Ceud Mile Taing!
A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Macmillan Coffee Morning a massive success. With your help we raised a phenomenal amount of money.
Thank You!
A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Macmillan Coffee Morning a massive success. With your help we raised a phenomenal amount of money.
Thank You!
Please find an updated Inspection Report letter to parents on our website. The updated report can be found under the Documents tab on the main menu on the page marked School Documents.
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Education visited Sgoil a’ Bhac and Sgoil Araich Loch a’ Tuath during the week beginning Monday May 27th 2019. A hard copy of their inspection report will be distributed to parents today. In addition the inspection report has been made available online on HMIe’s website. We have also made the report available on the school website under the Documents tab on the main menu on the page marked School Documents. The Summarised Inspection Findings for the primary school and the sgoil araich can also be found here along with the Care Inspectorate’s report of the sgoil araich. We hope that parents will find these documents interesting and that they are able to see all that the school and nursery are doing well as well as the improvement requirements for the next few months.