Tag: Pupils

Ski Slalom Events

On Friday 5th October Glasgow Ski and Snowboard Centre are hosting the 2019 Autumn Dual Slalom Series. The Dual Slalom Series comprises of nine regional qualifying events around the country during September / October. Each event is a friendly round-robin dual slalom race, with teams racing in Primary or Secondary categories. Each race is a head-to-head relay, with each team scoring points for both winning and finishing. Teams scoring the most points and finishing top of their event will be entered into the finals taking place at Snow Factor, Braehead at the end of October.

To ensure children are skiing at or beyond the appropriate level we are holding a practice session on the ski slope to introduce and develop ski racing skills. This will take place on Wednesday 11th September from 4.30pm – 6.00pm at the ski centre (Cost £8 – made payable to the ski centre at the start of the session on Wednesday 11th). From this practice session, team(s) will be chosen to represent the school. This practice session is aimed at children who can ski at Advanced/Intermediate level or Advanced level. Children currently skiing in a race programme are welcome to attend or alternatively can send me an email to let me know their interest. If chosen for the team(s) the cost of the event will be £12 per person – more information will follow after the practice session.

PLEASE NOTE – your child does not need to ski in the schools ski lesson to take part.

Helmets are compulsory at this level of skiing. Glasgow Ski & Snowboard Centre recommend you provide your own so that you can ensure that your child’s helmet is safe and correctly fitted and to enable you to keep track of the history and hygiene of it. Snowsports helmets can be purchased from all good ski and snowboard retailers in shop or online.

If your child is interested in attending the one-off race practice session and if chosen can represent the school on Friday 5th October 2019 from 3.00pm, please email Kerry Comerford comerfordk1@ea.e-renfrew.sch.uk with your child’s name, class and school before Monday 9th September 2019.

Yours sincerely,
Kerry Comerford, Active Schools Coordinator

Water Bottles

Could we please remind you to provide a water bottle for your child in order for them to keep hydrated and as children also need to have a drink during PE lessons.


Although water fountains are available in school we are finding that many pupils do not bring a suitable container.

Free swimming lessons

Swimming Development Programme: Free Taster Swimming Lessons

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Swimming Development are looking for children again to come along to FREE Lessons.
Our existing swimming teachers are upskilling to a higher level of qualification run by the National Governing Body Scottish Swimming.

If you are interested in bringing your children along to our free taster swimming lessons at Barrhead Foundry, please see dates and times.

Dates are as follows:- 15, 16, 22, 23 July, 5 & 6 August.
Times as follows:- 11.30 – 12.00, 12.00-12.30, 12.30 -1.00 or 1.00 – 1.30.

Please choose which time slots you would like your child to attend.
You can either contact Barrhead Foundry direct or pop into the centre and put their name down on the list.

We look forward to welcoming your children to these FREE taster lessons and we would also like to inform you that if your child enjoys these lessons, then please feel free to sign up for lessons in our Learn to Swim Programme

If you would like to take advantage of any of these lessons, please follow this link: https://www.ercultureandleisure.org/swimminglessons

Class Structure August 2019

Please see information below for the new class structure in August 2019.

New member of staff (N)
    P1A Mrs Downie
    P1B Miss Noble & Mrs Brown
P1A Mrs Downie P2A Miss Emo
P1B Miss Stead P2B Mrs Sibille
P2A Miss Edwards P3A Mrs Taylor
P2B Mrs Sibille & Mrs Brown P3B Mrs Cole (N) & Miss Stead
P3A Miss Emo P4A Mrs Benzie
P3B Miss Johnston P4B Miss Convery & Mrs Hall
P4A Mrs Backer & Mrs Horrocks P5A Miss Faulkner (N)
P4B Mrs Benzie P5B Ms Kendrick (N) & Mrs Backer
P5A Mrs Taylor P6A Mr Connell
P5B Mrs Allaway P6B Miss Livingstone
P6A Mr Connell P7A Mr McNeill
P6B Miss Livingstone P7B Mr Hendry

Medicines in school

Primary 1 – 7

To parents of children with medicine in school

Dear Parent/Carer,

East Renfrewshire Council has issued new guidelines for the administration of medicines in schools. These can be seen on our website at: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/Giffnock/information/general-information/

The guidelines require all medicines to be taken home at the end of the session so that no medicines are kept in the school over the summer holidays.

