My name is Miss McDonald and I am the Primary 5/6 teacher this year.
To see some of our work visit:
https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/jGlqbaY1OSvxA Learning about the Rainforest in Term 3
https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/Mg6xQ3lus0qvE Poster Designs Anti-Bullying Week
https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/9HNAmUlhtZuwW Poster Designs Road Safety Week
Reading homework is given each week to do at home and is written in the homework diary. Completing this will mean children can contribute to the activities they do with their group in class. Please bring your homework diary every day to class along with your reading book.
Homework jotters have been provided to use at home. Spelling Words are written in homework jotters each week. Bring homework jotters in each Friday for me to see completed homework in class.
Please practise all of the times tables on a regular basis and work on related division tables. The Daily Ten on Top Marks is a great place to start. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
Accelerated Reading
Books can be read at home and you are welcome to see if they are on Accelerated Reader and do a test. Click on the following to access the page. Accelerated Reading