Last week saw our Garden Party for our two leavers. The sun was shining and kilts were swinging. A great time was had by all.
Last week saw our Garden Party for our two leavers. The sun was shining and kilts were swinging. A great time was had by all.
Friday was POLO day and the Transition class threw themselves right into it. They were Confident Individuals taking part in a variety of activities. In the morning there was water play which involved throwing water balloons and spraying water onto a target. The target quite quickly became each other and the boys took part in a fun water fight. A water fight was one of their 50 Things to do in the Outdoors outcomes and each boy completed it well! Mr Nicoll was a major target throughout the battle!! The boys were also Responsible Citizens by ensuring that the area was tidy after all the water balloons had been thrown. The afternoon was much more calm when we turned our hand to Croquet and practiced hitting the ball towards the target. It turned out to be harder than we thought to hit the ball with a wooden mallet.
As is traditional at the end of every term, the Transition class applied their literacy skills to evaluate their learning. The boys were Confident Individuals filling in their forms and giving their opinions on different learning tasks. Thanks for the feedback boys.
The Transition class were Successful Learners when they extended their numeracy task by sending each other for different amounts of fruit. The boys had to be careful and check they had the correct number of items before delivering it to their classmates.
Our two leavers spent time this week completing their artwork that will be displayed in the school corridor. They were Effective Contributors by making artwork for the school that will remind us of them, once they have left.
During Health and Wellbeing time the Transition class were Confident Individuals when we discussed what to do when you get lost. The boys confidently listed trusted people including the Police and Fire Brigade. The class studied identification badges, uniforms and different emergency vehicles as different ways to identify trusted adults.
The Transition boys were Responsible Citizens when they checked the new school gazebo. They read the instructions and checked all the moving parts before setting it up and checking that it was all in good working order. We understand how it works and are ready to set up for next week’s Garden Party.
The Transition class were working towards the end of Peter Pan this week. They were Successful Learners using their literacy skills to listen to the audio from the digital book and using their fine motor skills to dot paint a picture. This will help them further develop their writing motor skills. We chose to paint Captain Hook, he is our favourite baddy!
The Transition boys were Successful Learners this week when they used their numeracy skills in a cafe in the classroom. The boys had to sort their money, pick their items for lunch, calculate the total and hand over the correct money. Unfortunately all the food was plastic so we missed out on a mega feast!
The Transition class had a wonderful time on Friday for our MOVE celebration. Sir Tom was even present – a real life superhero. The boys started the day well with some cake before starting their challenges. the boys had to hunt the villain, safely move the kryptonite, work as a team to get through the hula-hoop, make some superhero masks and then complete a superhero challenge. Every boy tried their hardest and did very well. A fun filled day!