A letter to all parents in S2, with a video attachment below with further information.
All posts by Mr Taylor
Extra Curricular Activities
Please see the brochure below for all extra curricular activities available during 2nd Term.
S5/6 Prelims
Please see below for all information and dates regarding the S5/6 Prelims.
S4 Prelims
Please see below all information and date’s regarding the S4 Prelims.
Parent Calendar 2024-2025
Please see below for this school year’s calendar for all important dates and holidays.
S1 and S2 Curriculum Information
Please see below for the information shared at the S1 and S2 curriculum information evening.
Assisted Study 2024-2025
Please see below for all dates for Assisted Study classes.
Mearns Respect Matters
Please see below the Respect Charter for all pupils.