The medication cannot be sent home with the child, so we would like you to collect any medication directly from the school office on the last day of term.

School closes at 1pm on Thursday June 27. Medicines will be available to collect from the office from 12:50pm.

Please return the medication to the school in August for the first day of term. You will not need to fill in a new consent form at that time. New consent forms will be issued in the autumn.

Thank you

Giffnock Primary School

East Renfrewshire Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading challenge is a great way to keep children reading during the school holidays. Children can sign up at the library, then read six library books to complete the Challenge. There are exclusive rewards to collect along the way, and it’s FREE to take part! …

Please visit the libraries website https://www.ercultureandleisure.org/Activities-Children to find out about Fun for all the Family with

  • Stories
  • Sci-Fi Labs
  • Space Crafts
  • Virtual Reality
  • Space Training
  • Alien Hunts and more.

All ages welcome, free, contact the library to book your interest.



Sports Day 14th June


Dear Parent/Carer,

We hope you will be able to join us for our sports afternoon on Friday 14th June at Huntly Park (starting at 12.45pm) and that the weather stays dry!   Should the weather be inclement, we regret that we do not have space to accommodate parents in school.

All children should wear suitable clothing on sports day i.e. tracksuit over T-shirt and shorts, trainers/gym shoes, a waterproof jacket and bring a polythene bag to sit on.

NO HOME LUNCHES IF POSSIBLE.  There will be an early lunch for children from 11.40am until 12.30pm.  As the children will be leaving school for the park at 12.45pm it would be helpful if all children could have lunch in school on Sports Day.

At the park – the children must stay in their running order and under a teacher’s supervision at all times. No children are allowed to wander away with or without parents.

At the end of the races and after the presentation of the House Sports Championship Shield, if parents wish to collect their child at that time they must inform their child’s class teacher that they are taking their child away so that we know at all times where our children are and who they are with.

Children not collected at the park will be brought back to school as near to 3.00pm as possible and can be collected from there.

Active Schools

Active schools at Giffnock Primary 2019

The after school club programme at Giffnock Primary has grown over the years and throughout a school year provides many opportunities for pupils to take part in a variety of after school activities in sport and physical activity. We have fantastic support from the teachers, local sports clubs, parents and our community coaches from ERCL.

A few facts …………..

This year there have been over 30 extra-curricular physical activity clubs on offer for pupils both in the school and at local clubs for all pupils.

So far around 135 pupils have attended a sport/physical activity club this school year – which is absolutely fantastic.  I will be in school chatting to pupils in August to get some ideas of what clubs they would like in the school next school year, in a hope to increase this number further.   We are always looking for parent helpers so if you have a sport or would like to assist at a club get in touch as soon as possible for next August!

With the holidays fast approaching, the activity doesn’t need to stop there.  The ERCL holiday programme runs for 5 weeks of the summer holidays.  There are all day catered sports camps from 10am – 3pm at Barrhead and Eastwood High Schools and a number of half day sessions throughout East Renfrewshire.   Free and concessionary places are available on the week long sports camps. To qualify for a free/concessionary place, children must attend an East Renfrewshire school and their household must be in receipt of Council Tax Benefit and / or Housing Benefit. For more information and to make a booking go to https://www.ercultureandleisure.org/summer.

Marie Baxter

Active School Coordinator- Woodfarm Cluster


change of lunch menu 5th june

We have been advised by the school kitchen that there will be a change of menu on Wednesday 5th June 2019 – details are below.

Wednesday 5th June 2019
Golden Melon wedges
Chargrilled Chicken in a wrap
With bbq sauce, and crunchy summer salad
Cheese and Roasted Tomato Quiche
Served with homemade Coleslaw
Summer Fruit
***Baked Potato Sandwich and Baguette options also available***

Health and wellbeing

We wanted to share the following matter with you in order to raise awareness. One of our children recently brought into the nursery class with them a small number of multi-vitamin pills. Whilst none of these were swallowed and no other concerns arose, we wanted to share this with you and ask for your co-operation and vigilance at home.

