Chapter 12 and a couple of ideas

Here’s Chapter 12 of ‘A Stranger Came Ashore’ for those interested.

Otherwise for anyone who is needing something to do, I’ve been very busy over the last wee while with the Commonwealth Games and also with the garden. So to match up with those two, here are couple of things to keep you busy:

  • Pick a  Commonwealth country, find out as much as you can about them and present them in an interesting way.
  • Maybe you visited the games in Glasgow (or you can imagine if you didn’t); write a report or story about it
  • Using an old shoe box or similar, design your own garden. Use bits and bobs from the house, nothing new, like below

Summer Holidays

Hope everyone is enjoying the summer holidays and not reading this blog.

If you are reading this however, then I’m going to post some stuff over the next couple of weeks. I’ve got a few pics from over the last term to post and also some reading to upload on Sound Cloud for anyone interested to hear the end of  ‘A Stranger Came Ashore’.

Without further a do, here’s a link to the next chapter, Chapter 10.

Also, to brighten up this post, here’s a pic of our girl’s netball team who came runners up in the small schools competition, well done girls!


Above is a story about us in the Dumfries and Galloway Standard.

We also got some feedback from the Scottish Education Award Judges which we are allowed to share below.

Well done again to everyone involved and also to those mentioned below:

Dear Mr Archibald,

We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you and the Brydekirk team for today. We really appreciate the hard work and time that everyone put in to making us feel so welcome. We were all struck by the enthusiasm and confidence of everyone we spoke to. Please pass on our thanks to the parents who took the time to come and talk to us today too. It really helped to give us a rounded understanding of everyone’s perspective.

It was good to get a chance to speak to Marion and Deidre about their perspective on the iCoffee events. And a great problem solving opportunity for Mhari, Lexi and Emily who came up with a fantastic solution to the Peppa Pig problem- very good thinking girls!

We were very impressed by the range of apps that the children explained to us clearly- we all learned lots, thank you (but we still think Martyn learned most)! It was really helpful to be able to see the apps in action and gave us a clear idea about how having the iPads is making your learning better. It was really useful to show us examples of what you had been doing as well as explaining it to us.

The writing you did around ‘A Christmas Carol’ really blew us away. Duncan, thank you for explaining the process to us and you dealt really well with having a shorter amount of time than you planned for too. The effort and hard work you all put into the project is amazing. We will definitely look out for the blog post.

Sandy did a great job of summing up the benefits of having access to technology in its many forms at the end and coped brilliantly under time pressure. I certainly don’t envy you Mr Archibald in having to decide who comes along to the awards ceremony in June. That will be a tough decision but I’m sure the children will help.

Finally Mr Archibald, special thanks to you. We all appreciate how busy a teacher’s job is and we are very grateful for the time you have taken to prepare for the visit and coordinate the range of people we spoke to.

Best wishes

Alison, Martyn and Tony

Drama and judging on a Friday

Here are some pictures of our Drama Club making use of the new stage and storytelling chair, which we bought with Lottery funding.
On another note thanks to all pupils, parents, community members and staff who shared our learning with the three judges from the Scottish Education Awards, you were all great. We now need to wait until June the 10th to find out the result.

Earth, Sun and Moon

Here are our animations explaining about the Earth, Sun and Moon:

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[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”480″ height=”270″ allowfullscreen=”true” /]

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[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”480″ height=”270″ allowfullscreen=”true” /]

Cross Stitch

Every Monday afternoon we would go and get our Teacher Mrs Mann to come into our class and help or teach us how to cross stitch. We have a girl in our class called Saskia and she was amazing at cross stitch and so she helped other people and can still do her own. We all started of doing a cross stitch bookmark where as soon as you were finished you were to go and ask to make something like a frog witch a lot of people did. Some of us did flags or dogs ect. Some of us kept getting in an knot.

Easter Holiday

I hope everyone is enjoying a break over the Easter holiday.

If anyone is looking for something to do:

  • find out about the surnames in your family and where they came from
  • do something about a book you have read, for example a book review, book jacket, comic etc.
  • find out more about Scottish history from the last 1,000 years
  • create something to do with Easter and what happened to Jesus
  • write a poem, story or report about something that you have been doing
  • do something about anything
  • or anything about something

Don’t eat too much chocolate and enjoy the rest of your break.

Mr Archibald

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