Tag Archives: thanks

Thank You

Congratulations to EP7 who raised just under £200 towards their school trip by organising a movie afternoon.  The EP7s did a fantastic job and showed a huge amount of enthusiasm and dedication when organising the event.  We would also like to extend our thanks to all of the parents who contributed baking for the day.  Your generosity is very much appreciated.  Congratulations also go to David Anderson GP5 who won our fantastic chocolate hamper!

Christmas Concert 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Christmas Concert performance ‘Snow White and the Seven Jockeys’,  held on Monday night was a big success and we would like to thank the following who made it all possible:

  • The pupils for all their hard work in learning their song words and script lines and for helping us to prepare for the event.
  • All the staff who helped children with their songs and words; making props and costumes; painting the backdrop; preparing the hall for the performance and supervising the children during the concert.
  • Mrs Duncan and Mr Maciver who worked with us to learn the songs and music.
  • Mary Stewart, our school cook for making and donating the Christmas cake that was raffled for Bethesda and DR Macdonald from Bethesda for attending the event.
  • The Parent Council whose raffle proceeds will go to supporting the work of the school.
  • All the parents, families and members of our community who came along and supported the concert.