All posts by Mrs Husbands

Remote Learning: Fine Motor Skills – Getting Ready to Write

Fine motor skills involve the use of the muscles and joints of the hands that interconnect and work together to allow you to complete dexterous tasks.  They are the smaller hand and finger movements used, for example, to open a lunch box, zip up a coat or write with a pencil.  A young child cannot be expected to be able to do these tasks or learn to write appropriately if they haven’t yet developed the strength needed in their hands and fingers. Here are some ideas you can try at home with your families to help develop your fine motor skills and have some fun as well.   

Ice and snow melt

Use a pipette to squeeze some warm water on to some ice cubes or snow.  How long does it take to melt?  Maybe you could try adding some food colouring or paint to the water or try using different liquids such as vinegar or fizzy juice.

Play dough 

Try squeezing, stretching, squashing, pinching and rolling some play dough.  Can you make some snakes or wiggly worms?  Maybe you could try using scissors to cut the play dough into small pieces and then rolling them into little balls.  How many can you make?  Can you make different sizes of play dough balls?  Try holding a masher in both hands and find out how flat you can squash your play dough.  You could also try using some loose parts to add to your play dough. Have fun.



  • Plain flour – 2 cups
  • Water – 1 cup
  • Salt – ¼ cup
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Food colouring or paint (It helps to add this to the cup of water)
  1. Add everything together into a large bowl and stir well with a spoon until it turns into a soft dough.
  2. If the mixture is too sticky add some more flour.  If it’s too dry add some more water.
  3. Empty the play dough onto a floured surface and mix together with your hands.

Bottle top blaster

  • Ask an adult to help you cut the top from a plastic bottle and then attach a balloon where the lid would normally be.
  • Put a pompom into the bottle funnel.
  • Hold the bottle funnel with one hand and pull the balloon back hard with your other hand.
  • Let go of the balloon and your pompom will shoot out.  How far can your missile travel?
  • Why not rip or cut some paper to stick on to decorate your bottle top blaster.   

Mark Making

Fill a tray with rice, or spread a thin layer of shaving foam or salt on a worktop or old baking tray.  Try different items to draw, write or make patterns with such as your fingertip, twig, lollipop stick or paper straw.


Rice RacePut three small empty bowls on a table. Divide a handful of uncooked rice into two of the bowls, leaving the middle one empty. Have a race with someone from home to find out who can be the first to empty their bowl using a teaspoon to put their rice into the middle empty bowl.  Try using your left hand and your right hand.

Activities such as jigsaws, building with Lego or playing with loose parts are also great ways to help develop your fine motor skills. Collect a variety of small loose parts from around your home such as buttons, dried pasta, beads, coins or bottle lids. Experiment with making shapes or patterns with your loose parts or perhaps you could make some pictures, or build towers.

Please remember to share your learning on Google Classroom or Twitter @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Our Wellbeing Friends

2021 has been named ‘Year of Childhood’ and while already full of challenges, let’s look for opportunity and community building. Here are some ways we hope that we can work together this year.
At Glenwood, we have the exciting opportunity to work alongside Save the Children with the project they have created called ‘Children’s Places’. Through this project we will work with the children to look at their community using the wellbeing indicators from ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ – GIRFEC.
Save the Children have created some fantastic resources to help us work together to do this – including our Wellbeing Buddies.
We have prepared a learning at home bag for every child to introduce you and your family to the Wellbeing Buddies, alongside some ideas that will help your child understand what each of the indicators mean for them. There is also a diary for you to record your experiences together.
Here are our 8 Wellbeing Buddies…
Safe Stella
Healthy Henry
Achieving Andrew
Nurtured Nora
Active Aamir
Responsible Robbie
Respected Rhiya
Included Isabella

Don’t forget to come to Glenwood to collect your learning at home bag.

Please remember to share your learning on Google Classroom or Twitter @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning: Fresh Air and Exercise

Just because it’s winter and the days are short doesn’t mean going outside is not fun!