First Minister’s reading Challenge


Dear Parent / Carer

Giffnock Primary School’s First Minister’s Reading Challenge is coming to an end – please see attachment for full details.

Your child should bring in their Reading Passport, information about their Reading Challenge and their Reading Journey, on Friday 31st May.

There will be certificates for four different categories (pupils do not have to enter all categories) 1. Class Reading the Most Books.

2. Pupil Reading the Most Books (Upper and Lower school).

3. Pupil’s Personalised Reading Challenges.

4. Your Pupil Reading Journey

Entries for 3 & 4 will be collected from classes (e-mail soft copies can be sent to schoolmail@giffnock.e-renfrew.sch.uk  if you wish).

Please ask your child to speak to a School Librarian if they have any queries, require further details or regarding lost Reading Passports.

More information about the challenges can be found here:

FMRC Primary school challenges

Good luck – and enjoy reading!


Giffnock Primary School Librarians

school travel survey

The Council are seeking your input into school travel issues in the area and would like you to complete a very quick online survey and add comments to an interactive map.


There is also a section for pupils if you wish to assist your child in completing a survey.  There will be opportunities in school soon for discussion and debate on road safety and active travel choices, along with a chance for the children to complete the survey.

Finally, there is a section for anyone in the wider community to complete, therefore you may wish to promote this further yourself.

If you have school travel concerns, this is an excellent forum to voice them!

Giffnock Primary Parent Council

Pre-loved school uniform

In an effort to support all families the Parent Council would like to introduce a system to re-use “pre-loved uniform”.  At the end of the school day on a Friday (starting on Friday 31st May and weekly thereafter until the end of term) we will arrange for a rail of uniform items to be available at the “Ramp Entrance” to the school.  Parent / carers are invited to help themselves to the items of pre-loved school clothing.  There is no charge for the clothing, instead we ask that you donate any items of clean school uniform that you no longer need as and when they become available.  A box will also be available on a Friday in this area for your donations.

We hope that this will continue to support all families with the cost of school uniforms alongside the other options that you are already aware of; brand new uniform through Schoolwear Made Easy (www.schoolwearmadeeasy.com) and nearly new uniform through Apparelxchange (www.apparelxchange.co.uk).

Giffnock Primary Parent Council

School Show tickets

We are delighted to share that the tickets for our school show, Rock Bottom, will be on sale the week beginning the 13th of May. All the children P4-P7 will be performing on both evenings Tuesday 11th June and Wednesday 12th June. The principal character roles will be for one of these evenings and further information confirming which evening will be shared before the ticket release. The tickets can be purchased from Eastwood Theatre at the box office or online.

When tickets are released initially there will be a limit of two tickets per transaction for the first two weeks of sale and there after any extra tickets will also be available for purchase on a first come first serve basis. This is to give all families the opportunity to purchase tickets if they wish. We are expecting a high demand for tickets so it is advisable to book quickly to avoid disappointment! Tickets will be priced at £7.50. For health and safety reasons ticket must be issued for all audience members.

Over the coming weeks the P1-P3 children will experience and a enjoy a range of scenes and songs from the show however they will not see the show in its entirety as it is not possible to accommodate the whole school at our dress rehearsal safely.

The P4-P7 children have already been working incredibly hard and we thank you for your continued support in making this a wonderful experience for your children.

East Renfrewshire School Travel Survey Launch

As you may be aware, as a school community we have continued to plan and implement a range of activities and communication to support our families’ safety on the roads within the immediate school area.  This has often been led by our Junior Road Safety Officers Pupil Group, but has also included ongoing communication with our Parent Council, a local Councillor, our Community Wardens and local police.

As part of these activities, we would be grateful if you were able to spend a few minutes completing the survey detailed below which can be accessed through the link there.

https://erschoolssurvey.commonplace.is/ – Click on ‘Have Your Say’ to get started

This includes

–          survey for parents or guardians

–          survey for local communities, aimed at residents and community groups

–          An interactive map to identify specific issues, barriers or opportunities getting to school

An initial deadline for feedback is 29 May 2019, however, the platform will be open throughout 2019 to assist with future planning.