Charities Week

Charities Week is just 3 school weeks away !! Time to get cracking if you want to be involved !!

If you would like to mount an activity such as Cake Baking, Henna Painting, Mastermind, X-Box workshop . . .  anything which would make some money for Charities week  –  go to see Ms Hamilton (Business Studies) or Miss Khan (Maths) and get an application form from them.  If you just want to discuss your ideas with them then go to see them this week.

If you want to perform in one of the lunchtime shows, go to see Mr O’Donnell (Maths).  He will give you an application form.

This week is the time to do this – don’t leave it until it is too late.  Get your application forms, fill them out and return them as soon as possible.