Date: Monday 8th June

Venue: Stornoway Running Track, Smith Avenue

Time: 9.30-12.00pm

Buses depart school: 9.00am

Due to the on-going wet weather throughout the month of May, we have had to concede that our playing fields will not dry out in time for us to hold an on-site sports day, even if the weather improves over the next week or so.

As a result of this, we have had to make alternative plans to allow P1-7 Sports Day to go ahead this year. We have booked the running track at Smith Avenue for the morning of Monday 8th June and will bus the children from the school to Stornoway and back. The buses will leave the school at 9.00am with the intention of starting at 9.30am. We will run the P1-3 and P4-7 sports together throughout that morning and will return to the school in time for lunch at 12.15pm.

We would like to invite parents and families to join us at the running track to support the children taking part.

As well as their usual PE kit, children will need to take warm and waterproof clothing to wear when not competing. Children are also welcome to take a snack and water bottle. During the event, the nearest toilet facilities will be at the Sports Centre.

At the moment, the long-range forecast for Monday is very good but we will need to be prepared again for possible cancellation if the weather is poor.

Due to the long period of time away from the school, it will not be suitable for our children in Sgoil Araich to travel to the running track for this event. We intend to plan a special Sgoil Araich sports morning with a provisional date of Monday 15th June.

If you have any questions about the revised arrangements for sports, please contact the school office.