Tag: Pupils

Pupil Support informal parental drop in sessions in May and June

Informal Parent Drop In
All welcome
Giffnock Primary School

Monday 13th May 2019 at 2.30pm in school library
Wednesday 12th June 2019 at 9am in school library

As part of our ongoing partnership working we would like to invite
you to our informal drop ins on pupil support. In the past we have
shared a variety of information from specialists and staff available
from Speech and Language therapists, Oral Health staff and school
support staff.

Want to find out how to support your child more? Or have any
concerns re your child’s learning? Then come along to our coffee and
chat times. Share your story and gather some information and
helpful hints.
We look forward to meeting with you all again.

Dates and times at school library
Monday 13th May at 2.30pm

Mr McGee School Educational Psychologist
Ms McLeod School Support for Pupil teacher
Ms Rawley Support for Pupil Co ordinator

  • Role of Educational Psychologist
  • Supporting ASD pupils and families
  • Support overview at Giffnock Nursery and Primary
Wednesday 12th June at 9am

Mr McGee School Educational Psychologist
Mrs Carney School Support for Pupil teacher
Ms McLeod School Support for Pupil teacher
Ms Rawley Support for Pupil Co ordinator

  • Preparing for change and transition
  • Using Emotionworks Programme to support emotional literacy and resilience
  • Use of support groups at Giffnock Nursery and Primary
  • Available for any questions and advice

Lost Property

The Parent Council have asked for this email to be sent to parents –

If you think you may have an item in lost property, please could you collect it by Thursday 2nd May.

Any items not collected will be taken to ApparelxChange for recycling on Thursday 9th May.

Here is a link to their website if you would like any more information about the recycling www.apparelxchange.co.uk

after school clubs

Emails have now been sent to parents/carers of children who have secured a place with our popular After School Clubs for this term. If you have not received an email we are sorry to say that on this occasion your child has not been successful.

If your child has been allocated a place with our After School Clubs, our expectation is that your child will attend. Please note that all children must be prepared to attend weekly and not withdraw from these clubs. The coaches are responsible for the children in their care and any absences must be accounted for.  In the unlikely event that your child is unable to attend any session could we please ask you to telephone the school office beforehand (we cannot accept a child’s notification to the class teacher) and this will then be marked on the club register for that day.  Without your assistance our administrative staff have to telephone parents/carers to ascertain the whereabouts of their child and with more pupils than ever taking part in after school clubs this can be a very time consuming task.

P.E. days April to June 2019

Our updated P.E. days for April to June are as follows:

Nursery AM
Outdoor every day plus PE on Tuesday till 17th May then Mondays
Nursery PM
Outdoor every day plus PE on Friday till 17th May then Wednesdays
Outdoor daily plus PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Outdoor daily plus PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Tuesdays and Fridays
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Wednesdays and Thursdays
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Tuesdays and Fridays
Wednesdays and Fridays
Thursdays and Fridays
Mondays and Wednesdays
Mondays and Wednesdays
Tuesdays and Fridays
Tuesdays and Thursdays

Further information about health and wellbeing can be seen in the attached leaflet:


Ski lessons


Dear Parent / Carer

We are delighted to offer another block of skiing to all pupils in P4-7 across the Woodfarm Cluster, please find the letter attached. This programme is a partnership between ERCL Active Schools and the Glasgow Ski & Snowboard Centre.

There is also the opportunity, after the block of lessons, for pupils to attend a Ski Fun night in June, at a further cost. However, unfortunately that night clashes with our longstanding date for the School Show Performance which all P4-7 children are expected to be involved in. Therefore, we have informed ERCL Active Schools that there won’t be an uptake from Giffnock for this event.

With that said, we would encourage any of our interested children to take advantage of the great opportunity on offer and as detailed in the attached letter.

Cluster Ski Letter April 2019

Comic Relief Friday 15th March

Whilst we are aware that it is Comic Relief on Friday 15th March 2019 and although we will collect any donations that are generously given, there will not be any significant activities taking place in school for Comic Relief because we have recently celebrated Children In Need.

On the same day however it is our House Quiz Challenge and children are invited to come to school dressed in house colours on Friday 15th March 2019.

Recycle your old school uniform

If you have any school uniform that you no longer have use for, please drop off at the school office on Parents Evening on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th March. We will recycle it with ApparelXChange .  Blazers and ties are redistributed within school.

