Tag Archives: CnaG

Cuach na Cloinne – Live Scores

Today, our Gaelic football team are competing in Cuach na Cloinne in Inverness. This is an annual football competition organised by Comunn na Gaidhlig for Gaelic Medium Pupils.

Along with Laxdale School, Sgoil a’ Bhac won though to the mainland round of the competition after finishing top of the local round in Stornoway.


Sgoil a’ Bhac 0 – 0 Corndorit Glaschu

Sgoil a’ Bhac 2 – 1 Broadford

Sgoil a’ Bhac 0 – 0 Dalabrog

Sgoil a’ Bhac 0 – 2 Glaschu

All games now completed. Well done!

CnaG ASC Consultation

Following meetings held recently with CNES and CnaG regarding the proposed changes to the provision of Gaelic After School Club at Sgoil a’ Bhac, a consultation is being circulated to establish the level of interest in a paid club run by CnaG.

In the first instance, places will be made available to pupils in Gaelic Medium classes and, if there are places remaining, a further consultation will be held for English Medium to see if there’s  interest in EM children attending the paid Gaelic club.

We’d be grateful if parents from Sgoil Araich Loch a Tuath and GM1-6 classes could complete the attached consultation slip (page 2) and return it to school as soon as possible.

CnaG ASC Consultation May 2015