SLC 2 Home learning week beg 20th April

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed doing nice things with your family.

Below are a few ideas of activities you can complete for this week for the children in Mrs Blaney’s literacy and numeracy groups (the children should know who they work with). Please feel free to complete these activities even if you are not in my group.

Literacy ✍

  • Make alphabet cards with spare paper you have. Can you place the letters in alphabetical order? Ask an adult to help you find sounds that words around your home begin with.
  • Use the letters to make simple words with the middle sounds  -a- and -e-    e.g. cat, fat, bed,net etc. How many words can you make?
  • Think about things you have done over the Easter holiday. Did you go a nice walk and see signs of Spring? What was your favourite Easter egg? What games have you played in your garden? Ask an adult to help you write a few sentences and try and spell some of the words by yourself . Draw a picture that matches your writing.
  • Please log on to Bug Club a few times throughout the week and enjoy listening to and reading stories (password and details are in your pack).

Numeracy 🔢

Group 1 (children working on numbers to 100, addition and subtraction using a number line)

  • Do you have playing cards or a set of dice? Use these to make addition sums and calculate the answer using a number line. If you want, try and work out the answer without using the number line! Can you make sums where you add a 1 digit number to a 2 digit number e.g 23+6=
  • Use the topmarks website and play some of the addition games on this page.
  • You have a blank laminated squared grid in your pack. Use the grid and write all numbers from 1-100 on it. Ask someone to say numbers between 1-100 and find and circle them on your grid.


Group 2  (children working on 3 and 4 digit numbers, addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers and multiplication)

  • Write out the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Play bingo with someone in your house and write down 6 answers to each of the tables then get an adult to read out the sums e.g 2 times table answers and ask sums from the 2 times table
  • Challenge yourself by using playing cards or dice and make up your own multiplication sums. Can you work out the answer using some of the ways we have practised in class?
  • Use the topmarks website and play some of the multiplication games; hit the button is one of the best!
  • Ask someone in your house to help you write 3 digit numbers. Can you write the number before or after? Can you write the number that comes between 2 numbers?

Fun for all SLC 2 children

  • When you go on your daily walk look for signs of Spring all around you. If it is possible can you collect items from your walk to make a spring picture? You can also draw, paint or use chalk to make your picture.
  • Baking is great fun!! What about making chocolate crispie nests with an adult that all of your family can enjoy eating?🧁
  • This is a great time to learn new things!! If you cant already do so then why not learn to tie your own shoelaces?? 😉


Please remember that the activities listed are just a suggestion. It is important that you and your family stay safe and look after one another. I hope you all have a lovely week and the sun continues to shine 🌞

Take care,

Mrs Blaney xx

One thought on “SLC 2 Home learning week beg 20th April”

  1. I went into bug club but theres nothing on it for lennon. Coukd you out something on for him pkease when yoyve a minute. No rush lol thanks
    Jane x

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