All posts by Miss Robertson

SLC3 Home Learning Tasks 18/5/20

Good Morning!

Hope you all had a nice weekend, although the weather was not great.  I caught up with some jobs needing done in and around the house, and managed to watch some tv too!  I will catch up with you all when I phone this week and hear everything you have been doing.  During this week of home learning try some of these tasks and activities, if you can …

Word Wall – Your key words this week are : said, from, our, by Practise spelling these daily using : Hopping – hop on one foot as you spell your words.  Back massage – write your words on an adult’s / sibling’s back. Can they guess the word?  Remember to swap and you guess the word they write on your back.  Curly letters – Write each word out twice, once in your normal handwriting and then again using curly writing. Look, cover, write and check – Look at the word, cover it, write it and then check it.  Do this 4 times for each word.

Phonics – Here’s a game we use regularly in class to practise our spelling.  How many can you get right at home?

Writing – Look at the picture below.   Can you write 3 sentences following the criteria?

Sentence 1use an exclamation mark ! (Oh no, my cat is stuck in the tree!)  Sentence 2 – describe how the cat feels (He is scared because he doesn’t like heights.) Sentence 3 – use an ‘and’ (I will get ladders and try to help.)

 Reading – Read each sentence and draw a picture to match.  Instead of drawing lots of different pictures, try to draw one adding new detail after every sentence. Remember to log onto Bug Club too.  Place Value – This is another game we have used in class.  You should be able to play the ‘up to 999’ version.

Calculations – 5 times table sums this week.  Be careful with the tens and units!  Remember tens need a 0.  If you can’t print, just copy the sums down.

Time – practise o’clock, half past, quarter past and to when completing this sheet.  Write your answers down on a piece of paper from your pack. Money – set up your own shop and use different coins to count out the correct amount to buy items.  Make your own price list using what you find in your cupboards. You should be able to make amounts up to £5.

Transport Thinking Skills  How many vehicles can you think of with wheels and without wheels?  Make 2 lists.  Give yourself 5 minutes.  You could make it a competition with family members to see who can name the most.

Science Experiment with a car

PE – developing your throwing and catching skills

SLC 3 Home Tasks 11/5/20

Good morning!

The sun is shining again as we enter another week of lockdown.  Hope you all had a nice weekend, I will catch up with you all later this week when I phone.  It is so nice to keep in touch and hear everything you have all been doing.  Here are some activities you could try this week :-

Tasks for Week Beginning 11 / 5 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All my other learning
Word Wall – Your key words this week are that, then, this, there    Practise spelling these daily.  Use the paper from your pack.  I would like you to try:-Flower writing – draw a flower with your word in the middle.  In each petal write a letter from your word.   Hand clap chant – work with an adult or older sibling.  Choose a word and spell it using a hand clap pattern.   Upper and Lower – Write each word out twice, once in lower case and another in capital letters   Rainbow words – Write your words out in pencil.  Next draw around each letter 5 more times using a different coloured pencil.


Phonics / Writing – cr / cl words. Look at the sheet below.  Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, use the paper you have to rewrite 2 lists a red list for ‘cr’ words and a green list for ‘cl’words.  Try to write a sentence for 5 red words and then 5 green words.   

Reading – Remember the reading bingo challenge I set last week?  Keep going until all the boxes are filled.

Aim for completing at least one book on Bug Club!

Using a story you have read, or listened to, create a comic strip like the example provided.  Think about the main events from the story, concentrating on the beginning, middle and end. 

Place Value – roll the die game, for an extra challenge copy the rules but try out 3 digit numbers (hundreds, tens and units)

Calculations – try to complete these subtraction sums.  If you don’t have a printer, copy them out onto your paper.  Once you have finished, try them again as adding sums.


Money Challenge –


Problem Solving – again don’t worry about having to print this sheet, draw out your own flags on blank paper.

As part of our transport topic I would like you to try to make a boat.  Gather objects / items from in and around your house.  Fill the bath or take a basin / bucket out to the garden if the weather is nice.  Test each item to make sure it floats. Can you use these floating objects to create your boat.  I would love to see photos!

Remember the photo challenge I set last week, keep filling the boxes!  Day 4 was an animal, here’s my animal.  Pixie with the baby goats!

