Abair gun chòrd an leasan aig Mrs Maclennan ri GP3-4 an-diugh – rinn iad bunnaichean! Iummaidh!
Abair gun chòrd an leasan aig Mrs Maclennan ri GP3-4 an-diugh – rinn iad bunnaichean! Iummaidh!
The Tyre Working Group has reconvened to move the tyres away from GP3-4’s daffodil patch. As a group they have come up with a few ideas as to how the tyres should be used; they have started to build a house in the lower playground and have made a “Tyre Run” in the rear playground. The pupils worked hard, helping each other, and seem quite excited to have the tyres back in the playground to play with.
Bhuannaich James!
Rinn e a chuis air dìreadh suas gu mullach am flùr air sgath ’s gun robh e a’ dèanamh oidhrip mhòr a bhith bruidhinn a Ghàidhlig. ’S math a rinn thu!
Mòran taing airson ar cuideachadh le bhith a ceannach na badan againn!
Abair gun do dh’ionnsaich iad tòrr sgilean gniomhachais leis an cuspair seo. Tha sinn a-nis a’ coimhead air adhart ri ceilidh air Bethesda leis an t-airgead seo.
We have sent out Groupcall emails to all parents and partners at Sgoil a’ Bhac with the links for the online surveys which the Inspection Team have requested we distribute. The Head Teacher received her first update from the Inspection Administrator today and only 11 Primary School Parents and 6 Nursery Parents have completed the survey. We would urge all parents to complete the online survey and to indicate on the form whether they are willing to speak to the Inspection team about the work of the school. The survey links will close on Friday 17th May 2019 so we would encourage you to do it right away and not put it to one side to be done later.
The online survey for parents/carers of children in the Primary School is:
The online survey for parents of children in Sgoil Araich Loch a’ Tuath is:
We have been notified that Her Majesty’s Inspectorate will be visiting Sgoil a’ Bhac the week beginning Monday 27th May 2019 to carry out a full inspection of Sgoil a’ Bhac.