The Christmas Concert performance ‘Snow White and the Seven Jockeys’, held on Monday night was a big success and we would like to thank the following who made it all possible:
- The pupils for all their hard work in learning their song words and script lines and for helping us to prepare for the event.
- All the staff who helped children with their songs and words; making props and costumes; painting the backdrop; preparing the hall for the performance and supervising the children during the concert.
- Mrs Duncan and Mr Maciver who worked with us to learn the songs and music.
- Mary Stewart, our school cook for making and donating the Christmas cake that was raffled for Bethesda and DR Macdonald from Bethesda for attending the event.
- The Parent Council whose raffle proceeds will go to supporting the work of the school.
- All the parents, families and members of our community who came along and supported the concert.