In fact, fresh air really is good for you! It can:

  • help you feel more energised
  • help you sleep better
  • help decongest you if you have a cold
  • restore your mood

Here are some ideas of things that you can do with your families outdoors at this time of year…

Play in the Snow – Why not build a snowman, go sledging or throw some snowballs? Just going for a walk in the snow is exciting – everything looks and sounds different! Can you see different footprints? Who do you think made them? Which way did they go?

Ice and Frost – Go exploring – look for different patterns of frost and different places to find ice. You might slide on it, smash it or pick it up and look through it.

Try blowing bubbles when it’s cold – if you are lucky they will freeze.

Have a go at making ice decorations  click here to find out how.Go on a Bear Hunt – Use all your senses as you squelch through mud, scrunch over frosty grass and splash through puddles! You might need to climb through branches or scramble up a hill… will you find the bear’s den?

Puddle Jumping – It’s always fun to jump and splash in puddles! Who can make the biggest splash? Which puddle is deepest? Can you splash all the water out of the puddle?

Fun with Sticks – You could try a game of Pooh Sticks if you are near a bridge over a stream or take some sticks home and make a Stickman using what you have in your house.


Go exploring with a torch – Why not go for an adventure after dark? Take a torch with you and explore the woods or just have a turn in the play park! You might choose to watch the sun go down while you are out as well.

Have a campfire – Some of you might be lucky enough to be able to have a fire in your garden. Why not try cooking some tasty treats on it, such as foil wrapped bananas or marshmallows?

Remember to wrap up warm – Several thin layers are better than one very thick one – then if you get too warm you can take one off! Adults please remember that children will not feel the cold as much as you do BUT they also may not realise when they get too cold – especially when hands and feet get wet.

Whatever you do outdoors – have fun and please share your adventures on Google Classroom or on Twitter @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Happy New Year

All of us at Glenwood hope that you had a good break and wish you all the best for the New Year.We are disappointed that we are not able to welcome you all back to nursery this week but have been busy making plans for the upcoming weeks.

We will again be providing regular ideas for learning experiences for you to use at home if you wish. This will be both through our website and on Google Classroom. We are also getting another Home Learning Bag put together along with a booklet full of ideas for you to use as a family.

We hope that you will share your learning with us through Google Classroom – by doing this your child can show their friends what they have been doing and also see what their friends have been doing to! We will also add your pictures to your child’s learning journal to show their learning at home.

This is an unsettling time for everyone, so you may like to look back at some of our previous blogs….

Healthy Minds and Bodies

Daily Routines

Stay safe and we hope to be able to welcome you back to Glenwood soon.

For full details of how we are supporting home learning and the extra measures we have in place to keep safe in Glenwood please visit this page as part of our Coronavirus planning.

January 2021 – Remote Learning

Road Safety with Ziggy

Today we took Ziggy with us on our Woodland Adventure and taught him all about staying safe on the road.

We hold hands with our partners to keep them safe.
We stop at the kerb and look and listen for cars.
Zebra crossings are a safe place to cross.
We stay away from the edge of the pavement when we are walking.
We showed Ziggy our new nursery.
Ziggy even climbed a tree!

The children are all very good at keeping safe when we walk to the woods and could tell Ziggy all about what he should do.

Exploring Mark Making

Over the past few weeks at nursery, the children have been exploring different ways of mark making both indoors and outside.

Here are just a few photographs of what we have been doing…

Pens and pencils
…working together on a large piece of paper.

Whiteboards are a favourite…



Writing  in  salt…

Gloop is always popular!

Mixing our own colours of paint…

We love painting on a large scale (although it can get messy!)

Making paint from things we find outdoors…

Mashed brambles
Mud painting
Mud painting

Crayon rubbings and chalk outside too.

How do you like to make marks, draw and write? Why not share with us on Twitter  @GlenwoodFC  or in your Google Classroom.

Remote Learning – Patterns

Patterns are everywhere.  Looking for patterns helps us discover and learn new things about the world around us.

Mrs Wilson went on a pattern hunt in her house and garden.  Here are some of the patterns she found.

