P1/2 Home Learning Activities: 18.5.20
Hello Everyone,
I hope you’re all keeping safe and well. Remember these tasks are just ideas, don’t put too much pressure on yourselves. We are all doing our best, so don’t worry 😊. Remember to log onto Sumdog and Bugclub, even for a short while. I can see lots of you are trying hard so well done! Remember to enjoy your time together as much as you can in these strange circumstances.
Stay safe and healthy,
Miss Stafford x
Here’s 5 ideas for my P1s and P2s to practice your spelling words. Try to do one activity each day:
- Rainbow writing (write each letter with a different colour)
- Silly Sentences (write a silly sentence (or a few) using your sound words)
- Air writing (use your finger to “draw” the words in the air)
- Body Spelling (ask a family member to help you! Make the shape of each letter with your body)
- Jump Spelling (jump or hop as you say each letter for each word)
P1: We are going to have a consolidation week and recap over some of the sounds we have learned so far. Look back at: “ch”, “er” “ar” and “ue”. Try to complete each of the activities above with words using these sounds, an adult will need to help you.
Remember to keep practicing your jolly phonics songs. You can find them here:
P2: Your new sound this week is a_e. I hope you’re all getting on okay with the magic e sounds, feel free to keep recapping the magic e words from the last few weeks. Have a watch of Geraldine looking at this sound:
Can you go on a hunt around your house or garden for some a_e words?
Ask and adult to help you think of some! You have your full list of spelling words in your home learning pack, complete the 5 activities above or challenge yourself to do write a story using them.
Have a watch of this video to look at magic e words.
Remember to log onto bug club to look through your new book this week. Any books in your house are also great to have a look through. Try to read with an adult and just try to read some words if the book is a little bit tricky or ask an adult to read to you – this is really beneficial!
News: Keep trying to write down your news each week, we really are in unprecedented times and it will be really interesting to look back on it in years to come.
Can you go for a walk? Either just around your garden or around your local area with an adult. Maybe even take some photos of things that you see. When you come home, try to write a story about your walk and what you saw. There could be beautiful flowers or a lovely butterfly, whatever it is – write about it! Try to add as much detail as possible. As always, P2s should be aiming to write as much by themselves as they can. P1s should ask an adult to write a sentence and copy it underneath, or over the top.
Numeracy and Maths
You have been set a new set of challenges for the week to continue to work on your numeracy skills, as well as some outer maths areas.
Active Maths
Remember to keep practicing reading the clock. Use a clock in your house and ask an adult to help you read the time. Remember this resource is great for setting a time on the clock and for reading the time: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock
P1 – focus on o’clock.
P2 – focus on half past and o’clock.
Go on a walk around your house, garden, or on your walk around the local area, begin to look for shapes. Take pictures if you can and look at them together with an adult. Try to identify the different shapes that you see.
Have a look at this link here to recap on the difference between 2D shapes and 3D objects.
Mental Maths
P1: Practice your number bonds up to 10. I recommend using 10 objects and two plates (or something similar) to help. Have a watch of this video for some ideas:
After watching and practicing with an adult, have a go at this game online: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
(Select “Make 10” under the number bonds section)
P2: Practice your number bonds up to 20. You should be super fast at this. You can use 20 objects also to help you. Have a watch of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6udqW6VhWg
After watching and practicing with an adult, have a go at this game online: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
(Select “Make 20” under the number bonds section)
All my other learning
Road Safety
Have a read of Ziggy’s new story here:
Ziggy’s Rainbow Walk
If you have access to printing, have a go at completing this worksheet here after reading the story:
Road Safety Sheet
If not, don’t worry! Have a look at it and draw your own maze on some paper.
Health and Wellbeing
It’s so important to continue to look after our own health and wellbeing.
Have a go at some meditation, I like this guided one here:
But it could just be a case of taking some time to sit quietly and practice breathing nice and deeply. This might be a nice activity to do before bedtime.
Have a look at Mrs Hills music grid here:
Remember to keep working through the May challenges I’ve uploaded in previous weeks if you’re looking for more ideas!
I hope all of these ideas are useful to you, and you’re enjoying doing them with your families. Remember, you can change them up in anyway you want to suit you and your family. Do what you can, when you can.
Still missing you all a lot!
Miss Stafford