We’re past half way through with our Garageband Project. What’s it all about? Listen to these podcasts to find out more.
Tag: project
The Boy and the Bunnet by Ellie and Emily
Here is another telling of The Boy and the Bunnet, this time by Ellie and Emily, enjoy:
If the embedded video doesn’t appear below click here.
[kml_flashembed movie="https://www.youtube.com/v/SQUhBRijWNI" width="480" height="270" allowfullscreen="true" /]
The Boy and the Bunnet
Here is a sneaky peak at some of our art work work from The Boy and the Bunnet. We used water colour and ink.
Owl and Pussycat
Salmon Visit
Mr & Mrs Simpson had a salmon delivered, which they kindly allowed to take a detour via our class.
We were able to have a look and touch which always brings learning to life. Sandy’s now eaten it, he said it was yum.
Collecting Stones and Changing Water
Here are some pictures of P4-7 changing the water in the hatching tank and also on the hunt for locally sourced river stones. Fortunately, the River Annan has plenty of stones that we could borrow for our newly hatched fish, alevins, to hide below.
Salmon Lifecycle Homework Presentations
Some more of our project homework, which was presented to the class.
P4-7 Homework
Some of our project homework set earlier in the term.