Global Citizenship Learning

Pupils, parents and staff from primary 2, 3, 4 and 6 at Deanburn Primary School celebrated more successful learning on Thursday 29th January. Liz Stephens,… Read more

Graeme High School S2 Holocaust Project

S 2 pupils at Graeme HS in Falkirk took part in an emotive interdiscplinary experience which deepened their understanding of the Holocaust in a very real… Read more

Primary 5H Use Music to Improve their Writing

Emma Holmes (probationer teacher at Carron PS) and her primary 5 pupils have been using music to help them develop their reading and writing skills.… Read more

Interdisciplinary Learning at Falkirk High school

Yvonne McBlain was pleased to be able to meet with teachers from Falkirk HS to explore how they have been developing interdisciplinary learning across the school.… Read more

Deanburn Primary 6F learn about the Jacobites

On Friday 12th December, Yvonne McBlain visited primary 6F at Deanburn PS to find out about their Jacobites interdisciplinary learning. Robyn, Findlay, Cara, and Aiden… Read more

Titanic Disaster at Deanburn PS

On Friday 12th December, Yvonne McBlain visited Deanburn PS to hear all about the Titanic storyline topic which primary 6/5C have been working on. Hollie,… Read more

Our Crop, our Land Storyline at Wallacestone PS

All four Primary 1 classes at Wallacestone Primary School shared and celebrated their Our crop, Our land storyline at the end of November 2014. The photo… Read more

More Interdisciplinary Maths at Falkirk HS

Martin Opgaard and Stuart Pearson, maths teachers at Falkirk HS are developing maths and numeracy across learning in various ways with colleagues in their school.… Read more

S5 Interdisciplinary Maths at Falkirk High School

Martin Opgaard and Stuart Pearson, maths teachers at Falkirk HS are developing maths and numeracy across learning in various ways with colleagues in their school.… Read more

Daily 5 and Cafe at Wallacestone Primary School.

On Wednesday 26th November Yvonne McBlain visited primary 7D at Wallacestone PS to hear what the pupils think of using Daily 5 and Cafe to… Read more

Global Storyline develops at Carron PS

Heather Nicol and her primary 6 class at Carron PS in Falkirk, are working on the Global Storyline project “Our Crop, Our Land” created by WOSDEC. Click… Read more

Inference the Interdisciplinary Way!

Ewan Shanks, P7 class teacher at Carron PS has been developing his pupils’ understanding of inference by linking literacy and art. Ewan explored and built… Read more

S1 Curriculum Enhancement Course

Fiona Malcolm, Faculty Head of Social Subjects and RMPS at Braes HS worked with colleagues to create a new course for S1 pupils which is… Read more

S2 IDL at Braes High School

Fiona Malcolm, Faculty Head of Social Subjects and RMPS at Braes HS worked with a range of colleagues to create an interdisciplinary unit of work… Read more

STEM support materials for Interdisciplinary Learning

STEM Central is a very rich source of support materials for discrete and interdisciplinary learning which develops understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Click here… Read more

Senior Interdisciplinary Learning Partnership

In early September 2014, Yvonne McBlain of Falkirk Council Education Services met  with Alan Christie, Community Engagement Manager and his colleague David Love of Falkirk Council Housing… Read more

What is interdisciplinary learning?

 Education Scotland states that  interdisciplinary learning: “enables teachers and learners to make connections across learning through exploring clear and relevant links across the curriculum. It supports… Read more

Graeme HS Meta Literacy Event

On 18th June 2014, Graeme High School staged a meta-literacy event involving subjects from each of the 8 curricular areas within Curriculum for Excellence. The… Read more

Bonnybridge PS Commonwealth Games Legacy runners up

Sarah Ritchie and colleagues from Bonnybridge PS worked with pupils to create a range of learning experiences linked to the Commonwealth Games and building on… Read more

New Education Scotland BGE Resource

Click here to view  a new set of resources about life in medieval Scotland published by Education Scotland. The ‘People of Medieval Scotland’ resource materials and learning… Read more

British Council IDL Resources and Competition

The British Council have a range of education resources which may be useful sources of ideas for interdisciplinary learning linked to sustainable and international education.… Read more

Larbert Village PS Comenius Visits

Staff at Larbert Village PS have used interdisciplinary learning to  prepare their pupils for their Comenius visitors during week beginning 2nd June 2014. Children have extended… Read more

