Primary 3/4 – Home Learning – Week Beginning 6 April

Hello Primary 3/4!
I hope that you are all okay and staying safe and happy at home. Happy Easter! I hope that you all have a lovely Easter. I am sure you will have a great time with your families and be sure to be eating lots of Easter chocolate!
Here are a few wee ideas that you might wish to try out during the Easter break:
• Design and create an Easter card for someone in your family. You could look on google images for some design ideas and inspiration. When you’re on your daily walk, you could post the card to somebody in your family who you don’t live with.

• Easter and Spring are the times of new beginnings. Draw a Spring themed picture – how many things linked to Spring/Easter can you think of?

• Easter Baking with an adult – you could help to measure out and weigh the ingredients then have lots of fun decorating the biscuits/cakes. Don’t forget the best part – eating them! Yum!

• This website has a list of different simple recipes and ideas. Perhaps you could try one or two.

• is a great YouTube video with 7 different ideas for Easter Crafts that you can try.

Take care of yourself and each other and I hope to see you when we can,
From Mrs Hastings x

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