Castle Douglas Primary and Early Learning and Childcare Centre

This is my school and I love it here!

Our Weekly News – March 22nd


Our Weekly School News – Sharing our learning with the School Community.

School News

Thank you to P2 and P2/3 for sharing their Comic Relief assembly last week. Our brightly coloured clothing day and sale of red noses raised a fabulous £656.

Well done to our Pupils of the Month chosen by their classes.

Ethan, Brodie, Floyd, Maisy-Leigh, Amber, Jazmine, Leo, Freya, Finlay, Jessica, Lois and Abi, Miriam, Rory T.

This month’s reasons include being kind and helpful. working extra hard to improve their maths and language (reading and writing) skills and for creativity with art and crafts.

(We try our very best to upload a weekly post for each class but this is sometimes not always possible. Please have a read and a chat about what some of our classes have been up to this week. )

Primary 1a 

We have had a very exciting week, engaging in lots of lovely activities to do with our Bear topic. 

Last Friday, we welcomed lots of family and friends to our Teddy Bears Picnic. We had a lovely time sharing our food and eventually getting outside into the nature garden. We love going outside in all weathers! 

Ollie: I liked playing outside and Mum watching. 
Miley: I liked when we had our lunch inside because it was not that good weather. But then it got better and we went out again. 
Kaci: I liked all about playing outside. I went in the mud. 
Kendyl: We sat on the bench and saw the view. 

On Wednesday, Ted went missing from our class! He left us a note in his diary telling us he had gone on an adventure! We decided to make ‘Wanted’ posters to help us find him. We had to describe what he looked like and what he liked to do. 

Skye: I said Ted was cheeky! 
Lexi: I wrote Ted was kind. 
Amelia: I said he was handsome! 

We had a wonderful time yesterday on our Bear Hunt to the Doach Woods. We followed the trail of porridge that Ted and Ben left us. It was quite a steep climb but we all managed it! Thank you to all parents who came along. 

Lola: We were building bear houses! Bear dens 
Ethan: We found Ted! He was in the trees with Ben. 
Iris: I liked when I saw the porridge oats. 
Murry: I liked making the bear caves because we found lots of moss for the couch. 

Our Homework Challenge of Creating a Bear Den is still ongoing. Please check the slip given for details. We made dens in the woods on Thursday so hopefully you’ll have some more brilliant ideas to add to your project!

Primary 1b 

We’re going on a bear hunt, we’re going to catch a big one, what a beautiful day, we’re not scared! 

So…….. this week Ben and Ted took themselves off for an adventure without telling us where they had gone! We made ‘Wanted’ posters and stuck them up around the school asking if anyone had seen them. We arrived at the Doach Woods on Thursday morning and Mr Tyson told us he had received a selfie from the 2 bears! We then went on a bear hunt, following the porridge clues, looking for the bears. We found them – in a tree!  

Mya: “we we’ve been on a bus and we been hunting for Ted and Ben and building bear dens.” 
Beth: “We done yoga” “We went on a bear hunt and the boys were trying to get faster and I was guarding.” 
Ellie: “I loved finding Ben” “I love Ben.” 
Ziya: “We been finding porridge at the woods and we found the 2 bears.”
Angus: “I liked building a den with Ben at the woods.” 
Zane: “I liked going on a bear hunt with everyone” “I liked doing the actions when we done it on Wednesday.” 

Conall: “I like doing stuff with Eddie” “We’ve got a football tournament this weekend – it’s a kinda football match thing.” 
Brodie: “I like making boats – testing them if they float.” 
Joshua: “I like playing with Zach, Elliot and Ziya – Avengers.”
“I like playing lego with Conall.” 
Max: “I like building towers.” 

We are pleased to have Ben the bear back as we love playing with him at school. 

Well done to Brodie our Pupil of the Month. 

Our Homework Challenge of Creating a Bear Den is still ongoing. Please check the slip given for details. We made dens in the woods on Thursday so hopefully you’ll have some more brilliant ideas to add to your project! 


Primary 2 

This week we have been learning about o’clock and half pasts.  
“On a digital watch half past is the number 30” – Leigha 

We had an interesting and fun time at Threave Gardens this week. James, the Ranger, was helping us to find out more about nocturnal animals. Nocturnal means that the animal sleeps during the day and comes out at night. 

We made a list of nocturnal animals – owl, Badger, hedgehogs, foxes and frogs. Bears and raccoons are also nocturnal but they don’t live in Scotland. 

We also found out that bats live in tiny holes and they hunt for food when it is dark. 

Frankie – “We wrote our about visit for our Big Writing this week.”


Primary 3

Primary 3 are very excited that we now have froglets! The boys and girls have been writing lovely stories to the froglets and are doing a great job of caring for them.

This week in Art we started to design and create our own Fairy houses for our enchanted forest.

In maths we are learning to divide using our knowledge of our times tables to help us. We are finding this math’s concept rather tricky and we are using our times table dances to help us.


Extra tickets are available for the Easter Show from the school office.

Please bring in your costume for the Easter show in by Wednesday 27.3.19 in bag that is clearly labelled.