Can you find any of these patterns?

Maybe you can find some different patterns in your house or when you are outside.


Activities to try at home

Pair socks by looking at their patterns to help develop matching skills.



Print a pattern using fruit and vegetables.



Look at the patterns on the soles of your shoes and wellington boots.  How many different patterns can you find?



Design your own tartan pattern using paint and toy car wheels.

Support your child develop their understanding of repeated patterns by providing simple patterns for them to copy using loose parts.  Saying the pattern out loud as it is made can really help children as they decide what item is next.  Making their own patterns also helps children develop their decision making skills as well as learning how to make logical connections.

Collect some leaves to peg a leaf pattern on a washing line or piece of wool or string.

Explore the different patterns that animals might have by watching a clip from CBeebies about animals with spots and stripes:

Remember to tweet to let us see the patterns you find or make.  Have fun!  @Glenwood FC  #Glenwoodlearningathome


Remote Learning – Fun Friends: Don’t Forget to be Brave and Stay Happy!

Hello Fun Friends. This is our last message of this year and we want you to carry on being Brave and Happy!

Remember to use your milkshake breathing and relax when you feel upset or worried. Also it can be good to talk about your feelings with people who care for you. 

Mirror, Mirror

When you are looking at yourself in the mirror (perhaps brushing your teeth or hair) Tell yourself something positive e.g “I can be brave, kind, helpful, try my best” These are positive  (green) thoughts.

You can help other people to have green positive thoughts too. Send a message to a friend, member of your family or neighbour. 

We know that you are Brave! We saw how Brave you could be at Glenwood and we know you will continue to try and be brave. Remember to keep practising being brave. Brave is :

  • Looking people in the eye
  • Smiling
  • Using a brave voice
  • Standing up tall
  • Trying your best and giving it a go!

Making  New Friends

It’s good to make new friends and to play with different people. Friends smile, help, talk, listen, play and share. What would you tell your friend? What would you ask them? Would you tell them about your family?

Family Fun Questions (why not write these out, add some more and then pick a question to answer)

  • Who has the loudest laugh?
  • Who makes the best food and what is it?
  • Who is the funniest person?
  • Who has the smelliest shoes?
  • Who is the oldest person in the family?
  • What is your favourite thing to do?

Our support Team

Sometimes we need help or care from others. On a piece of paper draw yourself and then people who can help or support you round about you.  This might include siblings, wider family, neighbours, teachers (pets can also be included).

Game – What could you do if? (Think of solutions to these problems)

  • You don’t get a plate/book but everyone else does.
  • There’s a lion in the garden.
  • There is a group of children playing and you want to join in.
  • Everyone is doing an activity and you don’t know how to do it.
  • Your friend gets their head stuck in some railings.

Make up your own scenarios – some things that might happen and some funny.

It’s ok to say No! 

Sometimes our friends do or say things we don’t like. Remember it’s ok to say “I don’t like that”. Look the person in the eye and use a brave voice. Next you can get louder and show a cross face. Then use a very loud voice and show your angry face and body (no hitting or kicking). Get help from an adult if you need it.

We follow the rules so we don’t get lost or hurt. We ask for help when we need it and we remember the Pants rule

Game – Today we will be……

Here are a few positive behaviours (add your own), write them on pieces of paper, fold them up, put them in a container and then pick one out each day. Then everyone playing needs to try and be this word.

Determined   Flexible   Thankful   Friendly   Creative   Funny   Surprising   Tidy   Helpful   Co-operative   Bendy   Strong   Gentle   Playful   Try hard

Keep Learning!

As you grow there are lots of things to learn! Keep practising to achieve your goals and try hard! Remember: ‘No matter how old you are everyday is a learning day’. 

We are proud of you! 

Being in lockdown has been very hard and we want you to know that we have missed you very much but we are very proud of you staying at home or going to a nursery hub. 

