
Recognising Pupil Achievement

Mearns Castle High School is striving to gain more and more information about the wide and varied range of activities that our young people are involved in. For many years we have been able to recognise these wonderful achievements through our school COLOURS programme.

Like many other organisations in the SPORTING, EXPRESSIVE ARTS, CITIZENSHIP and ENTERPRISE fields, COLOURS systems have been used to help identify outstanding success and help organisations to award certification and insignia to show their continued support.

The levels of Colours that can be awarded are Personal Achievement, House, Half and Full.

How to apply

All you have to do is complete the ‘Celebrating Pupil Achievement’ form.

NOTE: You will need to use your Glow Login to access the form. (e.g.

Please speak with Mr Gilroy in Pupil Support/PE if you have any issues accessing the form.

What happens next

Our ‘Recognising Pupil Achievement’ programme includes four meetings throughout the school year, where members of staff and senior school students will review the information that has been submitted and decide which level of Colours will be awarded.



After every Recognising Achievement Committee meeting, pupils will hear about their successes at their upcoming House Assembly, and receive a Colours Certificate and badge.

Colours recipients receive House Points and have their achievements displayed on their House Boards.

Pupils will be able to wear the following insignia:

  • Personal Achievement: Blazer badge
  • House Colours: Blazer badge and a Colours Tie which can be purchased from the school office
  • Half Colours: Blazer badge and Blue Braiding which can be placed on the breast pocket of school blazers in addition to the Colours Tie.
  • Full Colours: Blazer badge and Blue Braiding which can be added to all three pockets of the school blazer in addition to the Colours Tie.
  • Pride of House Pride of House blazer badge and same braiding as Full Colours (as you need to be awarded Full Colours to qualify for Pride)

Please note that the committee make decisions based upon the information and evidence provided on the application form.

We are looking forward to celebrating with you and sharing your successes with your peers.

Any submissions received after the submission dates will be considered for the next available meeting.

Examples of how to wear Colours with Blazers

Please find examples of the styles of braiding for each Colour/year group blazer

S1-S4 Pupil Blazers & Colours

S5-S6 Pupil Blazers & Colours

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