P1/2 Home Learning Ideas – 20.4.20

Home Learning Tasks P1/2 – 20th April 2020


Hello everyone!

I hope you have managed to enjoy your Easter holidays – we have been very lucky to see so much sunshine! I’m sure you’re settling into being at home a bit more now but it still doesn’t stop me missing you all so much! I have no doubt your people at home are doing a great job at helping you with all your tasks but remember to enjoy your time together as much as you can and don’t put too much pressure on yourselves.  I’ll be posting every Monday on the school website with new ideas for you to work through.

I really hope to see you soon 🙂

Miss Stafford




P1 – Your new sound this week is “ch”. Have a watch of this video exploring “ch” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyrYDitif1o

Can you go around your house on a “ch” hunt? What can you find that has the “ch” sound in it?

Ask your adult to help you think of lots of “ch” words and see if you can underwrite some “ch” words.

Remember to keep practicing your songs and actions through our jolly phonics songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2HYM9VXz9k


P2 – Your new sound this week is: “igh”. Have a watch of this video exploring “igh” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYCR2RZ4ZYY

Have a look in your sounds and words lists booklet to find our list of “igh” words.  Look at your spelling activities grid.  Choose a different activity each day (5 in total) to practice reading and writing your “igh” words.



P1 – Ask your adult to help you to come up with a sentence using at least 1 “ch” words. Try to write write over this sentence or copy the sentence underneath.

Ask your adult to help you underwrite or overwrite a sentence or two about what you have been up to over your Easter holidays – remember draw a lovely picture!


P2 – Have a look at your “igh” words in your booklet. Choose 3 of them and use them to write 3 different sentences just like we usually do in class.  Ask an adult to help you with any tricky words.

Write about what you have been up to over your Easter holidays – have you played any board games? Been a walk? Eaten chocolate eggs? Write all about it!



Each child will have been allocated a new book. Remember to practice reading this book more than once – ask your adult to help with any tricky words or to ask you questions about what you have read.  Remember to take your time when answering your bug questions.



P1 – remember to keep practicing writing your numbers up to 10 and counting up to 10 as much as you can.  Try to count out 10 items you can find in your room.


Have a listen to this video and ask an adult to help you use different objects to make up 10.

We were learning all about time when we were in class so ask an adult to help you read a clock in your home to o’clock, or use this clock to practice making o’clock: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock


P2 – remember to keep practicing your mental maths by practicing number bonds and simple adding sums. Hit the button is a great way to practice this: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Have a look at your dice addition game – can you challenge someone in your house and see how many sums you can do in 5 minutes?

We were learning all about time when we were in class so ask an adult to help you read a clock in your home to o’clock and half past, or use this clock to practice making o’clock and half past: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock


I have allocated new tasks on Sum Dog for each pupil so log in using the details attached to your home learning packs.


Other Curricular Areas


Mrs Hill has created a grid of ideas for you to work through.


Family Time


We would be exploring our new topic of Pets and Vets in class just now. Choose your favourite animal and ask an adult to help you find 5 facts about this animal. Draw a nice picture of it once you are finished.

Primary 3/4- Home Learning – Week beginning 20th April

Hello Primary 3/4!
I hope that you and your families had a lovely Easter break and have been enjoying the amazing sunshine we have been getting. Below, you will find a selection of home learning tasks for you to try to work on this week.

1) This weeks phonic sound is “ea” and your words to practice reading and spelling are: speak, clean, steal, team, stream, eat and wheat. Some ideas for you to practice these words could be to write them 3 times in your red home learning jotter (in your folder), put them into sentences or write them in rainbow writing. If you want to challenge yourself further, try to think of 5 different ea words.
2) Aim to spend around 20-25 minutes on Bug Club. You could split this into 2 shorter sessions of 10 minutes if you wish. I have made sure that you all have books allocated. Remember to check for any teacher feedback too.
3) In your home learning jotter, on a blank page draw a picture of something you have been doing that you have really enjoyed (eg baking cakes, going for a family walk, watching a movie). On the lined page next to it, write some sentences to describe it. Try to include adjectives and underline them in blue if you can.

4) In maths, we were learning about estimating and measuring. Go on sumdog and complete the task focused on measure. When you log in and go to play a game, the measure questions will come up first.
5) Practice your 2x, 5x and 10x table. You could copy these into your home learning jotter for extra practice. If you feel ready, try the 3x and 4x table too.
6) In your home learning jotter, write out the fact families for the numbers below (the first one is done for you)
a. 7, 2, 9 = 7+2=9, 2+7=9, 9-2=7, 9-7=2
b. 4, 6, 10 =
c. 5, 8, 13 =
d. 17, 5, 12 =
e. 11, 5, 6 =

7) We are going to be learning about minibeasts. If you have a garden, or when you are on your daily walk, go on a minibeast hunt. In your jotter, draw a picture of any minibeasts you find. You could challenge yourself further by writing some sentences to tell me more. For example, I found a slug on the garden path.

8) Mrs Hill has prepared some music activities for you


Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x

Primary 3/4 – Home Learning – Week Beginning 6 April

Hello Primary 3/4!
I hope that you are all okay and staying safe and happy at home. Happy Easter! I hope that you all have a lovely Easter. I am sure you will have a great time with your families and be sure to be eating lots of Easter chocolate!
Here are a few wee ideas that you might wish to try out during the Easter break:
• Design and create an Easter card for someone in your family. You could look on google images for some design ideas and inspiration. When you’re on your daily walk, you could post the card to somebody in your family who you don’t live with.

• Easter and Spring are the times of new beginnings. Draw a Spring themed picture – how many things linked to Spring/Easter can you think of?

• Easter Baking with an adult – you could help to measure out and weigh the ingredients then have lots of fun decorating the biscuits/cakes. Don’t forget the best part – eating them! Yum!

• https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/easter-kids This website has a list of different simple recipes and ideas. Perhaps you could try one or two.

• https://youtu.be/NGEWHkCIrjY is a great YouTube video with 7 different ideas for Easter Crafts that you can try.

Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x

P2/3 Home Learning

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well and enjoying your time at home.  I just thought I would check-in with everyone to wish you a Happy Easter Holiday.  Enjoy the time with your families and I hope you all manage to get outdoors for some part of the day.  Remember you can always make Easter eggs from hard boiled eggs and decorate them but an adult needs to help you with this.  I thought I would suggest some fun activities to do if you want over the Easter holiday.

You could make an Easter card for someone in your family.

I found a lovely idea for some games you could play outside if you have a garden.  One is the Egg Hop Relay Race and the other one is the Easter Egg Lawn Bowling game where you use hard boiled eggs or if you don’t have eggs you could use coloured balls.  Here is the link for games.https://www.beau-coup.com/party-planning/8-fun-creative-easter-games.htm

Another idea I found is Aquatic Animals Yoga Poses.  This is a lovely idea about animals under the sea.


If you want to have fun singing and dancing try the Cosmic Kids Yoga Disco/ Washing Machine Song.


Take care everyone.

Mrs McLachlan

Barshare Primary, Dalgleish Avenue, Cumnock, KA181QG, Tel: 01290 422212

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