All posts by Miss Stafford

P1/2 – Home Learning Activities

Home Learning – P1/2 4.5.20


Hi Everyone,

I hope you have managed to explore some of the suggested tasks from last week.  Remember to log onto Bug Club and Sumdog as these books and activities are made especially for you.  Please don’t worry about how much you are getting through, just do what you can.  Remember there are lots of ways to learn in your house! Just cooking, playing, walking etc can provide lots of learning opportunities.

Please stay safe and keep happy 😊

Miss Stafford.




P1 : For this week, recap on the sounds that we have looked at the last two weeks: “ch” and “ar”.  See what words you can make up using both of these sounds.  Make a list of 4 “ch” words and 4 “ar” words.

  • Make your “ch” words using coloured pens or pencils
  • Make your “ar” words out of items in your house e.g. pasta, playdough, rice (this will make your fingers nice and strong!)
  • Ask an adult to help you write a sentence with a “ch” and “ar” word in it.  Try to copy the sentence underneath or over the top.


P2: Your new sound this week is i_e.  This is the first time we have explored magic e so don’t worry if this is quite tricky.  Have a watch of this video of Geraldine exploring this sound:

What words can you find that have “i_e” in them?

Have a look in your active literacy booklet and choose a different spelling activity from your spelling grid for each day of the week.

Write 6 different sentences using each of these words, just as we would usually do in class.  Ask an adult with any tricky words you are struggling to write.



Remember to log onto bug club, your books are picked for your group so they are a great way to practice your reading and comprehension.  You also have previous books set in your “library” so check in there for books you have found tricky in the past.



Continue to write your news each week.  There’s always something to write about!  It is such a strange time at the moment, but it will be great to look back on in year to come!


After reading your book, try to write a new story about a character from it.

P1 – This can be a simple sentence.  Try to add in some of your own character.  You can “draw” your story first and ask an adult to then help you to write a sentence or two.

P2 – This should be done by yourself as much as you can, just ask for a little help if you’re finding something particularly tricky.  Use  your imagination and try to add new characters.



Number Work

Primary 1: Keep focussing on counting as much as you can. The YouTube links shared last week to Number Jacks and Number Blocks are great ways to keep up a recognition of numbers.

We have been working on adding in class, so try to find 10 objects in your home (pasta, pom poms, playdough, cubes, anything!) to help you, or the number line and whiteboard pen I put in your home learning packs.

Try to complete these sums with an adult, use your 10 items to help.

1 + 1 =

2 + 2=

3 + 3 =

4 + 4 =

5 + 5 =

Can you notice a pattern?


Primary 2: We had been focussing on adding 2 digit numbers using our knowledge of place value.  Try to complete these 5 calculations after following my example.

If the question was: 43 + 22 =

43 = 4 tens (40) and 3 units (3)

22 = 2 tens (20) and 2 units (2)

So we can add the units together first: 3 + 2 = 5

Then, add the tens ( you can skip count in tens to help): 40 + 20 = 60 + 5 = 65!

Try it yourself, and ask an adult to help.

11 + 27 =

23 + 42 =

64 + 31 =

50 + 30 =

74 + 22 =



Remember to access Sumdog, your log in details are in your home learning packs.  I have set a new series of challenges for you to complete next week.  These will explore some of our outer maths topics and some number work.


Other Curricular Areas

Have a look at this new Home Learning/ Learning through Play grid for at home.  These are all of May’s activities that you can work through all month:


If you have some kind of building blocks in the house e.g. wooden blocks, lego, or any kind of material, try these at home STEM challenges.  There are 30 here you can work through all month.



Remember you can access Mrs Hill’s Music activities by clicking on this link.


Remember to just keep going.  Whatever you are doing, is enough.  Try to help with chores, make your bed, keep your room tidy, help to cook dinner – anything! It all helps.

Keep well and safe, I really miss you all.