For further information on Pass It On Week or ApparelXChange, the work they do and their opening hours, please contact:



Instrumental music tuition

Giffnock Primary School
Instrumental Music Provision

Dear Parent/Carer,
We would like to share the opportunities our children have to learn an instrument at Giffnock Primary and within East Renfrewshire Council.
If your child is currently in Primary 3 or Primary 5, you will have received a letter about the instrumental tuition available at Giffnock Primary.
Primary 3 – violin or viola starting August 2019 when your child starts Primary 4.
Primary 5 – brass, woodwind or guitar starting August 2019 when your child starts Primary 6.
Within the next few weeks, our instrumental instructors will visit the classes to tell the children about the instruments available to them.
If your child is interested, please return the letter by Friday 22nd March 2019.
After the Spring holidays, the various instrumental instructors will collate the returns and they will meet with the interested children for a short assessment.
The number of children being offered lessons in school is determined by the music service and not the school.
Priority is given to the above classes, however if the uptake is low there may be an opportunity to open it up to other classes. Again, this is at the discretion of the music service.
An alternative to lessons in school is the wonderful Saturday music school held at Williamwood Secondary School. They are currently advertising the Come and Try sessions in April for Primary 4 and Primary 6 pupils.
All details of application forms, Come and Try dates and the Parental Information Leaflet, detailing cost can be found on our school website through the following link:
We hope this information is helpful for those interested in learning a musical instrument.

Yours sincerely,
Judy Brown
Principal Teacher


come and try music sessions

Calling all budding P4; Accordion, Bagpipe, ‘Cello, Clarsach, Double Bass, Drum Corps, Violin & Viola Players!

Please complete this form no later than 15 March 2019 to register your place on the P4 Come and Try Event at the East Ren Saturday Music Centre.


Calling all budding P6; Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Horn, Tuba & Guitar Players!

Please complete this form no later than 15 March 2019 to register your place on the P6 Come and Try Event at the East Ren Saturday Music Centre.


Sports Hero Day!

As you may be aware, on the 27th March all pupils will be taking part in Sports Hero Day.  This promises to be a fun filled, informative day with lots of opportunities to learn about and try a range of sporting pursuits, all while dressed as their own sporting heroes!

To add to the fun, as part of the day, the Parent Council are holding a sponsored event which will take place in the school and will form part of the planned activities for all pupils.

“I can’t do that….. YET!”

What’s involved?

Pupils can choose from one of 5 options and set themselves a physical goal.  It may be something new or a skill they wish to improve. We have attached a sponsor form with details of the challenges (which will also be sent out via homework bags next week) and ask that your child seeks sponsorship for their efforts and determination in learning or improving at their chosen skill.

The most important thing is that your child has lots of fun practicing, while learning to set goals and overcome obstacles.  They can use their growth mindset to prove that by committing to something and practising they can make huge improvements!

On the day every child will be able to demonstrate what they have practised and show off their new improved skills!  The emphasis will be on having fun and celebrating and rewarding effort.

In addition, we will also be running a fabulous sports themed raffle (tickets will be sent out via homework bags)

All funds raised through sponsorship & raffle ticket sales will go towards sports equipment which will benefit all pupils throughout the school.

What do I need to do?

• Encourage your child to pick one of the skills, they have 1 month to practice

• Raise as much money as you can via sponsorship to help the school raise funds for much needed sports equipment

• Sell raffle tickets to enter our sports themed raffle – great prizes to be announced!

• Let us know if you can help on the day by contacting a member of the Parent Council

• Let us know if you can help source additional sports themed raffle prizes

Thanks again for supporting these events, we hope that the children have lots of fun and that we can raise funds to benefit the whole school community!


Book fair

Our Book Fair will be taking place here in the school soon. The Book Fair is always lots of fun for the children, parents and teachers. It also provides another opportunity to encourage the children to use and enjoy books, both fiction and non-fiction. Children will preview the choices available and the Book fair will also be open during Parent/Teacher Evenings

Full details are in the attached letter.

Book Fair Letter March 2019

East Renfrewshire Sport for All

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure, Sport For All (Mar – Jun 19) programme is now available for booking. To view all of our activities, please click on the following link; Sport for All Mar – Jun 19

Already registered for our activities – you can book and pay here.

Alternatively, you can book over the phone by calling 0141 577 3008 Mon – Fri 8:45am – 4:45pm.

If you have any enquiries please contact us at SportsAdmin@ercultureandleisure.org