We hope you will continue being Fun Friends and will remember:

    • Friends- can recognise our own and others feelings
    • Relaxing and milkshake breathing
    • I can do it – turning red thoughts green
    • Encouraging – I can achieve a goal
    • Nurture – I can be a good friend
    • Don’t forget to be brave!
    • Stay happy!


Remote Learning – Healthy Tuck Shop

Miss Bibby has been thinking about ways you can use money in your house.

One way I thought of is to set up your very own healthy snack shop.

My snack shop is going to have apples, tangerines, strawberries, blueberries, carrot sticks, peppers and celery for sale.




You and your family can take turns at both selling and buying your snacks.

You could make it a bit easier by putting the coins on the price list.

Why not see what coins you can recognise and use these to buy your snacks?

This activity will help develop numeracy skills such as coin and number recognition.

Don’t forget to share your tuck shop with us on Twitter or Google Classrooms  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Number Sense

Number Sense is when a person has a sense of what numbers mean, understands their relationship to one another, can perform mental arithmetic and can use numbers in real situations.

At Glenwood we play games that help us to develop our number sense. All of these ideas can be adapted to suit the stage of individual children – make the numbers and quantities smaller or larger to give the appropriate amount of challenge.

We like to add an element of competition to add to the fun and will play several games in a row for a short time each.

Saying Number Sequences – Forwards and backwards: this can be as simple as counting together as you climb up the stairs, kick a football or count down to begin a race. Try saying alternate numbers as you count, or clapping for each number.

Recognising and sequencing numerals:

Point to each number as you say it – go forwards and backwards.
Cover a number – Which one is missing from the sequence?
Play Splat! – say a number and ‘splat’ the correct card.

Counting Visible Items:

Count out the correct number of items onto the plate or match the correct numeral to the set.
Use a pack of cards and count out the same number that is shown – see who can do it fastest.

Spatial Patterns: These are the dot patterns that are on dice or dominoes – we learn to recognise the pattern and can say how many spots there are without counting them.

Roll a dice and count out the correct number – take turns and see who has the most at the end. Add the spots on two dice together for a challenge…

Subitising: Our brains are very clever – they can tell us ‘how many’ items are in a small group without us counting!

Hide a small number of objects under a cloth…
…lift up the cloth just for a few seconds – How many did you see?

You could try using more than one colour and asking how many of each colour.

We hope you will try out some of these games with your family… have fun and let us know which you enjoyed most.

@GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Transition Visits to Glenwood

This week we have been excited to welcome our pre-school children back to Glenwood for the first of their transition visits.

It was a bit strange at first but the children soon got over their nerves and were soon joining in with all the different activities. It was hard remembering that we couldn’t be too close together but everyone did very well.

Here are some pictures of the experiences we took part in…

The Beebots went on a Bear Hunt


Building houses for bears


Inventing our own bear maths games

Playing on the computers

Drawing pictures and reading books


Listening to the story of Whiffy Wilson The wolf who didn’t want to go to school

And everyone decorated a triangle to make our own bunting


Next week we will hear all about your adventures when you visited your new schools and also have a small celebration together to say ‘Goodbye’.

Remote Learning – Fun Friends: Nurture

Consistency is key – the more your child practices, the better they will become at finding ways to work through their own personal challenges.


Recap on previous weeks’ learning:

  • Feelings It’s ok to have feelings, everyone has feelings. Learning how to recognise and deal with our feelings is an important skill.
  • Relax Practise relaxation every day if you can and encourage your child to use relaxation strategies to calm down if they feel upset/worried/angry.
  • I can try We can be BRAVE! By looking someone in the eye, smiling and using a brave voice. We now know that RED thoughts are unhelpful thoughts and GREEN thoughts are helpful thoughts. We can choose to turn our RED thoughts GREEN.
  • Encourage Did you encourage your child to try a new skill, develop self-control or overcome a fear? Did your child have the opportunity to practice the skill of being brave as they took on a new challenge?


Learning about role models in our lives and how they can influence how we nurture relationships. Spending time together doing fun activities with adults, peers and siblings help us to role model positive relationships. Our family, friends and adults in our lives can help us be brave and we can help them.