Miss Stafford


P1/2 Home Learning – 27.4.20

Primary ½ Weekly Tasks – 27.4.20


Hello Everyone,

I hope you managed to have a look through last weeks tasks and managed to get some completed.  Remember not to worry too much if you aren’t able to get through everything.  We can learn in lots of different ways like helping an adult bake or cook, or going on a walk and looking at nature.  I know everyone is just doing the best that they can.  I have some more ideas for you to work through this week. Please remember to stay safe and look after yourselves, I hope to see you all really soon.

Miss Stafford





P1 – Your new sounds this week is “er”.  What words can you come up with that have this sound in it?

Have a watch of Geraldine exploring this sound here:

Can you go a hunt around your house too?

Try to write any “er” words you can come up with an adult.  You can try to underwrite or overwrite.


P2 – Your new sound this is “y” but makes the same sound as last weeks sound – confusing!  This sound comes at the ends of words so see what words you can make.

Have a watch of this video exploring this sound here:

Try to write down some of the words in the video or from your Active Literacy booklet.

Can you write 3 sentences using 3 “y” words?


Remember to have a look at your jolly phonics songs and actions, most of them can be found here:



Remember to log onto Bug Club to access your new book this week.  You can also look back over previous books through your “library” to help you practice sounding out and blending.



Write about what you have been up to over the last week, including any chores, school work, family time – anything! Primary 2’s should be aiming to write as much independently as possible and Primary 1’s should aim to copy a sentence an adult has written for you.

Challenge: Have you done any baking or cooking with an adult? If so, write a set of instructions explaining how you did it and the ingredients involved.




How did you get on practicing reading a clock at home or on the online activity?  This week, try to draw/make/design your own clock.  Ask an adult to help you.  You can then set the time to whatever you like and challenge yourself!



Remember to log onto sumdog, you can find your log in details attached to your home learning pack.  I have set you a new set of challenges to complete this week tailored to your level.


Number Blocks and Number Jacks

If you fancy a bit of a more relaxed approach to keeping up with your maths, have a watch of Number Blocks or Number Jacks on YouTube.  They really help to develop your understanding of numbers and are good fun to watch!

Number Blocks:

Number Jacks:



P1: Remember to keep practicing your counting, there are lots of great songs online, such as this one:


P2: Focus on skip counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s.  Here’s a good video to help:


Health and Wellbeing

Remember to look after YOU! The most important thing is to keep feeling happy and healthy so take time to enjoy your family.  A great way to calm down or unwind is yoga. We loved doing our yoga in class so try and do some at home!

I recommend this channel :

Try to get outside for your daily exercise or even in your garden if you have one.  Being outside can really help how you feel.


Other Curricular Areas

Remember to work through your Learning through Play grid in your home learning pack, it has lots of really good ideas in it.  You also can still work through April’s home learning grid which I posted last week, I’ll share one for May next week.


Try to be creative this week and create a piece of art that makes you feel happy and that you enjoy creating – it can be anything that you like!


I hope this has given you some good ideas for the week to come, remember to stay safe and look after each other.   Sending lots of love,

Miss Stafford

P1/2 Home Learning Ideas – 20.4.20

Home Learning Tasks P1/2 – 20th April 2020


Hello everyone!

I hope you have managed to enjoy your Easter holidays – we have been very lucky to see so much sunshine! I’m sure you’re settling into being at home a bit more now but it still doesn’t stop me missing you all so much! I have no doubt your people at home are doing a great job at helping you with all your tasks but remember to enjoy your time together as much as you can and don’t put too much pressure on yourselves.  I’ll be posting every Monday on the school website with new ideas for you to work through.

I really hope to see you soon 🙂

Miss Stafford




P1 – Your new sound this week is “ch”. Have a watch of this video exploring “ch” –

Can you go around your house on a “ch” hunt? What can you find that has the “ch” sound in it?

Ask your adult to help you think of lots of “ch” words and see if you can underwrite some “ch” words.

Remember to keep practicing your songs and actions through our jolly phonics songs:


P2 – Your new sound this week is: “igh”. Have a watch of this video exploring “igh” –

Have a look in your sounds and words lists booklet to find our list of “igh” words.  Look at your spelling activities grid.  Choose a different activity each day (5 in total) to practice reading and writing your “igh” words.



