All posts by Miss Maclean


Staff at Sgoil a’ Bhac were this week presented with a Gold Award following a successful Gold assessment under the Healthy Working Lives programme, which is delivered by NHS Health Scotland, a national NHS Board in collaboration with Scotland’s 14 local NHS Boards.
The NHS’s Assessor Jenny Hill stated that “The assessment gave me a great insight into the work of Sgoil a’ Bhac and allowed the opportunity to see the clear and continual commitment of the school to a healthy, safer workplace.” She added “This is a great achievement for the school as other than NHS Western Isles, there are currently no other Gold Award holders in Lewis and Harris and only one other in Uist. As recipients of the Gold Award the staff have demonstrated a clear commitment to promoting and developing Healthy Working Lives as an integral part of Sgoil a’ Bhac. This has been further evidenced by their written health, safety and wellbeing strategy that addresses all aspects of Healthy Working Lives.”

HMIe Inspection Reports

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Education visited Sgoil a’ Bhac and Sgoil Araich Loch a’ Tuath during the week beginning Monday May 27th 2019. A hard copy of their inspection report will be distributed to parents today. In addition the inspection report has been made available online on HMIe’s website. We have also made the report available on the school website under the Documents tab on the main menu on the page marked School Documents. The Summarised Inspection Findings for the primary school and the sgoil araich can also be found here along with the Care Inspectorate’s report of the sgoil araich. We hope that parents will find these documents interesting and that they are able to see all that the school and nursery are doing well as well as the improvement requirements for the next few months.

HMIe Inspection – Online Surveys for Parents

We have sent out Groupcall emails to all parents and partners at Sgoil a’ Bhac with the links for the online surveys which the Inspection Team have requested we distribute. The Head Teacher received her first update from the Inspection Administrator today and only 11 Primary School Parents and 6 Nursery Parents have completed the survey. We would urge all parents to complete the online survey and to indicate on the form whether they are willing to speak to the Inspection team about the work of the school. The survey links will close on Friday 17th May 2019 so we would encourage you to do it right away and not put it to one side to be done later.

The online survey for parents/carers of children in the Primary School  is:

The online survey for parents of children in Sgoil Araich Loch a’ Tuath is:


As we start another new day with sunshine, we are thinking of our Gaelic Medium boys who went off yesterday afternoon on the ferry with Dano and Mrs Maclennan. The boys are representing the Western Isles in the Cuach na Cloinne Finals today in Bught Park in Inverness.  Six teams have qualified to compete for the trophy this year. Our boys will be up against teams from Iochdar, Portree, Craighill (Tain), Bun Sgoil Ghaidhlig Loch Abair and Bun Sgoil Gaidhlig Glaschu primary schools.  We wish them well and know that they will do their very best. We will hear how they have got on later in the day.