Being a good friend Discuss what makes a good friend – helping, sharing, smiling and listening. Then talk about a time that your child has been a good friend and thank them for sharing the story.

Making new friends Remind children about doing things one step at a time. Discuss steps to make new friends by, smiling and saying hello, asking them to play with you, share your toys, invite them to play at your garden, etc

Encourage children to listen to their friends.

Listening game: Play a Simon Says game but with a different action from what is being said. For example, Simon says “touch your nose”, while touching your head. Your child needs to listen and do what you say rather than what you do.

Sharing game: In a small group give each child 5 stickers of the same colour. The aim is to end up with 5 stickers- all different colours. Each child has to ask the other child for a sticker in a brave voice and say please and thank you. Afterward you can discuss the importance of being kind and sharing. What would happen if no one had shared a sticker.

Magical sound box: Put different objects, such as keys, paper, beans in a bottle, etc., into a covered box, and then manipulate one of the objects asking a child to tell you what he or she heard. You might need to introduce the child to different objects and sounds before playing this game.

Guess who is calling you: Seat everyone in a circle, choose one child to cover their eyes. Then choose someone else in the group to shout out the person’s name that has their eyes closed. The child then uncovers their eyes and has to guess who shouted out their name. Continue until everyone has had a turn in the circle.

Useful links for being a good friend.

CBeebies Justin’s Good Friends Song 

What makes a good friend? song on YouTube

Bad Apple: a tale of friendship by Edward Hemingway (YouTube) 

Friendship Soup – a recipe for friends (YouTube)

Can you tell us about when you have been a good friend to your family, neighbours or anyone else?

Share on Google Classrooms or Twitter @GlenwoodFC #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Catapults and Mazes

Mrs Silvester has been having fun with her recycling again! Here are some ideas of things you could try at home too…


In Mrs Silvester’s house we set out to build our own catapults with things we had around the house to see if we could create our own trajectory devices. Then we built a basketball type game with the catapults.

Here are some of the things you could use:

  • Piece of scrap wood/ cardboard/ice lollipop stick/craft stick
  • Wood glue/rubber bands/sticky tack
  • Clothes peg/plastic spoons
  • Plastic bottle caps
  • Cardboard box
  • Yogurt pots/containers
  • Projectile Ideas (safe for toddlers and preschoolers): peas, pom poms, dandelions (just the flower part)

These were some of the questions the children in my house had, which we were hoping the experiment would answer:

  • Which would go further, heavier things or lighter things?
  • Does a longer catapult fling the object further?
  • Which catapult would work better, the spoon or the lollipop stick?
Here is our basketball game.

Find more information

Maze Game

This game was fun to make and is great for building motor skills, concentration, counting and number recognition. Turn a cardboard box or plate into an entertaining ball maze game.  This is a great hand-eye coordination game to make and play with reusable materials.

Suggestions of what you could use to make your own Recycled Maze Game:

  • Scissors
  • Cardboard Box or Plate
  • Pencil
  • Paper Strips or Cardboard Tubes (Toilet Paper Rolls, Paper towel rolls, wrapping paper tubes, etc.)
  • Sticky Tape or Glue
  • A bean, marble, scrunched up paper ball or something small that rolls.

Create the Maze

1) Design your maze by placing the tubes or paper strips on the box. Arrange them making sure you leave enough space for free ball travel around the maze.

2) Then attach the tubes or paper strips to your box or plate

3) ENJOY ! ! !

You could try these other ideas for making mazes too.

Here’s a fun song to help remind us of ways to cut down on single use plastic:

Don’t forget to share your creations on Google Classrooms or Twitter @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Let’s Smile!

We love to see your smiles and it is nearly the end of National Smile Month (18th May – 18th June). When you smile it’s great to see your teeth especially when they are clean and bright.

Remember to:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day in the morning and at night.
  • Brush for two minutes with a pea sized amount of toothpaste
  • At the end spit don’t rinse
  • Reduce sugary foods and drinks and restrict them to mealtimes.

