Charities Week

Charities Week is just 3 school weeks away !! Time to get cracking if you want to be involved !!

If you would like to mount an activity such as Cake Baking, Henna Painting, Mastermind, X-Box workshop . . .  anything which would make some money for Charities week  –  go to see Ms Hamilton (Business Studies) or Miss Khan (Maths) and get an application form from them.  If you just want to discuss your ideas with them then go to see them this week.

If you want to perform in one of the lunchtime shows, go to see Mr O’Donnell (Maths).  He will give you an application form.

This week is the time to do this – don’t leave it until it is too late.  Get your application forms, fill them out and return them as soon as possible.

Senior Award Ceremony

Mearns Castle’s Senior Award ceremony took place last night.   We shared in the many successes of our pupils in academic, sporting, enterprise, community and creative fields.

David McCrae - former Paralympic Board Member addressing the students
Mearns Castle's Head Girl and Head Boy Carly Ducket and Aidan O'Rourke giving the vote of thanks at the close of the awards ceremony

Click here to see more pictures from the night.

Eco-Schools Scotland 1,500 Green Flag Award

Today Mearns Castle was awarded the 1,500th Scottish Eco-Schools Green Flag.

The flag was raised today by Scottish Government Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages, Dr Alasdair Allan MSP.

Derek A. Robertson, Keep Scotland Beautiful Chief Executive and members of Mearns Castle's Eco committee.

Mr Smith said at the ceremony  ‘We are very proud to receive our green flag and in particular to be the recipient of 1,500th in Scotland.  Our school and the schools who have received flags before us have shown commitment and determination in being more environmentally friendly in our actions.

‘The Green Flag and Eco-Schools initiative and the great deal of work carried out in schools are helping to change attitudes towards the environment and you can see new generations coming through who care more and do more for their local and global environment. I’m very proud of Mearns Castle’s achievements and of the pupils and staff who have worked so hard to gain our school the 1,500th Green Flag’.

Scottish Government Minister for Learning, Science and Scotland’s Languages, Dr Alasdair Allan MSP speaking at the ceremony.

Members of the Eco committee saluting the Eco flag

Click here to see more pictures from the event.

Attention All S5/ S6 Who Are Interested In Applying To Oxford/ Cambridge

Oxford University is doing a Scottish School tour this month. They will be in Williamwood High School on the 18th September 2012 at 6:30 pm.

This is a very good talk about applying to Oxford and pupils will be given some good tips. Any student who is applying this year, or indeed next year, is invited to attend.

If you are interested please give your name to Mrs Crilley as soon as possible. Cambridge students should attend this as well.

East Renfrewshire Council

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