World Book Day

World Book Day is being celebrated on Thursday 2nd March 2017 this year.

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As part of our experiences for this event we have a special World Book Day themed homework coming home!

There are suggested activities that you can do together as a family to celebrate world book day.

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We have also set a World Book Day challenge! See below for instructions:

  • Choose your favourite storybook.
  • Read this book with an adult
  • Have a look at the ending in particular.
  • Discuss an alternative ending with your grown up.
  • Record this alternative ending on the challenge sheet attached to your homework.
  • Bring challenge sheet into school on Thursday and we will read out all the alternative endings by our fantastic Primary 1 authors.

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The World of Work

dsc00786  dsc00788As part of our skills for learning life and work exploration we decided to look at job descriptions and interview for our classroom roles.

We discussed the skills and qualities needed for each job such as great communication and how to speak to others in a kind and respectful way.

We decided which classroom role we wanted to out ourselves forwards for and then we interviewed for it.

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There are only 9 classroom role titles so we knew some of us would not be successful this week. We talked about this and agreed we did not have to get upset because it would be our turn another week.

Who would have thought we would be interviewing for jobs in Primary 1!


JNF donations

img_7815We joined the upper school for a whole school Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday to celebrate the total amount raised for JNF through coin wars, donation boxes and our Tu B’Shevat dress as you please day.

The whole school raised over £400 and each class got a certificate showing that trees h e been planted in Israel in our name.

We were very proud of our fundraising efforts in Primary 1!





Vincent Van Gogh

This week we have been exploring the artist Vincent Van Gogh.

Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait 1887Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait 1887


Through his paintings we learned the phrase ‘self portrait’. This is a painting an artist does of themselves. Jasper said this sounded a bit like a selfie that we take nowadays.

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Here are some facts we learned:

  • He painted over 900 paintings – Ian
  • He became one of the most famous artist – Korin
  • He was Dutch but moved to France – Isaac
  • No one liked his pictures when he was alive but after he died people really liked them – Joshua
  • He did paintings of the flat he lived in – Noah
  • He painted with bright colours and sunny colours on a big paintbrush – Becca

Image result for vincent van gogh self portrait with bandaged earLots of us found out about Vincent Van Gogh’s ear. Nina explained that he had a fight with his friend and chopped his own ear off!

Check Bags Today!

Primary 1 will be going on an exciting educational outing on Tuesday 7th March 2017! Check bags today for permission slips, information letter and lunch orders.

We have spaces on the bus for one adult per child to accompany them on this trip for a £5 contribution.  To secure an addtional adult place please return attached tear off slip in your child’s communication jotter.

Primary 1 have been exploring Social Studies and Expressive Arts experiences and outcomes through the contexts of Glasgow, Famous Artists and Travel and Transport.




To enhance our learning within these areas we will be participating in a jam packed education outing following including the activities below:

  • Guided tour of Glasgow in Glasgow Sightseeing Bus

Image result for glasgow sightseeing bus

  • Snack at Kelvingrove Art Galleries


  • Famous Artist Task at Kelvingrove Art Galleries

East Hall

  • Lunch at Riverside Museum

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  • Travel and Transport Task at Riverside Museum

Image result for riverside museum cars

Wonderful Weighing!

Today, The Squares were exploring weight during Numeracy and Maths.

The children already had great prior knowledge of weight from weighing ingredients for baking and cooking at home. They enjoyed sharing their experiences!

We discussed how different items from the shopping bags felt when we held them and decided items were either heavy or light. We enjoyed sorting them into these groups as a team.

Nina decided the cous cous packet felt 'light' to carry.
Nina decided the cous cous packet felt ‘light’ to carry.
'Heavy' shopping
‘Heavy’ shopping
Light shopping

The children then ‘brought their shopping home’ into the House Corner, where the discussion of heavy and light continued as the shopping was put away.


dsc00752We are looking forward to Wednesday where we will be using a two pan balance to compare the weight of different objects!

Terrific Taskboards

Miss Dunn and P1 have been working as a team to develop the learning environment and ways of organising our learning in Primary 1.

We have looked at changing the layout of our room to one which the children decided, with a more cosy and welcoming book corner and new use of the sand and water trays.

Today we launched a new morning routine and use of terrific task boards in class.

In the morning we now have increased responsibilities to develop our sense of independence. See our morning routine below:

  • Communication folder and water bottle out of bag and into tray
  • Self register at classroom computer
  • Order lunches at interactive whiteboard
  • Collect Sidurim
  • Practice learning and writing our words of the week

Try asking your child about this new routine and how they feel about their new task boards at home!

Image result for morning routine clip art