Sgoil A’ Bhac raised a staggering £324 for Sport Relief last Friday. We also had a lot of fun participating in the Sgoil A’ Bhac Looney Olympics!
A huge thank you for your donations!
Sgoil A’ Bhac raised a staggering £324 for Sport Relief last Friday. We also had a lot of fun participating in the Sgoil A’ Bhac Looney Olympics!
A huge thank you for your donations!
Mòran taing airson ar cuideachadh le bhith a ceannach na badan againn!
Abair gun do dh’ionnsaich iad tòrr sgilean gniomhachais leis an cuspair seo. Tha sinn a-nis a’ coimhead air adhart ri ceilidh air Bethesda leis an t-airgead seo.
This session we have launched our Friday Focus Groups. All pupils in P5/6/7 participate. The pupils are divided into three groups and throughout the session will rotate and have opportunity to experience all the groups. The groups are “The Green Team”, “Healthy Choices” and “The Press Gang.”
The main focus for “The Green Team” has been to tidy up the garden area at the front of the school and to improve the look of the school grounds.
The Press Gang has been busy keeping people in the school community up to date with all the news from the school. Keep reading the Loch a’ Tuath News for our monthly updates. They also have allocated areas in the social Area for each class to report about what is going on in their class.
The Healthy Choices group has been learning about healthy eating choices and baking different foods such as healthy buns and tasting different types of food.
A very successful Scholastic Bookfair was run by GP6/7 as a Scholastic Business School. It went beyond just literacy and it encouraged the pupils to develop real-world skills including financial awareness, creative thinking, responsibility and teamwork. Pupils had to apply for positions by filling in application forms, submitting CVs and writing letters. This year the total rewards came to £510.05 which will be spent to stock up our library.
Pupils were responsible for the advertising, displaying, selling, ordering and totalling up the money each day. Alongside the bookfair pupils, as events co-ordinators, organised competitions. Below is Eilidh, winner of the cake competition The cake was baked and decorated by Ellie GP7 tying in with the Book Fair theme.
Gaelic 4/5 planned and organised a Mad Hair day and encouraged all pupils and staff to support the fundraising event.
Tha iad airson taing a thoirt dhan a h-uile duine a ghabh pairt ann. Abair gu robh seallaidhean annasach ann an Sgoil a’ Bhac an-diugh! Thug sinn a-steach £125 agus tha sinn eagalach toilichte leis an sin.
We had a successful day selling Easter eggs and made over £40! If you missed out today we do have some extras which we will be selling after the holiday.
We have been busy this term organising a tuck shop which sells delicious snacks to the whole school every morning break. Our P5 girls, Ruby, Hannah and Cara, are the managers but we have all been helping to serve customers and keep the tuck shop running smoothly. We have had to practice using money so we always give the right change!
We have had some ‘special Fridays’ where we sell our own homebaking. One week we made delicious pancakes and they all sold out!