Guide Dog Visit

Primary Two received a visit from Caroline and Dale from the Guide Dog Association Scotland. Caroline explained to the children how expensive it is to train a guide dog and how much time and effort is needed.

The children took part in a number of activities to highlight how difficult life would if they could not see.

We had to put tooth paste on a tooth brush. It was hard.- Yisrael

We matched gloves and socks. I used my sense of touch to help me.- Becca

I used a stick to help me feel where I was going when I was walking. – Jamin

Dale was the cutest dog ever! – Nina

It was an excellent experience that the children all enjoyed and would like to raise as much money as they can for the charity.



Chanukah 13.12.17

Today was the second day of Chanukah. This morning we light the first Chanukah candle in class. Our Menorah is shaped like Nessie the Loch Ness Monster. Ness in Ivrit means a miracle.

This afternoon we went to Shul. At Shul we said prayers, lit the Menorah> We then  got a doughnut, a drink and a present. It was very fun!


Squares- 6/12/17

Today in Numeracy we started to learn all about money.  We know all the differetn coins and notes and can order them. We used coins to make different totals. We then used different coins to make the same total.

It was a bit tricky at first but now I can do it.  Alice

We made the totals in two different ways! Becca


Speed Read!

As part of Literacy Week, Primary Two took part in a speed read!

We all brought in our favourite books to show the class. We had one minute to tell our partner about our favourite book. We read a little bit to them and then moved on to a new partner.

I found lots of new books that I want to read. I liked Leo’s Batman book the best! Freddie