To make your daily walks more fun I found the challenge below.  Get the adults and your siblings involved too.  Make it into a race, who can spot the objects first?

Stay active!  Heres a challenge … make it a family competition.  Practise every day to get better.



SLC3 Home Learning 4/5/20

Another new week folks!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine.  Here are the suggested activities for this week.  Do what you can, when you can.

Tasks for Week Beginning 4 / 5 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All my other learning
Word Wall – Your key words this week are : are, they, what, when Look, cover, write and check these words regularly throughout the week.  You can use pencil and paper, pens, chalk or rainbow writing.  At the end of the week ask an adult or older sibling to test you with these sentences : They can skip ten jumps.  When will you be back?  Are you ok?  What do you need?

 Alphabet Challenge – ask an adult or older sibling to make letter cards.  You could use paper / card / post it notes.  Put one letter on each page.  Can you put them in order from ‘a to z’?  If an adult removes one can you tell which letter is missing?  Get an adult to choose any random 3 or 4 letters, can you put these in alphabetical order?

Phonics – Spelling words this week:  clap, clog, clam, club, clip, clasp. Practise spelling each of these throughout the week.  You can use paint, chalk, shaving foam, pens, rainbow writing, pyramid writing, pencils, stampers, cut letters out of a newspaper / magazine.  You could also use the alphabet cards made for the above task. 

Writing – Stories happen in different places.  For example, a castle, school, beach or park.  Some stories are real and some are made up.  Draw something from your imagination that is not real, like a dragon, magic shoes or a potion.  Write 5 sentences about your picture to tell me more.  Remember WOW words to describe it.

 Reading – As it is the start of a new month, I am setting a bingo challenge.  How many of these stories can you read?

Multiplication game – Pick 6 numbers from the 2, 5 or 10 times table. Write them on a piece of paper / card / post-it note and do not show the other players. Your opponent(s) should do the same.  Ask multiplication sums, like do you have 5 x 9?  If they do, you win their card.  Keep playing until someone has no cards left.  The winner is the person who collects all of their opponents cards.

 Place Value – use dice / playing cards / post its with 0 – 9 written on to make 3 digit numbers.  Can you write the number before / after?

Number talks : 81. Jot down ways to make 81.  You can use adding sums and take away sums.  You can draw a picture of tens and units.

 Money Challenge –


Our topic is Transport.  Can you make a paper aeroplane?  Remember to decorate it.  Does it fly?

This Friday, 8th May, is a bank holiday.  This is to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  This stands for Victory in Europe – the day the Second World War ended in Europe.  Watch and listen to Churchill’s speech from 8th May 1945 on Youtube.  Help celebrate at home by doing some of these activities …·     * Colour a picture and display it in your window.  Might be a poppy or British flag.  Maybe you want to draw your own picture.                                * Create a medal for bravery.                               * At 3pm there will be a special ‘toast’ to the nation’s heroes of World War II.  Raise your glass of juice or mug of tea and say “To those who gave so much, we thank you!” * At 9pm the queen will address the nation – the same time as her father announced victory in Europe 75 years ago.  * Also at 9pm, or shortly afterwards, there is a plan to get everyone to sing along to the well loved World War II song ‘We’ll Meet Again’.  Practise the words this week so you can join in too.

Miss Robertson has been out and about on her bike last week as part of her exercise.  Hopefully you have been keeping fit too!  I am setting a challenge for the month.  Whilst out and about on your daily walks, keep your eyes peeled!



Have fun, look after each other.

Miss Robertson

SLC 3 Home Learning 27/4/20

Hello everyone!  I hope you all had a good weekend, having fun and making memories with your family.

Here are some ideas and activities for you to try this week.

Tasks for Week Beginning 27 / 4 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All my other learning
Word Wall –   Your key words this week are : with, you, were, where. Look, cover, write and check these words regularly throughout the week.  You can use pencil and paper, pens, chalk or rainbow writing.  At the end of the week ask an adult or older sibling to test you with these sentences :  I am at the park with my dog.    Where are you?  My mum and dad were in the car.

