Thank you Parent Council

The school has recently benefitted from several financial donations from our Parent Council to go towards the purchase of new equipment and the support of pupil activities. Part of this donation came from the proceeds of the hugely successful summer fun day held last year that was so week supported by the whole community.

The Parent Council has made donations to the value of £2148.00 for the following:

  • Paying the cost of buses for the pantomime
  • A subsidy of £1 per pupil towards panto ticket cost
  • MPLC licence to view films/DVDs in schools
  • Six new digital cameras with memory cards and cases
  • 40 high-quality headphones for computers and listening activities
  • A3 laminator for Sgoil Araich
  • 144 new books for the school’s core reading scheme to replace lost and damaged books
  • Financial contribution to travel costs for P7 trip
  • Financial contribution to the school football team to cover travel costs to national finals in Dundee

Everyone at the school would like to thank the Parent Council and the wider Parent Forum for their on-going support. These contributions provide a significant benefit to our pupils.

Pupils show some of the items recently purchased by our Parent Council
Pupils show some of the items recently purchased by our Parent Council


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