Miss Lee’s Groups

Hello to everyone that is in my literacy, numeracy and wellbeing groups. I have really enjoyed finding out how you are all doing over the last few days and what sort of things you have been up to. I thought it would be helpful to set a few wee tasks that you could try at home if you are needing something else to do. Parents and carers, please note these are just suggestions for your children. Please don’t feel under pressure to do them the most important thing is that you are all well and happy.


Bug Club – All of the pupils have had new books added so that they have some new books to read.

Name 5 Things Challenge – This is a game that you can play in the house to practice using nouns. We had been doing some work on this in school last term.  Can you name 5 things that …….

  • Smell nice
  • Feel soft
  • That sound nice
  • That are shaped like circles
  • That taste sweet

You could write your answers down on the whiteboards that came home with you or collect the items together and organise them into groups.

Writing – Pupils could practice writing out the alphabet in small and capital letters pairing the letters with one another as they are writing it out i.e. Aa, Bb, Cc…..  This could be done on their whiteboards or their alphabet sheets in their packs, on post it notes or big sheets of paper. Have fun doing it using pens, crayons, pencils try to make it as colourful as you can.



Outdoor Maths Challenge – If you go for a walk this week see if you can find the following things on your walk.

  • Find 8 leaves
  • Find 5 stones
  • Use twigs to make a triangle.
  • Look for different objects that have a circle in them i.e. the wheels on a bike
  • Find 3 different kinds of minibeast.

Days of the Week Challenge – Can you write out the seven days of the week and then try to do the following tasks.

  • What day is after Thursday?
  • What day is before Wednesday?
  • What day comes before Saturday?
  • Which day comes after Monday?
  • What day is it 2 days after Tuesday?
  • What day is it 3 days before Monday?
  • Which day comes before Thursday?
  • What day is it 2 days after Friday?


Don’t forget you have Sumdog that you can log into to use for maths and also there is Topmarks. There are lots of other websites suggested on the sheets that we sent home in March as well.


Something Else To Try

The Wellbeing group that spend time with me when assemblies are taking place have enjoyed doing some cooking and baking with me. I thought you might like to try some of the recipes that we have tried. First up are pancakes, this is particular favourite in our house.

8oz flour
3oz caster sugar
1tspn Bicarbonate Soda
2tspns Cream of Tartar
Pinch of salt
1desertspoon vegetable oil
2 large eggs
Half pint of milk


Put all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix together until you have a smooth mixture. Gently heat up a frying pan.  Carefully put a spoonful of the batter in the frying pan and let it cook until there are bubbles popping in the batter. This is the point at which it is ready to turn. Flip the pancake over and cook for another minute or so. Once you are happy they are cooked lift them out of the pan and let them cool on a cooling rack.


I hope you are doing well this week. Take care and stay safe.

Love Miss Lee