The school’s Remembrance Assembly will be held tomorrow at 10.30am. This year’s assembly will be led by pupils in Mrs Murray’s class, E5,6,7. Join with us for the assembly and for light refreshments afterwards.
All posts by Hamish Budge
Children In Need
On Friday 18th November, the school will be holding a Children in Need fundraiser. There will be events such as face painting, a bake stall and dress in yellow or spots. If your child is allergic to face paints please inform the school office. We would greatly appreciate it if you could donate cakes for our bake stall. If you are able to donate baking please drop it off in the school library on the morning of Friday 18th November.
Thank you,
Pupil council.
Pupil Council
Pupil council wished to do something for Bonfire Night so they made 100 chocolate apples on sticks and generated a profit of £31.03 for school funds. They looked so delicious that I’m not sure if they’ll last till Bonfire night!
Rinn Clas 3-5 Peipeagan airson Oidhche Shamhna. Faodaidh iad na suiteas aca a chumaill annta a-nis.
Health 4 Back so far…
MacMillan Coffee Morning
September Achievers
Parent Council Meeting
The Parent Council will meet tonight, Tuesday 27th September, at 7.30pm in the school library. All are welcome to attend.
MacMillan Coffee Morning!
A Pharant choir!
On Thursday 29th September Sgoil a’ Bhac will be holding a MacMillan Coffee Morning. We would love it if you came along! It will be held in the school hall at 10.00 am till 11.00 am. We will also be raising money by wearing green for £1; entering a poster competition for £1; Guess Miss MacDonald ‘s favourite cake for £1 and Guess how many spots on the cake for £2.
Please come along with friends and relatives to drink tea and coffee, eat cakes and participate in our events. You can even come along in green if you wish to blend in with the pupils!
Kind regards,
Pupil Council.