Celebrating Wider Achievements

We regularly celebrate the wider achievements of all members of our class in Primary 1 through our Achievement Wall and Proud Cloud.


On Friday you will have received an envelop home with a Wider Achievement record on the back. Please complete this and return to school on Tuesday 2nd May to share and celebrate the successes of our class.

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Clink Novel Study

We have had an exciting week developing our Literacy skills through our class novel study of Clink.

The blue group developed their letter formation by practising handwriting on metal in their jotters.

“This is incredible, we are using our normal pencils but it is writing on the metal, amazing!” – Phoebe

The purple and green group have been exploring characterisation by mind mapping features of our favourite characters in the study. They then went on to create their own characters.

“Blaze and Zippy are my favourite characters, they are cool and brave and not rusty.” – Toby

The red group have been developing their sentence writing skills by writing an observation of Clink independently.

“Clink was so sad then he was happy. I like that he ended up happy” – Freddie

Clink the Robot

For the next four weeks we will be undertaking a class novel study about Clink the Robot.

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Clink is a fictional robot in a picture book written by Kelly DiPucchio and Matthew Myers.

On Wednesday your child will receive a hardback copy of the storybook home to keep for the next four weeks. Please ensure this book is in your child’s bag each day as we will be using these for exploration of the novel in class.

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Our homework for the next four week block will be focussed on Clink and will replace the reading books that are normally issued on a Monday.

Can we please ask that you return the books on Thursday 18th May for collection back into school. Please take care of Clink and his story as we want many other children to enjoy his story in future years.


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Welcome Back!

A warm welcome back to all of Primary 1 and our families after the spring break.

We hope you had a restful and fun filled break.

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This week we will be developing our writing skills of account writing and logical sequencing of events by writing postcards from our Spring Break.

To help with this can we please ask that if possible a photo or diary note of an exciting event that took place during the holidays can be brought into school to help us with this.

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Miss Dunn and Miss Lindsay will also be bringing in a holiday snap to share with the class!



Our Tour of Glasgow

We had a fabulous time yesterday on our tour of Glasgow in the open topped bus. We stopped of at Kelvingrove Art Galleries and the Riverside Museum. We are writing an account of our trip today, check back tomorrow for some examples of our writing on the blog!

Bang, Crash, Swoosh!

Primary 1 and Primary 2 had a very exciting (and noisy) Fab Friends session today!


Following on from our fantastic trip to Eastwood Theatre to see The Boy Who Cried Wolf we were inspired to create our own production. At the theatre there were three people in the cast who created an atmosphere and added sound effects to tell the story using percussion instruments and their voices.

We decided to do the same with our Fab Friends using percussion instruments and our voices to tell the story of a clip we saw. In the clip there were three main events: a whispering wind, a thundering train and a sad moment.

Miss Lindsay, Miss Dunn, Mrs Hughes and Mrs Mair all though we did a great job of selecting and using instruments to portray an event or feeling in a story.



World Book Day

We all had a fantastic time celebrating world book day today!

As part of our home link challenge, many of us had written an alternative ending to our favourite story book. We had a great time giggling at the funny endings we had all written!


We watched a Dr Seuss story telling together, which was interesting as today Dr Seuss the author would have celebrated his 113th birthday!


Following a class reading of ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ (one of our favourite stories in Primary 1), we all chose a follow up activity to explore the story. Take a look at some of our interesting writing inspired by the story below:

We then finished the day with an exciting paired reading session with our Fab Friends in P2.

We’ve had a great day celebrating World Book Day!

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Eastwood Theatre Trip

We visited Eastwood Theatre today with our Fab Friends from Primary 2!


We have been exploring friendships and emotions with our Fab Friends recently, and a trip to see a production of the moral tale The Boy Who Cried Wolf was an excellent way to conclude our learning.

We got the bus to the theatre with our Fab Friend and then sat beside them in the production.


There were lots of actions, mine and expressive movements in the show and the sound effects were all being made by the three man cast alone! We will be using our Fab Friends time on Friday to try making some of our won sound effects to films and clips.

After the show we all got the opportunity to go up on stage if we wanted to, the cast even made Miss Dunn get up on stage too!

We had a fantastic morning, learning about morals, sound effects and rhymes. Primary 1 would like to say a big thank you to Alice’s, Becca’s and Joshua’s mums for coming to help out on the trip.


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