P1 – Ask your adult to help you to come up with a sentence using at least 1 “ch” words. Try to write write over this sentence or copy the sentence underneath.

Ask your adult to help you underwrite or overwrite a sentence or two about what you have been up to over your Easter holidays – remember draw a lovely picture!


P2 – Have a look at your “igh” words in your booklet. Choose 3 of them and use them to write 3 different sentences just like we usually do in class.  Ask an adult to help you with any tricky words.

Write about what you have been up to over your Easter holidays – have you played any board games? Been a walk? Eaten chocolate eggs? Write all about it!



Each child will have been allocated a new book. Remember to practice reading this book more than once – ask your adult to help with any tricky words or to ask you questions about what you have read.  Remember to take your time when answering your bug questions.



P1 – remember to keep practicing writing your numbers up to 10 and counting up to 10 as much as you can.  Try to count out 10 items you can find in your room.

Have a listen to this video and ask an adult to help you use different objects to make up 10.

We were learning all about time when we were in class so ask an adult to help you read a clock in your home to o’clock, or use this clock to practice making o’clock:


P2 – remember to keep practicing your mental maths by practicing number bonds and simple adding sums. Hit the button is a great way to practice this:

Have a look at your dice addition game – can you challenge someone in your house and see how many sums you can do in 5 minutes?

We were learning all about time when we were in class so ask an adult to help you read a clock in your home to o’clock and half past, or use this clock to practice making o’clock and half past:


I have allocated new tasks on Sum Dog for each pupil so log in using the details attached to your home learning packs.


Other Curricular Areas


Mrs Hill has created a grid of ideas for you to work through.

Family Time


We would be exploring our new topic of Pets and Vets in class just now. Choose your favourite animal and ask an adult to help you find 5 facts about this animal. Draw a nice picture of it once you are finished.

P1/2 Weekly Learning

P1/2 – 30.3.20


Hello everyone,

I hope you are all staying safe and settling into a routine in your homes.  I’m sure I’m missing school just as much as, if not more than all of you! I can’t wait to see you all again and hear everything you’ve been doing.  I wanted to just check in and give some new ideas of activities to complete this week.  Remember to keep working through your packs and finding time to exercise, play and enjoy your time that you’re spending with your family.  I’ll be uploading new activities and ideas every Monday after the Easter Holidays through the school website and app.

See you soon 🙂

Miss Stafford



P1 – listen to your jolly phonics sounds on YouTube from this link:

Practice singing along and doing all of your actions. Can you make any 3 letter words using your sounds?

P2 – Look through your booklet of Active Literacy sounds and words.  Choose a sound you have found tricky this year and practice this sound and words using an activity from your spelling grid.


Bug Club – Remember to log onto bug club and ask your adult to help you with any tricky words.


Writing – Ask an adult to help you write a sentence or story about what you have been up to at home this week. P1’s focus on underwriting or copying from a whiteboard. P2’s Try to write as much as you can by yourself!

Numeracy – Counting

P1 – practice counting up to 20 and looking at the way different numbers look. Listen and sing along to this song on YouTube:

Go around your house and count each thing you see, how high can you count?

Practice writing your numbers on your number formation sheet using whiteboard pen provided.


P2 –Use your Dice Addition sheet and the dice provided in your folder to do some simple adding – use a timer and see how many you can do in ten minutes.


Remember to log onto SumDog where I have allocated you work for your individual level. Your log ins are attached to your home learning packs.



Other Curricular Areas

Stem Challenge

Can you use materials around your house to make a basket that the Easter Bunny could use to deliver Easter Eggs?  Decorate this using Spring colours.


Have a listen to this song on YouTube:  Can you clap and sing along in time? Try to come up with your own dance to accompany it.


Make a Happy Easter card for someone in your family, try to use different colours and write a nice message inside.

Make a nice rainbow to go into your window to cheer people up who walk past your house!