Phonics –   Spelling words this week:  slam, slip, slap, slim, slug, slot. Practise spelling each of these throughout the week.  You can use paint, chalk, shaving foam, pens, rainbow writing, pyramid writing, pencils, stampers, cut letters out of a newspaper / magazine.  I have also attached a booklet for extra practise.  If you don’t have a printer, you can copy the instructions from each sheet and work on the blank paper you were issued with in your pack.   my-sl-letter-blend-workbook-activity-booklet-english_ver_3


Writing – a postcard to a family member / friend that you haven’t seen for a while.  Use the template attached, if you don’t have a printer you can use paper from the pack you were issued with and copy the layout.   postcard-writing-template

 Reading – Read a story and describe your favourite character.  The attached template will support you in layout.  You can use a book you already have at home, a book from Bug Club or an online story.  Character Description

Practise skip counting in 10s.  Anytime you climb the stairs count up in 10s.  Hop / jump whilst counting in 10s.  Youtube videos of counting in 10s.

 10 times table bingo Write down 6 numbers that appear in the 10 times table.  (0, 10, 20. 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100)  Ask someone at home to say aloud a sum, for example 10 times 3.  If you have the answer cross it out.  Can you clear all of your numbers?

 Place Value – use dice / playing cards / post its with 0 – 9 written on to make 3 digit numbers.  Can you write the number before / after?

Number talks : 52.   Jot down ways to make 52.  You can use adding sums and take away sums.  You can draw a picture of tens and units.

 We were learning how to use a ruler.  Find different objects around the house / garden and measure them in centimetres.  Can you order them shortest to longest?


Our topic is Transport.  Make a poster showing different methods of transport.  Remember we have sea, land and air vehicles.  You can draw, paint or cut out pictures.

If you live near a road, or maybe when out on your daily walk, you could take a traffic survey.  Count how many vans, buses, cars, lorries, motor bikes and airplanes you see.  Can you make a tally chart or graph to display your results?


Keep active!  Remember 60 minutes a day we are aiming for.  I have attached some ideas to develop your throwing and catching skills.  Jumpstart Jonny on Youtube also gets your body moving!



Enjoy your week, stay safe and look after each other.

Miss Robertson

SLC 3 Home Learning 20/4/20

Hello everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed yourselves over the Easter break and made use of the good weather.  We are now beginning another week of working from home.  You should all be working through your packs and be accessing your online resources such as Bug Club, Sumdog and Nessy as well.  Here are some activities for you to try this week too :-

Tasks for Week Beginning 20 / 4 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All My Other Learning
Make a list of 5 ‘ch’ words.

 You can use paint, chalk, shaving foam, pens, rainbow writing, pyramid writing, pencils, stampers, cut letters out of a newspaper / magazine, etc





Practise skip counting in 5s.

Anytime you climb the stairs count up in 5s.  Hop / jump whilst counting in 25.  Youtube videos of counting in 5s.

The weather has been beautiful, and we have all been spending time out in the garden.  Can you design a new lawnmower to cut the grass?

You can draw a picture and label it, you can use lego to build it or use junk materials to create a model.


Write and draw a picture for 6 ‘sp’ words.


Write a story using 3 paragraphs about a Spring adventure.

Use the following sheet for suggestions for ideas. 


5  times table bingo

Write down 6 numbers that appear in the 5 times table.  (0, 5, 10, 15, 20. 25, 30. 35, 40, 45, 50)   Ask someone at home to say aloud a sum, for example 5 times 3.  If you have the answer cross it out.  Can you clear all of your numbers?

Aim for 60 minutes activity a day!

To help you with this tune in to Joe Wicks’ PE lessons live on Youtube.

Make up your own obstacle courses using objects from the garden.  Get an adult / older sibling to take part to.  Who can complete it the fastest?

Get out in the garden and practise some sports.


5 times table – Buzz


Count from 0 – 100 with an adult / older sibling.  Any time you land on a station of the 5 times table say “buzz!” rather than the number.


Illustrator task

Read one of your books.  Can be a book you have at home, one from Bug Club or one from Youtube.  Draw your favourite part.  Remember to write a few sentences to explain what is happening.


Number talks : 78

Jot down ways to make 78.

You can use adding sums and take away sums.  You can draw a picture of tens and units.

Make your own musical instrument.

Use recycled items from home to make your very own instrument.  Remember to decorate it.  You can use elastic bands around a box as a guitar or lentils in a bottle.  Be creative!


Have fun, stay safe!

Miss Robertson