Category Archives: Sciences

Weather Warnings!

Many of us have been hearing the words weather warnings on the news and weather reports. We decided to investigate this further on our Social Studies and Science time this afternoon.

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We explored different types of extreme weather, from floods to tornadoes. Many of us knew lots of facts about different types of weather. Look at some of these below:

Katie: “I know that tornadoes happen in countries like America. They don’t really happen here in our country. They are like spinning wind that is very dangerous. ”

Ian: “A drought is when it is so so hot that you need your sunglasses and no rain comes. It can be over 34 degrees! Then all the plants and vegetables don’t grown because they need rainwater.”

We used clips from BBC Newsround to investigate the extreme weather happening across Europe just now. Many countries who are usually hot countries are experiencing heavy snowfall. We discussed how a country could be prepared or not prepared for such weather.

Following on from our discussion about snow Miss Dunn showed us magic snow we can use in the classroom. It was not cold and did not melt in your hand nut looked just like snow. We followed the instructions to make it and practised writing our names in it.

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We even wrote our own weather forecasts with Miss Lindsay for the rest of the week. We predicted deep, deep snow!







On Friday our nursery had a special visitor from RSPB Scotland. Our visitor had heard we have been exploring The Gruffalo in our establishment and helped us to further explore some of the animals featured in the book.

We learned all about how owls hunt, where mice live and even got to touch a fox’s tail.




We then moved outside to create our very own Gruffalo house.


















We had lots of fun learning about the real lives of the animals in The Gruffalo. Our visitor was particularly impressed with our knowledge of animals from Forest School sessions, commenting that she had never been to a nursery where the children had so much experience in investigating nature.

Good Luck Major Tim

Lots of children came to nursery this morning very excited by the news of Tim Peake’s mission to the international space station. Many children had heard about the interesting event on the news with their parents and were eager to discuss this in nursery. What perfect timing for us as we are learning all about space in nursery this planning block.


Miss Dunn showed us news clips and footage of the launch on the interactive whiteboard with many of us counting down to lift off! The children asked for the small world rocket to come back out to explore life on a launch pad. Some children made space shuttles at the arts and craft table and others made rockets using the soft play material.



We wish Major Tim and his crew all the best on their mission to the space station. We are sure many of us will be waving up into the sky to say hello this evening!


Crisp Autumnal Days

We have been making the most of the dry, crisp weather in our outdoor learning area. With the leaves changing colour and falling into our playground we found some creative ways to play and learn with them. Some of us decided to make pumpkin pies using leaves as our ingredients, some created magical autumn castles and some even used the bamboo tubes to pour water on top of the dry leaves to investigate the effect.

No matter what the aim of our exploration was, we all certainly had fun with this very seasonal resource! DSCF0824[1] DSCF0821[1] DSCF0807[1] DSCF0798[1]