Abair gun chòrd an leasan aig Mrs Maclennan ri GP3-4 an-diugh – rinn iad bunnaichean! Iummaidh!
Abair gun chòrd an leasan aig Mrs Maclennan ri GP3-4 an-diugh – rinn iad bunnaichean! Iummaidh!
The Tyre Working Group has reconvened to move the tyres away from GP3-4’s daffodil patch. As a group they have come up with a few ideas as to how the tyres should be used; they have started to build a house in the lower playground and have made a “Tyre Run” in the rear playground. The pupils worked hard, helping each other, and seem quite excited to have the tyres back in the playground to play with.
Bhuannaich James!
Rinn e a chuis air dìreadh suas gu mullach am flùr air sgath ’s gun robh e a’ dèanamh oidhrip mhòr a bhith bruidhinn a Ghàidhlig. ’S math a rinn thu!