Why don’t you sing along with Hey Duggee’s toothbrushing song?


Next time you are brushing your teeth can you name the different parts you are brushing: the lower set,  front of your teeth, gums, back of teeth, biting surface, corners and upper set of teeth.


Lots of us also love things that are sweet but sugar isn’t good for our teeth or bodies. Are you eating too much sugar?

Activity – Sugar Bags

Create bags with spoonfuls of sugar to show how much sugar is in a product you enjoy. You will find the amount of sugar in the nutrition panel of the product listed under “Carbohydrate of which sugars”. 1 teaspoon=roughly 4g of sugar so divide the figure on the packaging by 4 to get the number of teaspoons.

Mrs McGregor checked her yoghurt ingredient panel and found it contained 13.8g of carbohydrate as sugars. She measured out 3 ¼ teaspoons of sugar to show how much sugar was in the yoghurt.



Sugar swap 

Which items do you enjoy that you could swap for similar products with less sugar? For example, you could swap flavoured yoghurt for natural yoghurt with fresh fruit .

You can find out more about Child Smile on their website:

We would love to see your smiles and healthy swaps – why don’t you post them in your Google Classroom to show your friends?

@GlenwoodFC #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Virtual Sports Week

We have all had lots of fun this week joining in with our sporting activities and we hope you have too!

Thank you for posting all your videos on Google Classrooms – we have enjoyed watching you all.

Here are some pictures from the week…apologies if they are a bit blurry but the adults from Glenwood move very fast!

Mrs Russell’s star jumps.
Mr Milligan does the limbo.
Mrs Clark’s frog shuttle runs.
Mrs Silvester about to do the long jump…
…she jumped to 3!
Mrs McGregor and Miss McCallum had a very fast egg and spoon race!
Great book balancing by Mrs Wilson.


Miss Maclean does the toilet roll sprint.
Mr Fleming finishing the week with the hurdles.

Remote Learning – Fun Friends: Encourage

Welcome back to Fun Friends.

This week we are looking at encouragement.

Well done to all of you who have been learning about feelings, relaxing (and milkshake breathing) and ‘I can do it!’ (turning red thoughts green).

This week we want to set goals with children, and encourage them to gain a skill, develop self-control or overcome a fear. This is a chance for us to be brave as we take on a challenge!

To achieve our goal we can break the task into smaller steps. An example is learning to complete a jigsaw puzzle:

  1. Find the four corner pieces
  2. Find the pieces with a straight edge
  3. Match up the pieces with a straight edge
  4. Match up pieces with the same colour and join together
  5. Fill in the gaps with remaining pieces.
  6. Jigsaw complete

Can you pick a goal you would like to achieve? What will you pick?

If you can’t think of a goal here are some ideas:

  • Getting dressed by yourself
  • Sleeping in your own bed
  • Learning a new sport (for sports week)
  • Eating new food especially fruit or vegetables
  • Fastenings- zips, buttons, studs or velcro
  • Riding bike or scooter
  • Finding and tidying up your belongings
  • Being brave when ……….

Can you make a picture to show what you want to learn or get an adult to help write a list of steps to get you to your goal. If you want you could post it on your Google classroom.

Now start at step one and try and achieve it. If it takes practise try hard! Remember to think green thoughts. When you have achieved a step, Celebrate! Give yourself a cheer or do a little dance.  When you achieve your goal maybe you will get a reward.

What reward would you pick? Maybe playing a favourite game as a family, or getting to choose what Mum or Dad will cook. Fun Friends Koala likes choosing activities with others more than sweet or toy rewards. Can you do the same?Additional resources 

CBeebies radio programme on encouragement:

Using zips:

Learning to button:

Introducing new food (its part of info on fussy eaters):

Staying in your bed:

Learning to ride a bike:

Remote Learning – Musicality

Children naturally enjoy music, and want to move, dance, vocalise and create sounds in whichever way they can to reflect their mood.

