Differently-abled Awareness

Welcome to the section of Mearns Castle High School’s web pages that looks at the work we have started exploring in the area of Differently-abled Awareness.

Below are the posters that will be displayed in the departments who are involved in the pilot project this session.

S3 Classes
During the week beginning the 7th October 2019, several departments including: Physical Education; RMPS and Citizenship; Business and Computing Education; Support for Learning; Health and Food Technology; Drama; and Inter-disciplinary learning, third year pupils will be exploring how they learn and how they might meet the challenges if a physical impairment were to play part of their everyday life.

Great discussions have taken place between Mr Sorley and the teachers involved where departments will be looking at various activities such as:

  • using less dominant hands;
  • ICT to aid learning and access to the curriculum;
  • adaptations to resources to help perform tasks;
  • reduced hearing;
  • reduced visual acuity

all with an aim to give our S3 young people the opportunity to explore how they might have to access their learning and environment should they have a physical impairment.

Assemblies for All
Our biggest task during this week is to ensure that all of our young people in all year groups are given exposition to several charities and individuals who have lived experiences of having impairments to what many members of our society take for granted.

We will be looking at accessibility and changing the understanding that many who have lived experiences are not considered to be disabled, but live full and differently-abled lives.

Below are the logos (with links) to the charities and organisations who are helping us to deliver our first ever Differently Abled Awareness Week.

Click on the links below if you want to know more.

Scottish Cochlear Implant Programme logo

British Deaf Association

We would like to thanks MacTaggart & Mickel for supplying us with ear defenders for the Physical Education activities


East Renfrewshire Council

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