Please see below for all the information presented at our recent S2 Options Evening.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
S2 Parents’ Meeting
A letter to all parents in S2, with a video attachment below with further information.
Extra Curricular Activities
Please see the brochure below for all extra curricular activities available during 2nd Term.
Stevensons School Uniform Store
Please find below information regarding Christmas awards / Brading process .
- Customers who drop off their blazers before 17th December will have their braiding, letters, dates etc completed in time for Back to School January 2025.
- Customers who drop blazers off on our dedicated drop off day ‘Monday 23 December 9:00 – 12:00’ will more than likely not have blazers back in time for BTS ( could be as close as 6th January)
- Customer can purchase the braid from us and take to their own local tailor over the Christmas period if they prefer.
- Customers can drop blazers off during February half terms when tailors are operational and there is less likely to be a delay.
Branch will be closed – Tuesday the 17th and re-open Friday the 3rf of Jan 2025.
S5/6 Prelims
Please see below for all information and dates regarding the S5/6 Prelims.
S4 Prelims
Please see below all information and date’s regarding the S4 Prelims.
SQA Update
SQA’s learner booklet – Your National Qualifications – is available to download from their website. The booklet contains important information for learners creating and submitting coursework for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. It also highlights the rules that learners must know and follow to ensure they are not penalised. Please encourage your child to download and read the booklet. If you have any problems accessing the booklet please ask your child to speak to their pupil support.
Parent Calendar 2024-2025
Please see below for this school year’s calendar for all important dates and holidays.