Tag Archives: information

S1/S2 School Sports Days

S1 Sports Day – Tuesday 19th May

S2 Sports Day – Wednesday 20th May

Both sports days will last for the full duration of the normal school day and we will return to school by the end of the school day. It is really important that you return your consent for (yellow – S1 and blue – S2) to your PE teacher as soon as possible if you have not done so already. This should be returned by Friday 8th May at the very latest.  Remember to bring along the following –

Essential items to bring:

  • Packed lunch
  • £2 travel contribution
  • Plenty of water/sports drinks
  • Waterproof jacket to stay warm and dry
  • Tracksuit trousers
  • Trainers or running spikes
  • Suntan lotion

The lists are now available in PE Dept to sign up for the event(s) which you would like to compete in on the day. You must sign up by Friday 8th May. Speak to your PE teacher if you are unsure at all.