There are different aspects of musicality that you can explore with your child:


When children take part in music and movement activities, they can release lots of energy as they have fun being creative and dancing around.  It also helps children to develop their gross and fine motor skills, express their emotions, learn how to share space, and improve their balance and co-ordination as they explore moving their body.

Great songs to try are Shake your sillies out and I can move my body like anything or you could play a game like musical statues.

Play Sounds

When children make sounds through play, they are developing early instrumental skills.  They are first learning what the object is and then what they can do with it.  As children experiment, they are building an understanding of how best to make the sound i.e shake maracas, use a beater to play a triangle, scrape or beat a woodblock, tap or bang drums with their hands.

Encouraging your child to explore what they can do with instruments is so beneficial for their development.  It builds fine and gross motor skills, supports sensory development, enhances hand-eye co-ordination and helps your child to develop patience and perseverance.

You may have some instruments at home already or you could make your own such as lollipop stick harmonicas or straw pan flutes.  We also included ideas in the home learning booklet in your family fun bag.


Listening is not just about hearing, it is also about being able to tune-in to sounds in the environment and sounds that are spoken.  It can be described as an active process where we make sense and respond to what we hear.  As children develop their listening skills, they are learning to take in information, respond to instructions and share ideas and thoughts.

You could try playing some listening games with your child, such as Simon Says, or online from the BBC website


Having the opportunity to be creative with music enables children to think about how sounds are made and how they can put these sounds together to compose their own rhythms.  Children need to be able to try out their own ideas and express themselves to nurture this creative process.

Here are some ideas to encourage your child:

Chrome Music Lab – Song Maker

Body rhythm using syllables: Start by thinking of 2 items that you want to use, for example apple and banana

Choose which body parts you want to use to beat out the syllables, you might clap hands twice for a-pple or stamp three times for ba-na-na

Put this rhythm together and then repeat: CLAP, CLAP, STAMP, STAMP, STAMP, CLAP, CLAP, STAMP, STAMP, STAMP

Say the syllables as you do the body rhythm: a-pple, ba-na-na, a-pple, ba-na-na


Singing with your child helps promote their language and literacy development.  Songs can be very motivating for children, using simple, repetitive language to encourage engagement as they learn new things such as phonological awareness and vocabulary. Children’s songs also include concepts such as counting, body parts recognition, animals and following directions, and these really help your child to understand experiences, words, emotions, and much more.

Spend some time singing with your child everyday.  Here are some song suggestions and ways that you can integrate activities to enhance the experience for your child:

Favourites: Incy Wincy Spider; Wheels on the Bus; Row, Row, Row your Boat

Body parts: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes; If You’re Happy and You Know It; Tommy Thumb

Animals: Old McDonald; I Went to Visit a Zoo One Day; There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly

Counting: 5 Little Monkeys; Once I Caught a Fish Alive; 5 Little Speckled Frogs

Other Ideas

  • Try pausing before the last word in a line and see if your child finishes it.  This is building skills such as attention, memory, language and rhyming.
  • Add extra verses or change some of the details in the song.  This encourages your child to be creative and flexible, whilst supporting vocabulary development.
  • Make a mistake whilst singing and see if your child notices and can fix it.  This helps improve attention and listening skills.
  • Adapt a song to include holiday and seasonal topics, for example  Santa on the Sleigh Goes Ho, Ho, Ho.
  • Make up your own songs to develop your child’s understanding and motor movements.

Remember to share your ideas in your Google Classroom or on Twitter @GlenwoodFC  #Glenwoodlearningathome

Remote Learning – Glenwood Virtual Sports Week

All of the staff are super excited about our Virtual Sports Week and have been out practising! Take a look at the video…

Each day next week we will post on Google Classrooms different sports for you to try at home. Take some photos or videos of you taking part and post them in your Google Classroom for your Glenwood friends to see.

You can also share on Twitter @GlenwoodFC #Glenwoodlearningathome 

Remote Learning – Fun Friends: I can do it!