Primary 4

We have now added lots of musical instruments and some costumes to our Spring Singalong performance. We are all looking and sounding fantastic! This week we have been focusing on moving on and off stage and the ribbon dancers have been perfecting their routine. P4 have been learning their song lyrics at home.

We have been peer-assessing our Viking writing, learning to give helpful feedback to our classmates as well as identifying where they need to improve. We have also been learning all about the moon landings as we are going to be writing a newspaper report about them next Wednesday.

In maths we have been using interactive games on the board to explore pictograms and tally charts. We went on to gather information through questioning in organised ways, recording and displaying our findings.

Wider Achievement

Sam won a medal in Cumbernauld at Strathkelvin Judo Club, he won two of his fights.

Lexi and Kacie went to Dansarena in Ayr to take their ballet exam. They were both nervous on the day but are pleased with their performances. Well done girls!

Extra tickets are available for the show from the school office.

Please bring your costume for the show by Wednesday 27.3.19 in bag that is clearly labelled.


Primary 4/5

This week we have been presenting our landmark homework projects, to the rest of the class.
Seth – I was a little scared when I was just beginning but then I got used to it.
Leo – At the start I thought I was going to be nervous, but then I wasn’t.
Callum – I was worried that I would make a mistake but now I have done it, it was okay.
Darragh – I learned how to show good expression in my voice.
Hugo – To make a good presentation you need to try and speak clearly.
Charlotte – You have to look at your audience when presenting to the class.

Have a look at the school Facebook page to see some pictures of our presentations. Mrs Findlay was so impressed with the standard of work. Everyone has made such an effort. Thanks to parents for helping at home. Lots of shared learning has gone on and it’s great to see.

Wider Achievement
Maxi – I was awarded my chef badge at Cubs. I made caramel tart and Italian pasta.
Callum – I climbed a tree at a Cubs day out.
Lhylaijana – I have learned how to baton twirl.
Alexander – I was awarded my chef badge at Cubs. I made plum tart.
Charlotte – I have learned how to play the piano with both hands at the same time.

Children should remember to bring their PE kit in on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please also remember Stena Trip payments can be made daily/weekly if desired. Please send in consent forms as soon as possible so that parent helpers can be organised.

Primary 5

In class we have been researching more about Mary Queen of Scots and imagining what it would be like to go back in time to the year 1561 when Mary returned to Scotland. We are writing this adventure in the style of a comic strip.

In gymnastics we have practised balancing and learned many different types of balances in pairs. We were also aiming to have a straight back and hold the pose for at least three seconds.

For Big Writing we have almost finished planning for our assessment and have taken these home to finish off our draft reports.

We have continued to enjoy our music workshop with Ruth who is teaching us to sing and use the ukulele.

On Friday we are emailing authors, illustrators and Katherine Johnson to ask them questions about books and science.

Wider Achievement
Well done to Holly who moved up to SS4 group at swimming!

Any disco money please send this in with your child at your earliest convenience.

Please can children remember to keep taking their Big Writing booklets with them to school each day and especially on Wednesday 27th March which is the date of our assessment.


Primary 5/6

Please see our Twitter feed for our class news


Primary 6

We have had another busy week in Primary 6. Here are some of the highlights!

In maths we have been learning about symmetry – Jake liked using the mirrors. Seren and Molly enjoyed putting symmetry into their gymnastic routines. Mylie used her IT skills to make a symmetry poster. Carlie, Lexi and Tyler have been working hard on their mental maths – multiplying by 10 and 100.

We have continued with our science challenges – Lacy is looking forward to carrying on with the space buggy challenge and the whole class have had fun with balloon rockets – successes and failures!

Ryan has enjoyed French this week. He can tell you all about the body parts – en francais!

Well done to Teigan who has earned 7000 tokens on the Reading Wise Programme.

Rhianna can tell you all about longitude and latitude and Emily can explain the 8 points of the compass.

Wider achievements

Meghan, Ellie and Lois have been in Ayr for their ballets exams. Well done!

Tomas touched a snake for the first time!

Primary 7

In maths we have been adding, taking away and multiplying fractions. I think I managed quite well. I did quite well on my test.

Andrew A – In art we drew the Taj Mahal. I learned that it was built in 1632 and finished in 1653. It took 21 years to build!

Rory T – In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about the risks of abusing alcohol. I learned that you had to be 18 to buy alcohol.

Isla L – In P.E we have been continuing with our gymnastics block. This week we focused on Jumping.

Jayden – I really enjoyed lunchtime football this week. We were doing shooting drills.

Cameron – In writing groups this week we had to write a persuasive piece to say why we were most deserving of the chocolate eggs Mrs Carlyle brought in.

Sam – When reading my info trail book I learned that evacuees in WW2 had to wear identity tags to say where they were from and who they were.

We are very proud that we achieved our Accelerated Reader targets this week – Isla A, Andrew D and Elise.

Well done to Elise for winning the Dojo points and to Connor for coming second.

Well done to Rory T for being awarded Pupil of the Month at Friday’s achievement assembly.

Pupils are expected to be at 90% towards their Accelerated Reader target this week.








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