Home Learning Tasks P1/2 – 20th April 2020
Hello everyone!
I hope you have managed to enjoy your Easter holidays – we have been very lucky to see so much sunshine! I’m sure you’re settling into being at home a bit more now but it still doesn’t stop me missing you all so much! I have no doubt your people at home are doing a great job at helping you with all your tasks but remember to enjoy your time together as much as you can and don’t put too much pressure on yourselves. I’ll be posting every Monday on the school website with new ideas for you to work through.
I really hope to see you soon 🙂
Miss Stafford
P1 – Your new sound this week is “ch”. Have a watch of this video exploring “ch” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyrYDitif1o
Can you go around your house on a “ch” hunt? What can you find that has the “ch” sound in it?
Ask your adult to help you think of lots of “ch” words and see if you can underwrite some “ch” words.
Remember to keep practicing your songs and actions through our jolly phonics songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2HYM9VXz9k
P2 – Your new sound this week is: “igh”. Have a watch of this video exploring “igh” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYCR2RZ4ZYY
Have a look in your sounds and words lists booklet to find our list of “igh” words. Look at your spelling activities grid. Choose a different activity each day (5 in total) to practice reading and writing your “igh” words.
P1 – Ask your adult to help you to come up with a sentence using at least 1 “ch” words. Try to write write over this sentence or copy the sentence underneath.
Ask your adult to help you underwrite or overwrite a sentence or two about what you have been up to over your Easter holidays – remember draw a lovely picture!
P2 – Have a look at your “igh” words in your booklet. Choose 3 of them and use them to write 3 different sentences just like we usually do in class. Ask an adult to help you with any tricky words.
Write about what you have been up to over your Easter holidays – have you played any board games? Been a walk? Eaten chocolate eggs? Write all about it!
Each child will have been allocated a new book. Remember to practice reading this book more than once – ask your adult to help with any tricky words or to ask you questions about what you have read. Remember to take your time when answering your bug questions.
P1 – remember to keep practicing writing your numbers up to 10 and counting up to 10 as much as you can. Try to count out 10 items you can find in your room.
Have a listen to this video and ask an adult to help you use different objects to make up 10.
We were learning all about time when we were in class so ask an adult to help you read a clock in your home to o’clock, or use this clock to practice making o’clock: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock
P2 – remember to keep practicing your mental maths by practicing number bonds and simple adding sums. Hit the button is a great way to practice this: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Have a look at your dice addition game – can you challenge someone in your house and see how many sums you can do in 5 minutes?
We were learning all about time when we were in class so ask an adult to help you read a clock in your home to o’clock and half past, or use this clock to practice making o’clock and half past: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock
I have allocated new tasks on Sum Dog for each pupil so log in using the details attached to your home learning packs.
Other Curricular Areas
Mrs Hill has created a grid of ideas for you to work through.
We would be exploring our new topic of Pets and Vets in class just now. Choose your favourite animal and ask an adult to help you find 5 facts about this animal. Draw a nice picture of it once you are finished.