Recap on feelings:

  • It’s ok to have feelings
  • Everyone has feelings
  • I can recognise feelings in myself and others
  • I can ask for help with my feelings
  • Hitting, kicking or breaking things is not ok, no matter how we feel

Keep encouraging your child to identify feelings in themselves and to do things that make themselves feel better when they are experiencing unpleasant feelings.

Practise relaxation every day if you can and encourage your child to use relaxation strategies to calm down if they feel upset/worried/angry e.g use milkshake breathing and imagine a peaceful place.

We can be BRAVE! Being BRAVE is:

  • Looking people in the eye
  • Smiling
  • Using a brave voice
  • Standing up tall
  • Trying your best
  • Trying something for the first time

Red and Green thoughts:

This week in the Fun Friends programme we teach children about negative (RED) thoughts and positive (GREEN) thoughts. There are some activity ideas further down the post.

What children think has an impact on their feelings and actions so it is important we help children develop positive mindsets and be more confident.

What we want children to learn is we can have RED (unhelpful) thoughts or GREEN (helpful) thoughts. We can choose to turn our RED thoughts GREEN.

GREEN thoughts are the things you say to yourself in your head that make you feel good which makes them HELPFUL thoughts.

  • I can do it! I will give it a go
  • I will try my best
  • I am brave
  • I will help Mum/Dad/Brother/Sister
  • I’m good at lots of things
  • It doesn’t matter if I make a mistake
  • I have lots of friends
  • I’m going to have a good day. I am looking forward to it
  • I’ll ignore people who say nasty things to me
  • I’ll try this game because it will be fun
  • Mum/Dad/Gran/Grandpa always pick me up at the end of the day – they won’t forget

RED thoughts are things you say to yourself that make you feel unhappy feelings or make you feel less confident which makes them UNHELPFUL thoughts.

  • I can’t do it and/or I can’t do it without Mum/Dad
  • I don’t want to go because I won’t have fun
  • No one likes me
  • I got something wrong so I’m silly
  • I’m not good at this
  • I have to win
  • I don’t want to do something new – its too scary!
  • Reading is too hard
  • I’ll look silly if I do that, people will laugh at me
  • I’m going to have a bad day
  • Mum/Dad/Gran/Grandpa will forget to pick me up at the end of the day!

Changing RED to GREEN

How can we change RED thoughts into GREEN thoughts? Help the children come up with GREEN thoughts for certain situations e.g

  • Someone being mean – its not my fault I’m still happy
  • Feeling sick – I’ll feel better soon, I can cuddle with Mum/Dad
  • Can’t find a toy – I’ll keep looking, I can play with something else
  • Best friend didn’t come to school – I can play with someone else, I can still have fun

Feelings vs Thoughts

Talk about the difference between our thoughts and feelings. Talk about how feelings are in our bodies, and thoughts are in our head.

Activity 1

Draw a big traffic light on paper/cardboard with emphasis on RED and GREEN lights – GREEN light means GO!, RED light means STOP! Explain that this is to help us tell the difference between thoughts that help us feel BRAVE and good inside (GREEN) and thoughts that make us feel scared, worried or angry inside (RED). The AMBER light can be seen as a time for changing RED thoughts to GREEN thoughts. It may help to draw happy and unhappy faces onto the traffic lights. Please make sure it is known that RED thoughts are ok to have. You can use examples of RED and GREEN thoughts from the lists above.

Activity 2

Say ‘Hello’ to GREEN thoughts – talk about times when we might have a RED thought and how we can help ourselves to feel better by turning it into a GREEN thought instead.  Write/draw GREEN thoughts on a sheet of green paper (or use a green pen) and turn them into a GREEN thoughts book.

Say Goodbye to RED thoughts – Write/draw a RED thought on a sheet of red paper (or use a red pen), jump up and down on the RED thought, rip it up and throw it in the recycling bin!

Practise identifying RED and GREEN thoughts as much as possible. Model turning RED thoughts into GREEN ones and help your child to do the same with their own RED thoughts.

Praise your child for using these strategies in times of stress and for being BRAVE.

Helpful Links for explaining feelings



Healthier Minds