Category Archives: School Office

Successful Open Day

IMG_3782Sgoil a’ Bhac held a special Open Day today for parents of children planning to start P1 in August 2014. We had a lot of parents visit the school to find out about Gaelic and English Medium Education. They were able to visit classrooms, speak to other parents and to current and former pupils.

Thank you to everyone who helped to organise and run the event and to all the parents who took the time to come and visit  us today.

If you would like any more information about enrolment to Sgoil a’ Bhac or have any questions about Gaelic or English Medium, please contact the school office (01851) 820230 or back

Pre-Enrolment Open Day

open daySgoil a’ Bhac will be hosting a pre-enrolment open day for parents and families who are considering enrolment in Gaelic and English P1 in August 2014. This event will be held on Tuesday 21st January; 11.00am to 12.00pm. You will have the chance to visit classrooms, meet staff, view resources, speak to pupils and other parents and find out about the opportunities and experiences Sgoil a’ Bhac can offer in both Gaelic and English Medium Education.

Please share this information with any parents not currently associated wht Sgoil a’ Bhac who may be interested in attending the open day.

Christmas Concert 2013

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Christmas Concert performance ‘Snow White and the Seven Jockeys’,  held on Monday night was a big success and we would like to thank the following who made it all possible:

  • The pupils for all their hard work in learning their song words and script lines and for helping us to prepare for the event.
  • All the staff who helped children with their songs and words; making props and costumes; painting the backdrop; preparing the hall for the performance and supervising the children during the concert.
  • Mrs Duncan and Mr Maciver who worked with us to learn the songs and music.
  • Mary Stewart, our school cook for making and donating the Christmas cake that was raffled for Bethesda and DR Macdonald from Bethesda for attending the event.
  • The Parent Council whose raffle proceeds will go to supporting the work of the school.
  • All the parents, families and members of our community who came along and supported the concert.

Nursery Hours Consultation

Screen Shot 2013-12-05 at 17.25.23Thank you to everyone who responded to the consultation about extending the hours at Sgoil Araich Loch a Tuath from August 2014. The considerable majority of responses were in favour of extending the hours by 10 minutes a day, five days a week. This would mean the Sgoil Araich would operate from 8.50am to 12.00pm daily from August 2014. The results of the consultation have now been passed to the Education Department for consideration and we hope to be able to confirm the proposals for our opening hours for August 2014 in the new year.

Christmas Concert – Tickets on Sale from Monday

Xmas_Tree_PM_08Christmas Concert – Monday 16th December from 7.00pm

Tickets go on sale on Monday 9th December for this year’s Christmas Concert production. An order form was sent home with chidren today and it can also be downloaded in PDF format below:

Christmas Concert Ticket Order Form

Orders will initially be limited to three per family to allow all families the chance to get tickets. All orders must reach the school by Thursday 12th December. Any remaining tickets will go on general sale from Friday 13th December.