Deanburn Primary School Global Storyline Celebration

On Friday 30th May, Liz Stephen and Laura Beattie of Deanburn PS celebrated the conclusion of their Giant of Thistle Mountain global citizenship storyline. They… Read more

Developing literacy skills through Storyline in Secondary School

On 23rd May, Yvonne McBlain visited Falkirk High School to see Lynne Ferguson, English teacher, and her S1 class working on their Space storyline. Lynne has… Read more

Bo’ness Schools contribute to new Kinneil Museum

On 20th May 2014, pupils from every Bo’ness school worked together to create a giant Bo’ness historical timeline. Lyndsay Lennie and Hanneke Scott van Wel facilitated sessions which… Read more

Falkirk Global Citizenship Showcase

Teachers and pupils from a range of Falkirk establishments showcased their Global Citizenship work at an event in Larbert Village Primary School on 15th May… Read more

Moray Primary School Teachers Develop Storyline Practice

Gillian Brodie, principal teacher at Moray PS, and her Raci task colleagues have been working since last session to develop staff use of the storyline approach… Read more

S3 Pupils at Bo’ness Academy Learn About Local Potteries

Following a chance conversation about Bo’ness Potteries at a meeting last session, Colin Findlay (teacher at Bo’ness Academy) and Elaine Reid (depute head and primary… Read more

St Francis Xavier RC PS host Rich Task Open Day

On 23rd March, staff and pupils at St Francis Xavier RC PS welcomed parents, guests and members of the community into their school to share their interdisciplinary… Read more

Deanburn Nursery Developing Interdisciplinary Planning

Deanburn Primary School nursery staff have been developing their approach to planning interdisciplinary learning with Yvonne McBlain, curriculum support teacher from Falkirk Education Services. They took an… Read more

Primary Art and Design Exhibition

The Falkirk Primary Schools Art & Design exhibition took place in the second week of March and was a stunning show. It was expertly hung by… Read more

Bo’ness Public PS staff develop IDL linked to local area

In March 2010, Gill Genoe, head teacher at Bo’ness Public PS, invited Yvonne McBlain, curriculum support teacher to work with her staff towards the following outcomes: All pupils… Read more

Interdisciplinary Learning at Head of Muir PS

Yvonne McBlain from Falkirk Education Service Support and Improvement team gathered some good interdisciplinary learning practice during a validation visit at Head of Muir Primary… Read more

The Global Storylines are happening now!

Fourteen Falkirk teachers are currently putting their Global Storyline training into practice by delivering their Giant of Thistle Mountain storyline. This training was delivered by colleagues… Read more

Bantaskin Primary 1 Toys Storyline

Susan Waddell and Joanne Brown of Bantaskin Primary School used the storyline approach to deliver their recent Toys interdisciplinary learning project. Earlier in the session,… Read more

Kinneil Nursery Class Try Storyline

Clare Doherty and the nursery team at Kinneil Primary used the storyline approach during January 2014 to explore aspects of Health and Well-Being, Literacy and Technology.… Read more

Bonnybridge Primary 6/7 Debate the Commonwealth

Michelle Cairns and her primary 6/7 pupils at Bonnybridge Primary School have been able to apply their debating, listening and talking skills by taking part… Read more

British Council offers Chinese New Year Education Pack

The British Council have produced an education pack for primary schools which supports study of Chinese New Year and the start of the Chinese spring… Read more

What is “Interdisciplinarity”?

Anne Pearson, Acting Head of Service for Falkirk Council Education Services found this interesting video clip (click below to view). Myra Strober of Stanford University shares her… Read more

What is good interdisciplinary teaching and learning?

The latest national guidance we have on the features of good interdisciplinary learning offers the following list: Starts with the experiences and outcomes, carefully selected… Read more

St Bernadette’s RC PS Track Coverage of the Experiences and Outcomes

Marianne Savage, principal teacher at St Bernadette’s RC PS has created Microsoft Publisher poster versions of the experiences and outcomes at first and second levels of Curriculum… Read more

Key Features of IDL Good Practice

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/CcdLzAvF5UQ” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] Graeme Logan and Joanne McLauchlan of Education Scotland broadcast a Glow TV session in December 2012 which offers useful… Read more