
SQA Personal Presentation – Responsible Citizens

As part of their SQA class Personal Presentation, the Transition boys were Responsible Citizens when they proved that they could select appropriate cleaning products to do the laundry. The also demonstrated that they could neatly fold clothes to put them away. No excuses at home now!



SQA Eco – Sharing Information – Responsible Citizens

The Transition boys were Responsible Citizens this week when they researched and produced an information pamphlet about Climate change. The boys watched a new BBC programme about climate change and two different approaches to helping. They boys then selected small changes that we can make and made them into an information pamphlet.



ILP Targets Success – Successful Learners

The boys were Successful Learners this week when completing individual numeracy work. The tasks included balancing numbers, telling the time in different parts of the world, sharing a whole item, counting money and matching activities to morning or afternoon. Each boy showed excellent understanding and great effort at their numeracy work.



Sowing Seeds – Numeracy – Confident Individuals

The Transition class were Confident Individuals when using their numeracy skills again this week. They counted out sunflower seeds as they planted them out into pots. They boys counted the seeds so we could sow them as recommended on the packet.



Active Numeracy Skills – Effective Contributors

Last Friday the Transition class put their numeracy skills to good use. They were Effective Contributors . They collected all the small pots they could find and shared them equally among 13 classes. This was to let the classes plant their sunflower seeds that were kindly donated to the school by Morrisons. The boys also shared the seeds equally among the classes. Once they start to grow the sunflowers will be planted all together to create a whole school sunflower meadow,


SQA Personal Presentation – Successful Learners

After successfully sewing a button onto material the boys in Transition moved on to repairing a tear in materials for their SQA Personal Presentation class. The boys were Successful Learners and were very focused when making their repairs.



SQA Hobbies and Interests – Effective Contributors

It was tattie time this week in Transition. The boys were preparing their seed potatoes for growing in their SQA Hobbies and Interests class and were Effective Contributors when chitting their potatoes. The boys identified the end of the potato with the most eyes and set them in a box the correct way up. We hope they will sprout roots in the next few weeks so we can plant them out in the garden.



SQA Group Performance – Confident Individuals

We had a TECHNICOLOR time this week in Transition class when we rehearsed our SQA group performance. The boys worked very hard and were Confident Individuals about their part in the performance. Each boy was AMAZING when we practiced signing and moving around. I think it will be a DREAM performance.



SQA Eco – Responsible Citizens

The Transition boys have been Responsible Citizens and taking part in an up-cycling project for their SQA Eco class. They finished making play roads from pallets and road signs from old AAC lids so had the fun of delivering them to their customers. Lots of fun and smiles all round!


Engineering – Effective Contributors

The Transition class were Effective Contributors when taking part in an Engineering Challenge. For the first part of the challenge we watched an interview with Alyssa Carson who works for NASA! The boys are now trying to think of an invention that would solve a common problem before we send it to be judged.

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