Sgoil A’ Bhac raised a staggering £324 for Sport Relief last Friday. We also had a lot of fun participating in the Sgoil A’ Bhac Looney Olympics!
A huge thank you for your donations!
Sgoil A’ Bhac raised a staggering £324 for Sport Relief last Friday. We also had a lot of fun participating in the Sgoil A’ Bhac Looney Olympics!
A huge thank you for your donations!
Mòran taing airson ar cuideachadh le bhith a ceannach na badan againn!
Abair gun do dh’ionnsaich iad tòrr sgilean gniomhachais leis an cuspair seo. Tha sinn a-nis a’ coimhead air adhart ri ceilidh air Bethesda leis an t-airgead seo.
On Friday the 24th of March we had lots of fun and games going on in Sgoil a’ Bhac. We raised a staggering £473.00 for the 2017 Comic Relief Appeal. Pupil Council would like to thank everyone who contributed. You can see from the pictures below some of the things we got up to.
On Friday 27th January P5/6/7 pupils and some members of staff took part in defibrillator training. This was delivered by volunteers from the Lucky 2B Here charity.
Christmas Jumper Day will be held on Friday 16th December. Pop on a festive jumper or get creative and design your own one. Donate a £1 to Save the Children. Your support will help Save the Children solve serious problems, giving children a brighter future. For more information on the work Save the Children are able to do with money raised in this way check out
The pupils and staff of Sgoil a’ Bhac had great fun marking Red Nose Day today. As well as selling red noses and dressing up for the day, we held a bake sale and had a Staff v Pupils football match. The staff won the day with a close 5-4 victory!
Thank you to everyone who contributed time, effort, baking and money today. We’ll announce a total early next week wen all the money has been counted.