Netball Champions!


Congratulations to our netball teams who competed in the Sports Festival yesterday evening. One of the teams made it through to the final against Stornoway Primary and won 4-2, crowning them champions. As well as congratulating the girls, we’d like to say thanks to the three parents who have given up their time every week to coach them. Thank you Mrs Macritchie, Mrs Mackay and Mrs Maciver.


Cuach na Cloinne – Live Scores

Today, our Gaelic football team are competing in Cuach na Cloinne in Inverness. This is an annual football competition organised by Comunn na Gaidhlig for Gaelic Medium Pupils.

Along with Laxdale School, Sgoil a’ Bhac won though to the mainland round of the competition after finishing top of the local round in Stornoway.


Sgoil a’ Bhac 0 – 0 Corndorit Glaschu

Sgoil a’ Bhac 2 – 1 Broadford

Sgoil a’ Bhac 0 – 0 Dalabrog

Sgoil a’ Bhac 0 – 2 Glaschu

All games now completed. Well done!